
The Bird Song

This story is about a man called Naamy. He loses everything on the day of his wedding and thus he takes on the path of revenge. The bird song is about the will to revenge a family legacy, love that has been lost and killing to reach a goal. Serialization status right now: One chapter every week. Check out the latest chapters authors thoughts for information about when the next chapter will release! or if there will be a break or anything else. Hope you enjoy.

Shinmari · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Prologue 1.3

Lailaa's face happily showed itself during the night, she had ordered for a painter to paint a portrait where both her and Naamy would be in it together as wife and husband. It was fairly normal to do this, during royal marriages. Painting them took a while, and sadly they'd got half a portrait by the end of the night. The painter said "I'm sorry prince, but we will have to stop here for the night, if you want I can show you the painting."

"No, it's fine, We'll continue tomorrow then. Off you go now."

"Thank you sir."

The painter was an old man, so he took his time leaving. Naamy and Lailaa watched all the people. They just stood there in the middle of the hall, finding their peace within themselves.

Lailaa said, "Do you think Naamy that we will be happy with each other when we grow old?"

"I do think we will be happy. But as in every marriage, there will come days when we hate each other and days when we love each other. I'm sure of it." Naamy embraced Aliaa. They hugged for what felt like hours. As the rest of the guest continued celebrating, Naamy took his leave with Aliaa. They headed for their new bedroom, which was just around the corner to Naamy's bedroom. As they entered, it was dark, but there were lit candles around the room and roses from their gardens on the bed. Aliaa dragged Naamy over to the bed. They kissed, then kissing went to sex. Aliaa right before they went to sleep asked Naamy, "How many children would you like to have? I know that I want at least three."

Naamy pondered on the thought. He'd never even asked himself, how many children he wanted.

"Well…. I would like to be a big family, so maybe four or five children."

"Imagine that." She said.

"All our children running around in the halls we grew up in." Aliaa said.

"Yeah, that would be lovely."

Footsteps hurriedly ran through the halls, eyeing every door as they passed. Upon thrusting the door open, Naamy and Aliaa woke up in distress.

"Who is it? What's going on?"

"We have to leave right now, my princess and prince. The Noracs are here and they're killing everyone. They're after you, my prince."

"Why would they be after me?" Naamy asked. The guard held his sword in his left hand, but he couldn't prevent what was coming. Two heavy thrusts forced their way through the guard's chest, spilling blood all over the carpets underneath. An explosion of adrenaline drove Naamy out of bed as there stood a warrior from the Naracvio army. They had really infiltrated the castle through Naamy. As the guard dropped to the floor, his doubled edged sword slid halfway to his bed, leaving a heavy clang echoing through the chambers. Aliaa screamed whilst Naamy sprinted towards the sword, and the soldier tried the same, roaring whilst he tried to swing his sword. Luckily, Naamy avoided the blade and just reaching the sword's hilt, he swung it by the soldier's waist. The Norac warrior spewed his intestines on the floor, smearing blood all over. "We must leave now, Aliaa!" Naamy screamed. She left her bedside, thus reaching for Naamy's hand. She was in shock. Aliaa had witnessed her family being murdered before, but she thought those bad memories had been left in the past. But they hadn't. The shock overwhelmed her. Naamy rushed to his room with Aliaa in his hand, she was quiet. During the little time that they were in the corridors, Naamy could hear screams and roars coming from soldiers fighting outside the castle. His mind wandered away, thinking about how he needed the Talus print that he received before. He rushed into his room, quickly throwing the stone away and grabbing the parchment. Next, they had to escape the current events somehow. But how? And where was his family? So many thoughts erupted in his mind one after another. Were they doomed to die? No! He would never let anything happen to Aliaa. She was his all now. She was his current and his future. His legacy would be her.

Final Prologue 1.4 out 24 of august!!

Shinmaricreators' thoughts