
Beginning of Chaos!

A starry night sky and the bright moon hung above a sprawling city, illuminating it with a baptism of moonlight and starlight. Stone walls ran around the city, protecting it. Smaller stone walls cut through the city as well, dividing the city into sectors of poor and rich.

In the center, was a palace that projected out majestically, showing all within the city just where the person in charge lived.

The beautiful architecture was not diminished by night, as torchlight lit up the structure, turning it into a beacon within the cold night sky.

The only sounds within the night were coming from the palace, footfalls of heavily armored soldiers whom carefully patrolled the entirety of the grounds, trying not to leave any exploitable gaps in the perimeter.

Within that heavily guarded fortress, inside a small room, was an ethereal woman who moved with grace as she changed clothes, putting on a uniform that would be worn by the maids of the palace. Her waist-long pitch-black hair contrasted against her pale-white skin as it glided through the air, while a strange blood-red glow flickered within her brownish-red eyes.

The dark room was illuminated by a singular candle which flickered in the cold air, giving the tiny space an eerie feel.

As she changed, she was speaking to herself within her mind, as if there were an audience, though, in reality, she was giving herself the motivation to carry on.

'My name is Sariel, and I am human- no I was human, now I am something… more. The earliest memories I have are of pain. Pain from being bound and helpless, agony from incisions all over my body, suffering from tentacles rummaging around my internals. That all faded, however, and I soon felt better than ever.'

After finishing with putting on the maid outfit, she checked herself over for any issues before walking toward the door, her graceful movements quickly turning into posture made by those who serve by the time she reached the exit.

Upon opening the door, moonlight flooded into the room, revealing a naked woman, barely covered by a single white sheet, lying on a bed inside the room. A blissful smile adorned her face as she slept peacefully, oblivious to the bite-mark on her neck.

Sariel never gave the woman a single glance while she was changing, or now either, as she walked straight out into the cold night, and moved deeper into the palace.


As she traveled silently through the palaces' hallways and outdoor walkways, she somehow avoided the majority of guards, while any guards she couldn't avoid were spell-bound by her ethereal beauty as she smiled at them, pretending to be a maid.

Every so often, she stopped, and her gaze seemed to leave her, as she stared into thin air. During these times blackened rats could be seen scampering around, in and out of holes deep within the palace interior.

'The experimentation turned me in a kind of hybrid-human giving me abilities of the Deep Ones, such as control over hybrid-demons, or the subconscious connection to the species network; all of this encased within the shell of a human body.'

'That was their goal, and they achieved it… somewhat. What they did not expect, however, was for my human part to awaken me as a Witch, and not just any Witch, but a twisted one. The power changed me, turned me into something far more than humans could ever hope to be. But alas, I'm the sole existence of my new species, and there is not a lot one can do alone.'

With the rat guides and her beguiling charm, she either avoided or mesmerized the guards on her way to her objective, which she now stood in front of; the King's chambers.

Walking into the expansive room, she looked upon a royally large bed, on top of which was her target. An old man, the King of Greycastle.

'The ability I gained upon my successful Witch Awakening, was what I named Blood Manipulation. I gained control over both my own and others' blood. I can, of course, use it in many offensive and defensive ways, but my favorite way, is using it for... authority.'

'Oh, how my masters would be impressed!' A brief sneer flashed through her now blood-red eyes.

She bowed and moved closer through the room, toward the man sitting on the bed. "I am here to serve you tonight, your majesty."

Upon standing in front of the old man, she whispered into his ear, "Or should I say… Miss Church Witch."

A look of horror morphed onto the face of the 'man' as a sneering Sariel used strength, far beyond what a human would be capable of, to pin 'him' down on the bed, "Shhhh, it will all be over soon." and sank twin ivory-white fangs into 'his' neck.

'Sent by my masters' to watch over the human race, I will cause turmoil for the Church, turning the world against them, and from out of the rubble, I will obtain humanities' fragment of Divine Will.'

'Years of investigating, years of planning, and years of acquiring pawns all over human territory. All for my mission; the reason for my existence.'

'The Church of these lands is an overlord existence, and the masses don't even realize it. It feels like it is my sworn duty to reveal the Church for what they truly are to the little humans. They don't need to know about the reasons why they do what they do- no even if they did, they wouldn't care. All they need to do is fight the Church, for they believe it to be evil.'

Sariel let go of the convulsing 'king' as she wiped her mouth with the back of her pale white hand and then licked the blood off of it.

"Even though you're in the disguise of an old man, your blood still tastes as sweet as a virgin's," a satiated smile hung on her face as she watched the 'man' slowly gain a look of recognition.

When the look had fully come over the 'king's' face, 'he' got up off the bed and knelt in obedience in-front of the devilishly beautiful woman, "What is your command, Master?"

Sariel smile widened, "I want you to expose yourself as a church-bred Witch right on the steps of the church and show that you were masquerading as the King. Then you will kill yourself on the spot."

"Ah- also, you will leave these orders on the desk in your office," She took a few papers out from within her bosom and handed them to the 'king'.

Inspecting the papers the 'old man' gasped, "These are copies of the orders I received, signed by Arch-Bishop Mayne! How did you get these, master!?"

Frowning with annoyance, "A pet doesn't need to know such matters, especially one who will die soon, but since I'm in a good mood… they came from an informant within the church whom I am most proud of." Sariel said with pride.

"Now change out of that form and strip, the night is still young, and we have plenty of time to… bond." A sadistic smile crept back onto her face as the 'king' below her morphed into a womanly Witch.


Getting up off the bed naked, Sariel walked over to the division between room-to-balcony and opened the divider, stepping out into the darkness.

Sariel gazed over the balcony, overlooking King's City, her usual sadistic smile adorning her ethereal face, blood staining her lips and dripping onto the cold stone floor, red eyes shining in a bloody glow, midnight-black hair blowing in the night breeze.

'My name is Sariel, and I was an experiment for my masters, the Deep Ones. But I am now their loyal servant.'

'For them, I will cause chaos for the church, for humanity. And from the ashes, I will achieve MY victory!'

Hey readers, thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to read my 2nd Work ever!

As I just stated this is only the 2nd work I have released for public consumption, so I’m still learning, bare with me.

I have a clear beginning (this chapter) and end in my mind already, however, I’m still coming up with just what I want to put in the middle, so if you have suggestions, put it in the comments!

Chapter will be random.

See you next chapter!

Effectzcreators' thoughts
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