
The Black Flames of Destruction

Izuku Midoriya. A quirkless child who wants to be a hero. Even though people had their doubts about him, he never gave up. His childhood friend turned bully would torment him every time they met, with insults to physical pain. He was treated like trash, yet his passion to be a hero never wavered. The three most important person in his life has their faith in him, and that alone made the fire in his heart to be a hero even stronger. He wants to prove to everyone that a person in the lowest hierarchy in society can be great. A quirkless person can be a hero if they try hard enough and never give up. He wants to be the first quirkless hero. Or so he thought that he was quirkless and had no 'special power' whatsoever. He is in fact, the reincarnation of a being so powerful that his power can destroy the universe itself. What is this being you say? Akuma, The God of Destruction. But with that, comes great suffering. BNHA is owned by Kohei Horikoshi Every other reference I mentioned is also owned by their respective owners. -Credits to avery_aldini on Wattpad for editing and making the cover look better!-

hoov · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Ch. 3: Black Demon

(A/N: WARNING! This chapter has a bit of smut in it. It has an important role in the story moving forward, but the act itself isn't. So you guys who are uncomfy with smut scenes can skip it because I left a reminder of when the smut starts and ends.

enjoy the chapter!)


3rd Person POV

Toshinori was anxious, pacing back and forth impatiently inside of the hospital's waiting room waiting for the doctor to come and tell him what in God's name was going on. Izuku was supposed to manifest his 'quirk' when he was four, so why was it manifesting at that time?

So many questions raced through his head. How did he survive being impaled and crushed by a building, and being COMPLETELY unscathed like nothing even happened in the first place? What were those black aura and grey flames? Why did the fire not generate heat? How in the world did he cause such destruction? and most importantly, What IS his quirk?

He rubbed his chin in a thinking position and began to have a muttering session, a habit he took from his son, which creeped out some of the hospital inhabitants that crossed paths with him. His thought process was interrupted when Inko came running up to her husband and tackled him to a hug as she bawled her eyes out into his chest.

"Toshi! Wh-where is he?! How is he?! I-is he okay?!" She asked frantically, shaking his shoulder back and forth at blinding speed, worried sick about what happened to her son. Toshinori put his hands on her shoulders, stopping her from making him vomit his breakfast.

"I...I don't...I don't really know Inko...I'm waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us, but there's something I need you to know." He replied with a serious yet confused tone in his voice that made her even more anxious than before.

"Wh-what is it, Toshi?" She replied, slowly turning her head to face her husband. His sunken, deep sapphire eyes met her bright, teary emerald orbs.

"Izuku...manifested his quirk." Toshinori stated, making her widen her eyes. Time seemed to stop for Inko as if she had heard the most shocking yet confusing thing in the whole world as she stared into his sapphire eyes in absolute confusion. 'Izuku has a quirk? How is it possible? He has no quirk DNA inside of his body...' She thought as she wandered off into space in her own head, thinking of the possible cause of his quirk to develop.

"Did you watch the news an hour ago? About the destruction of The Tatooine Shopping District?" He asked. She tilted her head in confusion on why he brought up that awful incident and slowly nodded. Toshinori sighed deeply and gained a grim expression on his face.

"Izuku was the one who caused it." He said grimly, sending the biggest feeling of terror Inko had ever felt in her life. Izuku? Her baby boy was the one who destroyed The Tatooine Shopping District?

Her breathing became erratic, as her teary eyes shrunken in fear. She put her hands over her mouth as she began to hyperventilate. Seeing this, Toshinori quickly brought her to his chest and tried to soothe her by whispering that it was okay and by rubbing her back. Their moment was interrupted by the doctor approaching them with a troubled expression on his face.

"Mr. Yagi and Mrs. Midoriya, can you both come with me? We have something to show you." The doctor said. His voice was shaky as if he was nervous or even afraid of something.

Toshinori and Inko shared a look, confused on why the doctor was nervous and followed the doctor to Izuku's room.


The sun setting sent a nice feeling of warmth in the hospital room as it shone through the slightly opened curtains and into Izuku's eyes, causing his expression that was once peaceful to turn into one of discomfort. He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the orange light that came from the curtain.

He sat up from his bed and looked around, only to realize that he was in a hospital room wearing hospital clothes. An IV tube was stuck to his left arm, sending substance throughout his blood flow. 'What the hell happened? I'm not dead? If there's an IV tube stuck in my arm, I must've been in a lot of pain, but I don't feel any pain at all...I actually feel thousand times a lot better than I've ever felt before...' He thought while subconsciously muttering to himself, analyzing his condition.

He groaned and stretched his arms up, joints popping sending a satisfying feeling to him. He then got off from his bed and walked to the nearby mirror, dragging the IV pole with him. But what he saw in his reflection was not the 170 cm, green-haired, teenage boy anymore. It was a 180 cm, black-haired, young man.

His face was that of a model, looking even more mature than he was before. His hair was as black as the color itself, with no light capable of reflecting on it. And his pupils were crimson red. He quickly unbuttoned his hospital shirt, revealing his six-pack, godly body. He was already looking like a supermodel before, now he looked like something that even made the gods themselves envious.

He looked at his reflection in shock, finding out that this was not a dream. His jaws comically dropped to the floor and his eyes bulged out of their sockets. 'Dear God...What the fuck happened to me?!' He thought in shock. He frantically looked around the room and found what he was looking for, a calendar and a clock. He rushed to it, knocking down the IV pole in the process. He then looked at the date and hour, only for his eyes to widen as big as dinner plates.


