
A not so normal birthday?

A silver line pierced my vision. I feel a hand on my back and my head. The light grows brightly and strange beeping noises start to pierce my ears like a needle in a constant rhythm. The beeping grows faster and faster.

"We're losing her!" I hear a man say, I feel another pair of hands underneath me. The beeping noises grow faster.

"CLEAR," a veil of black starts to cover my vision. A clear echo of crackling enters my ears before my vision goes black.

The same silver line crawls into my view. I open my eyes slowly and the chime of the churches bell could be heard. I turn my head to the left and stare at the cross on the wall next to a framed verse from our Sacred Tome, "Give the poor man food and have a friend for life."

I start to lean up, I feel a cold and creeping feeling going down my face. Was I crying in my sleep? Well, it wasn't unusual. I've had my share of bad dreams, but I couldn't remember what happened this time.

"What day is today?" I thought as I looked to the window. A bright angelic hue of light pierced my room. I step towards the shining ray and peer out of my window the the colorful courtyard.

It was a squared area with vibrant green trees in each corner with a cross erected in the middle. Gravel paths marked the traveling lanes the priests would use to cross. There were a few benches littered about with priests sitting and reading The Book.

*knock, knock, knock*

I turn to the door as the door creaks open. Crain opened the door. He is an older man with liver spots showing on his head. He has always had a robe to cover his frail-ish body, so I believe he's in his early 80s now. He found me in the streets when I was young and took me in to this church.

"Good morning Oliver! Breakfast is ready in the dining hall if you wish to join me"

"Morning Dad," I reply while walking towards him.

"Did you sleep okay? I see that your face is red. Did you have the dream again?"

I could see the concern spattered in his facial expression. He's never been able to hide it from me.

"I did but I'm okay... I can't even remember what it was about," I grab my robe and cover myself as he opens the door for me to walkthrough.

"Oh! By the way Oliver, I know your 18th birthday is today, but can you help me with something?" His eyes twinkle with excitement at his words.

"What do you... need me to do?" I reply with a little yawn in between my words.

On every priests 18th birthday, their mentor takes them to the Hall of Trials for their first trial.

"You'll see!" Crain grins ear to ear as his pace quickens slightly to the end of the hall.

We eventually make it to the dining hall where there are tables laid out in pew-like fashion. He leads me to a table with two trays next to each other with food on each.

In the center of the tray was fluffy yellow and white eggs with pieces of red pepper dispersed throughout. To the left of it was a bright red apple that looks like it was picked this morning. To the right was a sausage link with a stripe of gristle running down it. The aroma pierced my nose and I started to drool.

Crain sat in front of his tray and patted the bench next to him, beaconing me over. I sit down next to him and we bow our heads. Crain blesses the food and we dig in.

After a bit of time to let the food settle, Crain looks in my direction with the biggest grin his wrinkly face could manage.

"You ready?" He inquired excitedly.

"As I'll ever be," I say in a hushed tone.

"Ok then let's go for your first trial. You know your friends are there waiting on you..." Crain said through his smile.

"Really?! Let's go then!"

With a new skip in my step, we make our way to the center of the temple to meet up with my friends.

We make our way through the temple passing priest after priest as I try to keep up with the spry old Crain. I have to almost jog to keep up with him.

After 10 minutes of speed walking, we arrive to 2 open doors covered in a green design with what looked like runes etched into the double doors.

The runes have always interested me, but Crain would always tell me to wait until my 18th birthday before he could tell me about them.

Through the crack I spotted my two friends who grew up with me in the temple. A red haired giant with a few sprouts of a beard on his face and a semi-muscular build. His name was Wallace. Next to him was a smaller boy with Golden long hair that reached to his shoulders. A clean-shaven face with bright blue eyes that could see through you. His name was Brent.

They both look at me with bright smiles. They run up to me in an excited rush.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They y'all at the same time.

"Isn't it a little loud for this early in the morning?" I sarcastically ask with a chuckle.

"Never to early for you," Wallace replied.

"Let's get this party started then!" Brent chimed in.

I look throughout the room. There were weapons ranging from bows and arrows to gauntlets to broad axes.

"What are those for?" I ask Crain while pointing at the different weapons.

"They're for your trial," he says excitedly.

A confused expression washes over my face.

What do I need them for? I thought.

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