
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs

18 | Hunting Contest; The old world of Alphas

Olympia is a world created by a mysterious power. There was once a lady and a man who walked around the earth and becomes the God and Goddess of the world. Both the God and Goddess were all alone in this world, thus creating a world to be a better place for normal humans to recuperate.

The world was then nurtured by humans until they had Empress and Emperors, Kings and Queens, Prince and Princesses. The power of the Gods and Goddesses was not forgotten and because of the peaceful world, A devil rose underneath from the earth and created chaos in the land.

The Gods and Goddess then made Saints and Saintesses, Holy Knights, and Magicians to protect and balance the world from the Devil himself. Then, The Alphas were created.

The Alphas were born from a very powerful magical power. One will lead and bring them glory for the Empire, and that was Lucia known to be the daughter of The Moon. She was pure and bright but her powers were always light and dark, and so is her nature.

Olympia is a beautiful world filled with humans, mystical creatures, and beautiful scenery of the land before everything went downhill and become a barren land of ice and snow. Full of harsh snow blizzards when winter came and when summer came, the temperature is high enough to cook a normal human.

The world became a living hell after Lucia killed everyone. The world was abandoned and thus Lucia disappeared alone.

If the monsters of The Abyss protect the Lord Demon in this world, then it also means they know to move like humans. Since these monsters are also once known to be humans before they became monsters.

For days Elyse's team went to investigate separately to scan the surrounding area. The first plan came to Elyse's mind when she heard about how the monsters move. Luna said that they need to clear the surrounding area to move forward to another area in this dimension. It is some sort of rule.

"Chad, is Team Arrow still following us?" Chad quickly used his senses and he nods his head.

"Well, everyone has been following you, my lady. Since you're Aniya's Descendant. They believed that once you move, they will also know where to get the orb." He spoke.

"That means they are using us as bait for the monster up there," Elyse said pointing out the orb they are aiming.

"Well, it will be impolite for us to not give them a favor too, isn't it?" Chad froze and laughed hysterically.

"Sure." He said and Elyse nodded her head and starts telling her plan.

"They are monsters out here, Elyse," Luna reported using Elyse's spell that she cast for her.

"Monsters in locations B, D, and E are appearing," Ray reported.

"Cleared monsters in locations A, C, and F," Chad reported and Elyse nodded her head.

Luna, on the other side, was walking alone in the middle of the green and vast forest. This forest was known to be the Hearth Garden, a haven for an Alpha of Nature. But it is now covered in thick snow where there is no sun but a lonely and quiet feeling.

While Elyse watched Luna walking in the middle of the forest using the spell, she has cast upon her, the scenery became static and it made her feel strange about it.

"Luna? Are you there?" Elyse asks, trying to reconnect to her.

"Yes," Luna answered. She heard a rustling voice from behind her which made her vigilant of her surrounding. She turns to look at her behind but she saw nothing.

She shrugged. But she knows deep inside of her seems to be something wrong. She walked for hours until she heard another rustling sound.

"Luna? Luna!" Elyse's voice became static as she tries to call for her name. Luna then turns around only to be stunned by a magical and dark force. She trembled in fear in front of a lady who has horns and black beautiful wings walking towards her.

The mysterious lady smiled and pointed her hands towards her. The lady controlled a large piece of plant to attack Luna, thankfully as she honed her swordsmanship skills, she broke off from the dark spell and quickly dodged the incoming plant.

"Hmm... impressive. But not that impressive," The lady said and gathers a large piece of rock-throwing for Luna. She swiftly dodges every rock that was thrown toward her while trying to reach the lady.

And when she closed their distance, she saw the lady smirking.

"LUNA! RETREAT!" Elyse's voice which was cut off earlier because of the dark spell made her escape from death.

"My, Aniya's Descendants are indeed an eyesore." The lady said when Luna quickly backs off jumping in mid-air and landed safely. Luna's eyes widen in shock to see thousands of spears appear from the ground.

If she didn't hear Elyse's voice, she must've been dead by now.

"Who are you?" Luna said, pointing her sword towards her.

The lady smirked. "I am just a messenger for my Lord." She bows her head down and stares at her once more, her eyes glowing red while her black long hair flows in her body smoothly. Her pale white skin, her red horns, and black beautiful wings from her behind.