He screamed internally, having a hard time taking all of this in, and started to have a muttering session so intense the word 'mutter' spewed out of his mouth. Suddenly the door opened, revealing the doctor, a distressed Inko Midoriya, and an anxious Toshinori Yagi. They stood at the door, looking around the room searching for their beloved son until their eyes finally landed on the Demonic teen. In an instant, the room fell silent. Izuku quickly buttoned up his shirt again after hearing someone enter the room and looked over to the door only to widen his eyes. He gained a pained expression on his face and gave them a small wave.

"Hey..." He uttered with his voice much huskier than before, surprising all of the people in the room including him.

Seeing his new appearance, Inko gasped and put a hand over her mouth in shock as she began to tear up again. Toshinori was looking at him with wide eyes silently as blood flowed out of his mouth like a river without him noticing it. Izuku slowly walked over to his mom and dad who was currently sobbing to herself, and the other one was silent as a dead night, observing the darkette in shock, and brought them into his tight embrace as he began to sob.

"I-I'm so sorry... I was being reckless and went rushing there all by myself... It's j-just that, I can't live with myself knowing that Ochako was in danger... She had been there with me in every step I made, and I've had always been the damsel in distress, powerless... pathetic... w-weak, waiting for her to save me even though she and I always get beaten up...I finally got the chance to repay her after all this time...And I know that the heroes were going to handle the situation, b-but I just...can't..." He stated, gritting his teeth as his tears continued to flow down his cheeks.

Inko didn't reply and just continued to soothe her beloved son by rubbing his back and stroking the back of his head. She felt her heart ache to see Izuku like this...broken beyond repair after the years of absolute hell brought to him by society.

But Toshinori had a proud smile, seeing Izuku letting out all of the emotions that he saved up all this time. The skeletal man patted the darkette's hair with fatherly love. He then raised Izuku's chin to face him, sad and sorrowful crimson orbs met deep sapphire blue ones as Toshinori began to speak.

"Hero is not just a job. As someone once said, a hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. Hero is a title, given to those who had made themselves an example, an inspiration for others to be better. Heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings. A hero is somebody who is selfless, who is generous in spirit, who just tries to give back as much as possible and help people in any way they can..."

Toshinori then fist-bumped Izuku's forehead and continued.

"And you my boy, were a hero today."

Izuku was dumbfounded as he widened his teary eyes in shock. Even though he had always been motivated and supported by his loved ones, there were always those painful emotions there, hiding inside the deepest parts of his heart, slowly eating away his soul. And after hearing those words that came from his father's mouth, many voices spoke in his head, all of them being every last person who tried to put his dream down and tried to break his spirit.

"It's not gonna happen, kid, so you should give up."

"Midoriya?! A hero?! Stop joking man!"

"Just forget about him...He's just a quirkless delusional muttering idiot who wants to be a hero, pathetic right?!?!"

"When are you gonna give up, you bastard?!?! I'll kill your pathetic ass if you don't!"

"Stupid Deku, always tryna' get in my way!! A hero should never be someone who's quirkless and weak like you!"

"He killed himself because he CLEARLY didn't want his pride to be shattered by the quirkless shit that you are right now!"

"If you want a quirk that badly, take a swan dive off the roof! And pray that you'll get a quirk in your next life!!"

Izuku, finally after all these years, let out all of his anger....all those sorrow and pain that were hiding inside his heart, corrupting his soul and humanity. He let out a great cry full of emotions that only he could feel, and buried his face into the loving embrace of his parents as he wailed, muttering thousands of words of gratitude.

The doctor, who was watching from the sideline, could only look at the scene with a sad smile plastered on his face. It must have been a hard life for the boy if he was releasing this much pain in his reaction.

Izuku cried, cried, and cried until he heard a familiar voice that had always brought him to peace. The voice of the person who had always protected him and supported him all her life. The voice of the woman he loved, that had always lifted his spirit whenever she spoke.


When Izuku heard his name speak up, he left his parent's embrace as he turned to the door and saw none other than the girl he loved, looking at him with tears in her eyes and an expression of shock and confusion plastered on her face. His face contorted to a frown as he remembered the things that happened in the shopping district.

Ochako walked over to the darkette as she opened her arms, inviting him into a hug as he slowly walked over to her and they embraced. Izuku hugged her as lovingly as he could with tears welling up in his eyes, not wanting to let go of her. Meanwhile, Ochako was already bawling her eyes out in his arms with tears of joy dripping down her cheek, hugging the darkette as tightly as she could.

The two stayed like that for about a minute until they finally had enough composure to talk and pulled back from the hug. Izuku looked at Ochako's brown orbs with a loving smile plastered on his face and caressed her cheek, wiping away her tears, much to the surprise of Toshinori and Inko at the intimate act.

"I-it's really you Deku..." Ochako said while pressing her hand on his, wanting to feel her lover's warmth. Izuku chuckled, taking her aback with his husky voice, and stroked her hair with his other hand.

"Yeah, Ochako...And I'm not going anywhere.." Izuku replied. They both leaned closer to each other and gave a loving kiss, not caring about anything at the moment but themselves. Toshinori spurted blood from his mouth in shock, and Inko fainted at the sight. After about a minute of bliss for the darkette and brunette, they separated and gave off a loving smile toward each other. But it all went away when they heard someone muttering grandbabies.

They looked in the direction of the voice and saw Inko laying on the ground facing upwards with her hands stretching out towards the ceiling in a grabbing motion as if she was lifting something. Her eyes were sealed shut, smiling dreamily with drool sticking out of her mouth.

