
The blessing of the demon in the corrupted world(GL)

Gonna continue after a lil break.Sr for all. What happen when the world turn thier back on you . It is the case in this story of life in the body that shall be name Ella. She being betrayed by everyone she know and then when she at her lowest she come whispering sweet darkness into her ear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I shall continue to write the story because i really want to try writing. Pls help me my grammar and english suck because it not my first language so pls tell me if the quality if too bad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also this picture is from Pinterest so if you the owner and you want me to take it down i will fo so and here is the link to the artist :https://pin.it/65DS1Xe

Ruikine · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Daily Life

It been a month since that incident with Kevin.I got scold by Luna's for engaging with someone so dangerous while my relationship with Abagail was now kinda alright, she talk to me once in awhile and sometimes come to me makings an innocent face pleading for some pleasure.Luna's been teaching me some magic and like that one time I use my blood to make some knife, I thought it was really awesome that I make a dozen more to be use with my telepathy to hunt some animal.

"Hey Ella you been spacing out lately is everything ok?"

"Oh it nothing Abagail it just I never think that I ever got this life,like living with a demon in my house,doing breakfast and laundry with them."

Abagail hug me from behind"You know I like you right?"

"Yea why bring that up now?"

"You never say it so I just gonna say it,did you love me back?"

I turn my head to look at Abagail dumbfounded at the question.

"You dummy of course I love you back but would you mind sharing me with Luna's?"

"If course,if it was for you I would be happy to but the problem was Luna's".

"Should I tell her about it?"

"Dont worry about it I think a way to talk to her about it, just you wait and even if you want to, she wasn't home".

I left to go to bed after giving Abagail a kiss.When I was laying down I heard someone calling me when I look up it was Thea.

"Ella why....why... why you reject our beauty, you supposed to be the one to end the war but you make thing more complicated, did you realize a lot of people will die because of your action".

"Die? I never think this thing gonna go that far, please is there a way to stop all this I didn't mean to hurt anyone so please tell me what to do".

She look at while giving of the biggest smile possible."Of course you were never want people to hurt,look at you sweet and beautiful flower.I know you didn't mean to join them they must have terrify you to submitting".

"Yes I was being forced to do it please help me".Then I crack a smile shortly after that I laugh.

"Why you laughing?"

"Oh nothing just someone show me lowest level of stupidity while I am trying to sleep, maybe that why"

"How dare you mortal mock me".

I make a knife then launch it to the air and when it was hitting Thea she vanish into the air.

"People are mad huh, well I not gonna care anymore if people gonna bleed let them be.

I close my eyes with a knife in hand and fall asleep quickly.