
Chapter 28


Glancing at the clock as I walk through my front door, I sigh heavily. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing these long nights and early mornings. It's been rough throughout the first ten weeks of my pregnancy so far, but I have a feeling it's going to get worse the further along I get.  

Coming home to an empty house used to be so sad. Lately, I've found that I enjoy it and I'm savoring it more than I ever have before. I'm acutely aware that in a few months there will be someone with me at all times. My days and nights will no longer be just mine. They'll be shared with another human being who will rely on me for every single bit of their care and love. It's daunting, but at the same time, it's a dream—one that's about to come true.

As I walk through my small home, turning on all the lights and plugging in my Christmas tree, my thoughts turn to Cal.