"Grandbabies..." She spoke in her sleep-like state. In an instant, the atmosphere turned upside down. Both Izuku and Ochako exploded in crimson blush, emitting steam like the trains from the 1800s, while Toshinori was bellowing like a madman at the whole situation, seeming to have moved on from the shock.

He then approached the two and brought them in a group hug, trapping them inside of a surprisingly strong iron grip, while still laughing his ass off. They both turned blue from the lack of air, but Toshinori released them in perfect timing.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS TO HAPPEN?!?!" Toshinori shouted while patting his son's back with such force, Izuku's soul nearly came out of his mouth. Meanwhile, Ochako was scratching the back of her head, nervously chuckling at what was happening.

"I just woke up a couple of minutes ago...So please, stop it, dad..." Izuku uttered weakly between slaps. Toshinori stopped what he was doing and gained a proud smile on his face as he ruffled his son's unruly hair.

"But seriously, I'm very proud of you both..." He said towards the two of them, who only smiled kindly as a response. The doctor seeing that it was his chance to explain the situation, coughed, gaining the attention of everybody in the room.

"Please, take a seat. I'll explain what is actually going on." The doctor said. After they were all seated, The doctor turned on the computer and opened Izuku's file. He opened Izuku's DNA percentage and stood in front of everyone with a serious expression on his face.

"Let me get straight to the point. You see...Young Midoriya is an anomaly. He does not suppose to have a quirk." The doctor stated, gaining shocked gasps from everyone in the room. But before things got out of hand, the doctor clasped his palms together in a pleading motion.

"Please, let me explain first." He pleaded. They all nodded in confirmation, gaining a smile of gratitude from him. He then went to the projector screen and pointed at Izuku's DNA percentage.

"Here, it is written that he has 47.5% of his DNA inherited from his father and 52.5% from his mother. But the weird thing that I haven't been able to fully analyze is that there is no quirk DNA inside of his body, but his whole genetic code became altered as if something suddenly activated in his own body. And that genetic alteration became this." The doctor exclaimed while putting on a news clip of The Tatooine Shopping District being decimated in the last part of his explanation.

They all sat there in silence, even though they had witnessed the incident on live TV, it still shook them to the very core when they heard the demonic roar followed by the giant pillar of fire. Izuku in particular was shaking in fear as he felt absolute terror in his soul. 'I...I did that?' He thought to himself in disbelief.

Ochako snapped out of her shocked state and saw that Izuku was visibly shaking. She put her hand on top of his, leaving a finger to not make him float. The darkette looked at Ochako who was giving him a kind smile, reassuring him that everything was fine and that no one was badly hurt. He then gave her a small smile as a response, feeling his fear fade away.

"So young Midoriya, because I can't gather the information of your quirk from your DNA, can you show us what your quirk can do that you can think of right now?" The doctor asked, turning off the video clip. Izuku nodded and clenched his right fist. His crimson eyes began to glow as a black aura coated his fist and grey flames came out of it. 'What is this? It feels like I've had this power all my life...It feels amazing.' He thought amazed while looking at his fist, feeling a surge of information about his 'quirk' entering his mind.

He then walked over to a nearby wall and pointed a finger at it. When the wall came into contact with the finger, Izuku gave a small tap, creating a small crater as big as a tennis ball on the wall in an instant. They all immediately became jaw-dropped in astonishment seeing the raw power of his 'quirk' as Toshinori vomited blood again in shock, Inko was surprisingly silent while gazing intently at the darkette, and Ochako looked at him with amazement clearly plastered all over her face. Just a little tap and a crater formed on the wall? How strong is his quirk? Were the questions that appeared on everybody's amazed minds.

Izuku looked at his fist with wide eyes, his crimson orbs beaming with hope. His 'quirk' was a powerful one, and now his possibility of becoming a hero is higher than ever. He quickly spun around with an excited smirk on his face, facing the jaw-dropped audience in the room.

"Maybe I can do this too!" He said in excitement. He squatted a little, and the black aura appeared on his legs, covering from his calves to his toes. Grey flames burst out from his toes like the flames of a rocket, and blasted him into the air, yanking the IV tube off his left arm while also leaving a little crater on the floor. But milliseconds away before he slammed into the ceiling, he put his arms up and coated both of his hands with his black aura. Grey flames then burst out of his palms and effectively stopped his ascent to the upper floors.

After a second of stabilizing his flame output, he lowered his hands and looked down at the audience who became starstruck again. He gave them an excited smirk and began to fly around the surprisingly large room with moderate speed, agilely avoiding the equipment and furniture in the room while also doing air tricks. He spun around the room a couple of times before he descended to the floor.

'If I can send giant wind pressures like in the video...I must be able to release it in a small amount...' He thought to himself while walking around the room.

"Dad, do you have something disposable with you right now?" The darkette asked. Toshinori pondered for a couple of seconds before widening his eyes. He quickly searched his pockets and somehow found an old photo of him on his knees, being beaten up by Gran Torino, taken by the late Nana Shimura in his pocket.

He nervously gave it to Izuku who immediately fell on the floor in laughter after seeing it, with Inko joining in with a light chuckle and a cheerful smile from Ochako. After a minute of rolling around on the floor, Izuku quickly got up and wiped a tear from his eye.

"This photo brings so many memories..." He said with a satisfied sigh. He began to recall a memory of him laughing his ass off when Gran Torino out of nowhere visited their home, and Toshinori began to shake in fear like a broken washing machine seeing the sight of his master suddenly appearing in front of his house.

