
Chapter 125: Secret Treasure

Thinking of that annoying creature, Elias couldn't help but seethe with irritation.

Especially recalling her final words and her wicked, mischievous grin as she said them, Elias felt an inexplicable sense of agitation.

She said she'd remember me...

And she's looking forward to my next performance...

So, what exactly does she want?

To play with me? Drive me crazy? Then gleefully watch her handiwork before moving on to her next source of amusement?

What a troublemaker, that little devil!

Elias sighed, sitting on the large bed. 

Dealing with the heroines from the first round of containment was trouble enough, and now he's got a far more challenging entity to contend with...

He had been dying over and over, caught in a cycle of love and conflict with them and saving the city, as busy as a top, and even lost weight from it.

Finally, his strength had improved a bit. 

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