Shaking the thought off, Izuku asked the doctor to stand up and to grab the photo with one of his hands. The doctor complied and stretched his arm outward, as to not get hit. 'By the way, is it okay if I accidentally break anything? I already broke the wall and floor...' Izuku pondered. He shrugged it off and activated his 'quirk' on his thumb and middle finger. He concentrated the small number of flames into his middle finger, making it swirl around his finger like a current, and sent out a flick. A concentrated wind pressure shot out so fast, it made a hole right in the middle of the picture and a crater on the wall behind it in a blink of an eye, again, astonishing the whole room.

"I can control the strength and volume of the concentrated wind pressure that I release. I also think that my quirk has the ability to make my body more durable, and my senses are heightened too from what I can feel." Izuku said, filling their heads with amazement even more.

"How can you control your quirk in so many ways but in a short amount of time Deku? I mean, you just woke up a few minutes ago." Ochako suddenly asked, gaining his attention. The darkette in question looked at her and shrugged, making her tilt her head in confusion.

"I don't even know myself. Suddenly, when my DNA became altered, I just knew how to control my quirk and knew the drawbacks of my quirk. This quirk somehow just felt natural to me, as if I've had it most of my life even though it was just a couple of hours ago. So I'm just as confused as you are Mochi." Izuku replied.

"Okay so from what you've shown us, your quirk has the ability of super-strength, flight, the ability to use and control wind pressure, durability, and heightened senses. And from what we saw from the news you also have a super speed that boosts your movement and agility. Now can you tell us the drawbacks of your quirk?" The doctor asked, gaining a nod from the darkette.

"Let me explain a little. I still don't know a lot of things about my power, but from what I know of, these flames are actually pure, unbridled energy. That's why it's so volatile and generates little to no heat. And the black aura is a coat of condensed energy that is capable of protecting me from harm. By activating my quirk, I can gain super strength, flight, super speed, durability, and heightened senses. I can increase my power by charging it up, which is fundamentally similar to how characters power up in that old anime 'Dragon Ball Z'. I know, how unoriginal. I also can release an explosion of power that boosts my strength and speed in a ridiculous amount, but I get exhausted much faster the longer I use it. And if I concentrate the flame on specific parts of my body, I can release concentrated wind pressure attacks that are caused by the sheer force that it produces. Kind of like All Might's wind pressure attacks. But, If I use my quirk too much and for too long, my energy gets drained out of my body and my muscles get strained." Izuku explained.

'What in the world...It's not even a normal quirk, it's a superquirk!' Toshinori thought in disbelief. His son has a superquirk with drawbacks that are not considered as lethal as others. But what still lingered in his mind, was that why did it manifest this late? And how did he manifest a quirk if he doesn't have a single quirk DNA inside his body, but instead it became altered? He didn't understand any of this and decided to ask for further knowledge.

"You said that Izuku doesn't have a single quirk DNA inside his body, but yet his genetic code became altered. How was he able to manifest his quirk back there at the shopping district in the first place?" Toshinori asked the doctor. The doctor rubbed his chin in a thinking position and pondered, before widening his eyes in realization.

"Maybe it hadn't manifested yet because of a mental block that existed in young Midoriya's psyche. This is just a thought in my mind, but young Midoriya was diagnosed quirkless at the age of 4 right? Maybe he wasn't quirkless at all...Maybe he was just a late bloomer that needs to be at the peak of physicality for his genetic code to mutate and alter. But because of those people who made fun of him for his temporary quirklessness, his psyche believes that he actually doesn't have a quirk, thus creating a mental block that doesn't allow his genetic code to do what it was meant to do; mutate and alter. As for how he manifested his quirk back there, maybe his spirit of becoming a hero finally shattered that mental block inside his head by self-sacrificing his life and saving the one he cares about." The doctor stated, gaining several intrigued oh's from the family and the brunette.

"In this world full of sudden surprises, that IS a possibility...Well, thank you so much for telling us doctor, but will Izuku be able to come home today after this?" Inko asked, but the doctor shook his head.

"I'm afraid not Mrs. Midoriya. Given the fact that he decimated the shopping district and made innocent lives in danger with that quirk of his, a lot of people were deeply skeptical of him if he was good or not. Until young Midoriya gives his side of the story to the police, he will have to stay here. Please understand Mr. Yagi and Mrs. Midoriya, it's only for a night or two, you too miss." The doctor replied.

They were shocked beyond belief when the doctor said that Izuku was being doubted by people and they became enraged by those statements. But if they were standing in other people's point of view when the destruction happened, they would feel a similar feeling. The feeling of dread, shock, and absolute terror. So they did the rational thing, which was understanding those statements that were said, even though they were a bit reluctant to it.

"So from the information that young Midoriya said, and also from what he showed us, I have concluded that young Midoriya does not have a normal quirk. What he has instead, is a superquirk. Superquirk is an evolved version of a quirk that has the ability to do multiple traits that other quirks can do. Young Midoriya's superquirk has the ability of flight, super speed, super strength, durability, wind pressure release, and control, heightened senses, and also power burst." The doctor stated.

They became shocked by his statement that their beloved darkette did not manifest a powerful quirk, but instead, he manifested a superquirk. Only 0.00004% of the population manifested superquirks, and those who manifest them instantly became top heroes in their country.

"It is VERY rare for a person to manifest a superquirk, but there are people who have them, like The Patriot and Queen Liberty from America, Jaeger from Germany, Soleil from France, and possibly All Might, but his quirk is still a mystery. So don't worry young Midoriya, you're not alone in this category." The doctor continued while chuckling a little in the last part. The darkette gave him a kind smile and lightly chuckled. Toshinori silently chuckled to himself hearing his name being mentioned.

"To be honest, this is possibly one of the greatest moments of my life...But what I am afraid, is that if the government knows that young Midoriya manifested a powerful superquirk that altered the genetic code inside his body, His safety might be in danger..." The doctor said grimly, turning the atmosphere upside down as he suddenly brought the family into a state of terror. They froze in fear and imagined every single bad thing that would possibly happen to Izuku if the government had the information about him.

Inko was the first one to break down in tears as she jumped into Izuku's chest and began to bawl her eyes out. Her beloved son, her baby boy's safety is at risk. Just the thought of him being in a fight with thugs last week was enough for her, and this day? Two life-threatening things had already occurred. And now with his life being in danger again, she couldn't take it anymore as she began to mutter nonsense in the darkette's chiseled chest. While Izuku, who was in a state of fear himself, tried to soothe his mother by rubbing her back and stroking her forest green hair. Ochako, even though she was still fear-induced, took initiative and asked Toshinori, who was in his own head, not moving a single inch.

"Then, what are we going to do?" She asked Toshinori, worrying for Izuku's safety.

"You'll be fine, I can help you." The doctor said with a smile, stopping their terrified trance. Inko's eyes stopped watering as she and the others looked at the doctor in confusion about what he said.

"H-how?" Inko asked. The doctor gave them a kind reassuring smile.

"Simple, I'll just tweak the data a little by putting Izuku's quirk DNA percentage in his database, and state him as a late bloomer. And don't worry, I will try my best to keep this hidden under the covers." The doctor stated. Izuku, who was in distrust with him, gave a terrifying glare that could send a man to an early grave, making the doctor frozen in fear.

"Give me a damn good reason for us to trust you...Or else you better pray to all the gods out there, past and present, for them to help you get out of here in one piece. Because this time, I'll actually be the bad guy for once." He said coldly, approaching the doctor menacingly like a serial killer preying one of its victims, ignoring the shouts from the three that he cares the most about.

The darkette began to loom over the white-clad man. His piercing crimson eyes glowed as he activated his 'quirk' in his right fist. Black aura came into sight as grey flames burst out like a raging inferno, towering onto the ceiling while sending shockwaves and tremors throughout the ground as he began to charge up an attack that could turn the whole building into piles of rubbles and dust. His red, piercing orbs glaring daggers at the doctor who began to pale at the sight, as if he was staring right at a raging god who was ready to unleash his burning fury at the world if he made the wrong move. The white-clad man then put his hands up in a pleading motion and begged.

"O-okay...I'll e-explain...Please, c-calm down..." The doctor begged. Izuku narrowed his eyes for a second before nodding.

"Speak." He ordered. The doctor closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure, before opening it again.

"As I said before, discovering that you manifested a superquirk will be one of the greatest moments in my life. I owe it to you for giving me this, so this is a token of my gratitude for you." The doctor explained. Hearing this, Izuku's terrifying glare faltered and his expression softened. He deactivated his 'quirk', stopping the continuous tremors and shockwaves that he sent, making all of the people in the room sigh in relief.

"Okay then, hearing your reason I guess we'll trust you." The darkette said. Suddenly, the hospital door was slammed open by a security guard, earning a small yelp from the doctor.

"What was that just now, Dr. Fubuki?!" The security asked. The doctor gained a nervous expression as he began to sweat profusely. He waved his hands frantically as he plastered a nervous smile on his face.

"Um, w-well uh....W-we were just uh... t-testing this late bloomer's capabilities! And uh..a-apparently his quirk i-is a very s-strong one as you can feel from the shockwaves and tremors, hehehe..." The doctor nervously replied, gaining an Oh and a nod from the security.

"Okay, sorry to just barge in like that, doctor." The security apologized before he exited the room, gaining a sigh of relief from the white-clad man.

"Whew, okay then. Let's get back to it shall we?" The doctor said, gaining nods from the four.

"Now for the final part, what do you name your quirk, young Midoriya?" The doctor asked the darkette. Izuku pondered for a while, circling the room as he did so.

His eyes widened in realization. He then gained a smirk as he turned to face the other people in the room.

"I'll name it, Black Demon." Izuku stated, taking them all aback with the sinister name.

"Deku, the name's cool and all, but don't you think it's a bit 'evil' for a quirk name?" Ochako asked, gaining the attention of the darkette. The darkette in question looked at her and gave her a genuine smile.

"That's the point, Ochako." Izuku stated, making her tilt her head in confusion. 'What does he mean by that?' She asked herself. She then decided to ask more to know more on why he decided to choose such a sinister name.

"What do you mean Deku?" She asked the darkette.

"Majority of the people who saw the incident had already judged me as a bad person, so they'll expect the name of my quirk to be sinister too. So if I actually name my quirk with a sinister name but I am using it to do good deeds, they'll see me in a different light. A lot of people had already been shunned by society for their villain-like quirks, even though they haven't actually done anything that resembles villainy at all. So this serves as some sort of example for them." Izuku explained, making Ochako and everyone else widen their eyes.

Ochako gave him a proud smile, proud of how mature he has become. The once weak, frail, and naïve boy, now had matured and became a strong, wise, and kind young man. This young man had worked harder than anyone else to achieve his dream, despite all the odds that the world gave him. Now he has been given his reward for all of his hard work; by his quirk finally activating after all this time it had been dormant inside him. And the thing that made her heart flutter every time, was that this wonderful young man had made a vow to always stay by her side forever. She couldn't be prouder of him.

But then suddenly, Izuku gave them a cheeky grin while scratching the back of his head.

"Buuuuttt...Because the name sounds badass, It's one of the main reasons that I chose it to be the name of my quirk, hehehehehe..." Izuku said childishly while scratching his freckled cheek, making everyone else anime fall.

"Jeez! You're so childish sometimes!" Ochako pouted while pinching the darkette's cheek, feeling annoyed by his behavior, making him squirm in pain.

"Owowowowow! But wha other namesh shud I choosh?!" The darkette shouted while squirming, trying to release himself from the iron pincers that were Ochako's fingers, making Toshinori and the others chuckled at the wholesome interaction between the two. And after a while full of chit-chat, Toshinori and the others said their goodbyes, leaving both Izuku and Ochako alone in the hospital room to rest for the day.

As they sat there on the hospital bed for few hours in comfortable silence, Ochako suddenly felt the feeling that she had tried her hardest to suppress every time it came to her. Her innermost desires came crashing through the door as she began to imagine scenarios where Izuku and her did some obscene things together, and she couldn't help but feel a little turned on about it. She began to bite her lip and subconsciously rubbed her thighs together, feeling a little damp on her womanhood area.

'Ugh! Now is not the right time, you damn hormones!' She mentally shouted at herself, suddenly stopping what she was doing, trying to hold back her lust for her dark-haired lover. But it was to no avail, the lust was too overwhelming for her as she started to put one of her hands on the fabric on her crotch and began to rub it while trying to not let out a moan come out of her mouth.

'You know what? Fuck it.'

"So um...What're we gonna do now? Your parents are currently back at your grandparents' house in Mie, right? So...cuddle?" Izuku asked, breaking the silence between them. But Ochako suddenly placed both of her hands onto his shoulders as she climbed on top of him, taking him by absolute surprise. She then placed her curvaceous hips on top of his as she looked at his crimson orbs. And right then and there, she felt it...the overwhelming desire that she had tried to suppress all this time had finally taken over her as she began to grind her crotch onto his, making him gasp.

"O-Ochako!! W-what are you d-doing?!" The darkette asked with a crimson blush spreading across his freckled cheeks, taken aback by her sudden out-of-character behavior. The brunette in question just chuckled and began to circle her arms around his neck seductively, tracing his shoulders while continuing to move her pelvis. As she circled her arms around his neck, she leaned forward towards his left ear and sent out a lick towards his lobe that sent a jolt of shock and unknown pleasure throughout his spine.

"Isn't it obvious?~..." She whispered and gently nibbled his lobe, making him let out a moan. Feeling even more aroused by the husky moan that came out of his mouth, she began to move her hips even faster and more aggressive than before, earning yet another moan from the demonic teen. The bulge on his crotch became bigger as it came into contact with her wet womanhood that was covered in her damp underwear, earning a moan that came from her mouth, clearly showing to him that she is loving it. 'This is surprising, I've never seen this side of her before...I like it~...' Izuku thought while smirking to himself, finally seeing the erotic side of his girlfriend. Going with the flow and being taken over by lust, Izuku wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face into the base of her neck, gently peppering it with kisses. The feeling of Izuku's lips on her neck definitely sent waves of pleasure towards her as she suddenly stopped her actions completely and let out a gasp of surprise.

"W-wait! My neck's sensitive..." Ochako said while trying her hardest to compose herself over the tons of pleasure he was giving her, but it all fell to deaf ears as Izuku completely ignored her comment and suddenly gave the base of her neck a small and gentle bite, making her toss her head back and let out joyous moans. The primordial noise sent shivers down His spine and made him even more turned on as his bulge became, even more, bigger than before. He then continued to gently nibble down her neck, leaving hickeys and small bite marks here and there while also tracing circles with his tongue.

The feeling of being branded as his personal property was something that sent uncontrolled shivers of joy throughout every fiber of her being, as her senses were assaulted by him, making her moans louder and louder from then on. Her wet womanhood area that was constantly in contact with his private ones was quivering in joy, secreting out its juices that dripped down to his crotch. With him taking the lead, he gently pushed her down even further onto his lap for them and started to move his hips, the solid thing underneath his clothes rubbing against her wet private part even more than before.

He then slid his arms down inside of Ochako's skirt and reached her plump ass. He then gave it a gentle squeeze, increasing the pleasure that he was giving her. Her senses were now absolutely dulled and her lust went into overdrive as she suddenly grabbed his shoulders and gently pushed him off his make-out session with her neck. He looked at her in confusion as to why they suddenly stopped, but as he looked at her half-lidded eyes he saw the hunger in them, longing for something that was beneath his clothes. She reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. She then tossed it off the bed, leaving her top half in just her pink lacy bra. To say the sight was breathtaking was an understatement, Izuku immediately became mesmerized at the sight.

Boy does Izuku wish he was a bit more perverted than he was, cause she was absolutely gorgeous. The way her arms pressed her E-cup breasts together, combined with the sight of her toned curvaceous body splashed in the white glow of the moonlight, immediately yanked the air straight out of his lungs.

"You like what you see, demon boy?~..." Ochako asked seductively, teasing him by pulling one of her bra straps off her shoulders. The darkette growled while smirking, clearly showing it to her that he is enjoying the erotic sight. He then looked at her eyes, those brown pools were begging for him to do the same, and he complied with it. He then unbuttoned his hospital shirt and threw it onto the floor, revealing his new and improved godly body to her for the first time. Ochako became immediately entranced by his body as her hands gently glided against his muscles, causing him to shake slightly at the gentle touch.

The demonic teen couldn't hold himself back anymore as he gently placed his hands onto Ochako's cheeks and pressed his lips onto hers with closed eyes. Ochako was shocked at what was going on at first but immediately melted into it as she kissed back with the same intensity that he was giving her. Izuku placed one of his hands on the back of her head, while the other one was wrapped around her waist, meanwhile, Ochako's hands were still tracing every curve and every muscle that was in his body, trying to memorize every nook and cranny. Every time they kissed before, it was blissful and warm, full of compassion. But this was different, it was full of lust and desire. They felt as if they were alone in this world as time fell into a halt for the both of them because of how wonderful the kiss-no. They weren't kissing anymore, they were making out for the first time. And it was an amazing feeling for both of them.

Suddenly, Izuku quickly and lightly flicked his tongue on the bottom of Ochako's lip, asking his beloved for an entrance to her cavern. With her senses going crazy with the lust she was feeling, she immediately complied and gave him the entrance he was looking forward to, but not without also sliding her tongue out. Then, an all-out tongue war ensued.

The feeling of sliding their tongues together and exchanging saliva with each other was something otherworldly for them both, and they were absolutely loving it. Out of his primal instinct, Izuku pulled her even closer to him as he began to move his hips again. Ochako let out joyous moans while still smashing lips with her beloved, feeling his throbbing rock-hard bulge grinding against her wet and sensitive devil's doorbell. But suddenly she pulled away from the kiss, leaving trails of saliva between their mouths, immediately stopping his lustful actions. He wasn't happy with what she was doing at first, but then as he looked at her eyes he realized something; She had become completely crazy with her libido, and she was hungry for more stimulation.

"I want you to touch me more, demon boy~...This body is yours and yours only~." She spoke and bit her lip as a seductive smirk adorned her face. He immediately went along with her as he began to slide his arms towards her chest, but suddenly out of nowhere, she gently swatted his hands away and gave him a finger wag while still adorning the same smirk as before, making Izuku's face pout because he felt as if he was essentially cockblocked. Ochako to let out a giggle. She was enjoying the sight of her lover being teased to no end as she pushed him down onto the bed while slowly sliding her thumb below the only bra strap that was still attached to her shoulders. She then began to gently pull it upwards, making the outline of her erect nipple slightly visible to his eyes.

"Who said that I allow you to do it yourself?~ Let me do it for you~..." She said as she slowly and gently brought the straps of her bra down her arm until finally, the straps came off and the piece of clothing fell to her waist, exposing her bare chest to him for the first time.

Izuku's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates, and blood rushed out of his nose as soon as the bra dropped down her chest, revealing to him her naked breasts. The voluptuous mounds jiggled slightly as she giggled from seeing the look on her boyfriend's face, further increasing the time of his daydreamy gaze towards it.

"C'mon now~, I'm waiting~..." She spoke as she began to grind on his crotch again in a circular motion, earning a moan from the darkette. Izuku quickly wiped the blood off his nose and did as he was told to. He began to slowly slid his arms up towards her breasts, while gently tracing her muscles as he did so, making her hum in delight. As he reached his destination, he gave them a gentle squeeze. The softness and warmth of her voluptuous mounds was something that he wished he could keep on feeling forever as he began to increase the pressure of his grasp, making her moan in pleasure.

"Mmm~, H-how does it f-feel?~" Ochako asked as she began to quiver on top of him, struggling to move her body because of the pleasure that the demonic teen was giving to her. As he looked at her brown orbs, he gained a smug smirk on his face, seeing the seductive domineering side of his girlfriend began to falter. Ochako's body temperature rose to incredible heights seeing the smirk adorning her beloved's face as she began to imagine even more lewd and dirty things he was going to do to her.

Her forbidden thoughts were quickly overwhelmed with pleasure when her beloved started to fondle her breasts, leading the girl to immediately stop her actions and joyously moan while secreting her love juices again as her mounds of warm, tender flesh were being manhandled by the demonic teen.

"Aah!~ Oh my god!~ Please, use your mouth ZuZu!~... Please!~" Ochako pleaded, desperately wanting him to send her to the heaven of absolute pleasure. The demonic teen let out a chuckle, feeling absolutely proud of himself finally breaking down her domineering wall. But He decided to get back at her for being such a tease by teasing back at her and leave her on a cliffhanger.

He began to grind his hips again while grabbing her luscious breasts as some sort of handle, placing his thumbs on her erect nipples. He then began to twirl his thumbs around, stimulating her nipples as they throbbed in delight. Ochako gasped at the explosion of pleasure she was feeling and immediately grabbed onto his waist to not fall off of him, feeling the strength of her legs weaken. Wet noises were heard as his throbbing bulge grind against her private part at a fast pace, making her go over the edge as it made her throw her head back and rolled her tongue out in ecstasy, shouting joyous moans from her mouth. It was not what she expected, but she had already guessed that he agreed to use his mouth, so she thought that the demonic teen wanted to make her feel even more good before doing it.

"Oh, dear GOD it's so good!~ Please, suck my nipples ZuZu!~ I'm close!~" Ochako begged, but it all fell to deaf ears as he completely ignored her plea and pinched her nipples hard, making her roll her eyes backward, completely drowned in the intense pleasure that he was giving her, creating the perfect ahegao face. But as she began to climax, Izuku completely stopped what he was doing, snapping her out of her moaning fit. The brunette looked down at her boyfriend with a pout as she whined at him, crossing her arms below her chest as she did so.

(The smut ends.)

"Oh come on, what gives?~ I was so near to cumming you know..." She whined. But then he immediately took her by surprise by giving her a quick peck on the lips, continued with a light smack on her plump ass, causing it to jiggle, earning a gasp from her mouth. Izuku then gave her a cheeky grin as he began to speak.

"That's for being such a tease. Now c'mon, let's clean up the mess. You're too freakin' sensitive. If you came right then and there, my bed will be an even bigger mess than it is now and it will make the nurses and dr. Fubuki to look at me weirdly tomorrow, and I won't like it one bit. So I suggest that we just cuddle ourselves to sleep while watching 'Heroflix'." He suggested, making her sigh in defeat. She dejectedly complied with him as she got off his lap and took a shower to clean herself up. She then changed back into her clothes but without wearing her undergarments, because it was dirty and could not be used again for the day, and laid back down on the bed, waiting for the demonic teen to come back into the room to cuddle up with her.

As she was waiting for him, she boredly scrolled through the gallery in her phone all the way down to a picture of her and Izuku riding a rollercoaster when they were ten. The sight of Izuku's young and frightened face gave her a wave of nostalgia, as a small smile became plastered on her face. She still couldn't believe it, the thought of finally being together with him as genuine lovers was still unbelievable to her. But her nostalgic thought was disrupted as Izuku barged in through the door wearing a new set of hospital clothes while holding a set of women's underwear. She then looked at the darkette with a deadpan expression, making him tilt his head in confusion.

"You could've just pressed the nurse button y'know. You don't need to walk out of the room shirtless with a huge stain on your crotch, embarrassing yourself just to get new sets of clothes and underwear." She deadpanned, earning a lighthearted chuckle from the darkette.

"Well, I did press the nurse button. As the nurse came in and asked what was going on, I told her that I needed a new set of clothes and a new set of women's underwear, while also giving to her the detail of your 'size'. But unfortunately, the hospital ran out of undergarments so they only gave me the set of clothes. So I quickly changed to the new clothes and ran to the nearest convenience store to buy this for you." Izuku said while giving her the set of underwear.

Her heart immediately fluttered after hearing what Izuku did, so she brought him into a hug and showered his cheeks with loving kisses while muttering words of gratitude, causing a laugh to come out of his mouth. After wearing the new set of underwear, Ochako slid back onto the bed with Izuku right after as they laid on the bedside to side, facing each other. Seeing the tired expression plastered on Ochako's face, the darkette brought her into his warm embrace, throwing aside his plan of watching 'Heroflix' with her and allowing her to go into a deep slumber on his chest. The calm beating of his heart worked as a lullaby in her ears as she began to slowly drape down her eyes, wrapping her arms around his body while keeping one finger away on each hand as to not accidentally make him float, making him her personal bolster.

Before completely drifting off into her dreamland full of mochi and sweet food, Ochako said something, her voice teetering like a yodeler being kicked in the nutsack.

"I love you, Deku..."

Feeling the strong urge to immediately roll on the floor with laughter after hearing her voice, Izuku let out a small snort, sending the urge to a momentary halt. He slowly looked down on her and saw that she was already drooling on his chest. He shakily sighed in relief and planted a kiss on top of her head.

"And I love you too, Ochako..." He said, planting another kiss on top of her head, making her smile in her sleep. After a few seconds of waiting for the right time to relieve himself of the pain in his chest because of holding in his laughter for too long, he wheezed and finally let out the biggest silent laugh in his life as he began to imagine Ochako as a street yodeler with that terrible voice that came out of her mouth. After thirty seconds of silently laughing, Izuku stopped and wiped a single tear that fell down his eye with a sigh coming out of his mouth, satisfied with himself.

Finally feeling the irresistible urge to fall asleep himself, He rested his chin on the top of her bob cut as he slowly closed his eyes, still wrapping Ochako in his warm embrace. As he finally gave in to the slumber, he wore the biggest grin on his face. Today was a long, eventful, and emotional day...

And this day...

Was the starting point of a series of events that will cause absolute Destruction.



Screams of pleading, pain, sorrow, and agony came from both men and women were heard, painting the blood-red field with horror. Colossal spike-like mountains spread across the crimson wasteland with cracks forming on the bloody ground, spewing raging lava from underneath it. Millions of Giant piles of mangled corpses scattered around the dark red place with all of their faces carved in horrified expressions, just for them to be resurrected and killed over, and over, and over again. Thousands of Gargantuan pillars of fire were towering onto the dark sky, adding an orange hue to the place of nightmares. Bizarre creatures were seen feasting, toying, and tormenting the pitiful humans as they were too powerless and terrified to even do anything against them.

In the middle of all the chaos and horror, a colossal castle was seen with a river filled with the damned souls of humanity flowing right below it. The castle was built between two giant statues of the former kings, [Ʊ𝚿𝜱𝛅] and [𝚯∑§¶], written on the base of the statues. Inside of the castle, a giant golden throne made of tens of thousands of swords stood in the middle of the hall, showing its unholy regality and its ragged radiance to everything that set sight to it.

And at the top of the throne sat a young handsome man with long golden hair that shines with every sway of his head, purple-colored eyes that entranced anyone that saw it, and he was clad in golden armor that practically shouts to everyone that he is the king.

He was leaning against one of the rugged armrests of the throne with one of his eyes opened halfway. But suddenly he gasped and widened his eyes, purple orbs shaking in fear as he looked down on his body and saw blood gushing out of his mouth like a flowing river. But then he realized something as he wiped off the blood from his mouth.

The king felt a presence he had never felt in a very long time. He adorned a psychotic grin on his face, showing unbridled malice that doesn't go well with his beautiful face.

"After trillions and trillions of motherfucking years...somebody's finally awake now, eh? How exciting..."

To be continued.

I'm sorry for giving y'all a lil' bit of smut here T-T...

hoovcreators' thoughts