A creature that was dead centuries ago.

"I see, your part of the Demon's Army!" Luna exclaims and the lady laughed.

"My, as expected for our poor and sweet Tina's Descendant. You have a sharp eye." The lady commented.

Luna scoffs, "as I would care for your compliments."

"That was an insult, my Lady." She said which made Luna feel more pissed.

"If you are indeed part of the Demon Army, then I must kill you!" Luna said, transforming herself as part of The Moon when Elyse called her again and the transformation stopped.

"Luna! Retreat! Do you hear me? Retreat!" Elyse said from the line. While the lady in front of her laughed.

"I must go now; it was such a fun day meeting you... Old friend." The lady said and Luna wanted to chase her but Arrow suddenly contacted her.

"MS. VICE PRESIDENT! are you okay?" She froze and answered Arrow in the line, "Yes. I am."

"Thank goodness. Ms. President, we are in your camp. Please go back, this isn't a contest anymore." She said with her worried voice.

"Fine. I'll go back. Where're the others?"

"Unfortunately, Arbor, Chad, and President haven't arrived yet. Elyse is trying her best to track them down." Arrow answered.

"Only me and Eli returned from the camp, my Lady." She continues.

"Okay. I'm going back now." Luna cuts off her line and quickly returned to their base camp.

While in the original dimension, Princess Sarah of Chetan Kingdom was frightened to see the appearance of the old 'acquaintance' her mother had.

"What... is she doing here?" Sarah whispered, fiddling with her fingers. Later on, The King of Chetan Kingdom arrived and approaches Sarah.

"Father!" Sarah called him and Seth nodded his head.

"Tell me the situation here," Seth told to his minions and they explained the situation.

"My Lord, it's only been days since they entered the dimension. But it's just been hours here. The time flow of this dimension and that dimension is not the same — "

"I know that. I am not an idiot. Tell me what happened in there." He commanded.

"O-oh, we also don't know Your Majesty. The dimension's portal collapsed and we couldn't contact the players anymore. In this case, we don't have any other choice but to watch them —"

"You imbecile! How could you let the future Alphas be in danger! This contest was supposed to commemorate and respect the Alpha of Hunting not to put them in danger!" He said with his teeth gritting.

The minion flinched, "I-I'm sorry, My Lord —"

Sarah grabbed her father's arms and looked at him. "Father, what's wrong with the Lady? Is... is he now awakened?" Seth furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head.

"You needn't worry, Sarah. We're going to save them." Seth reassures his daughter by patting her head.

"Seth." Hezelle approached him from behind with a dark and gloomy face.

"Hezelle." He called her name too and they both glared at each other.

"You, can we try open this dimension once more?" Hezelle asked the minion beside Seth.

"Unfortunately, Your Highness we can't. We've been trying to do that earlier and we tried to open the dimension portal many times. We cannot open the portal unless they finish the game, Your Highness." The minion answered with his head down, trembling in fear of the scary eyes of Hezelle.

"You heard that, Seth? We don't want to trouble you anymore so you should go back to your little Kingdom." Hezelle points at Seth.

He scoffed, "Sure did. I am not your servant, Hezelle. Or should I say, you little snake bites its master's back?"

"Leave now, before I do something you wouldn't like," Hezelle warned him.

"No, you cannot scare me Hezelle. Remember that I am too was recognized as an Alpha." He said and turned his back from her, "I will stay here until I can reassure you that Elyse is safe and sound." He continues and walked away from Hezelle who's trying to calm her anger from the insult that Seth said earlier.

Everyone was alarmed by the mysterious lady who appeared on the screen but they had no other choice but to put their fates to the future Alphas — to come back into their world.


The crackling sound of fire burning a bunch of branches made Elyse woke up from her deep sleep. She slowly opens her eyes to be welcomed by the beautiful night sky with its stars twinkling like diamonds in the sky.

She found herself lying on the ground with a blanket on her body covering her. From afar, she heard the laughter of the other players. She turned to look in their direction and the first person that caught her eye is Chad's bursting his laughter. Arrow and Eli sitting beside talking to each other while Luna and Raymond were sitting beside each other not talking.

Arrow and the other person were nowhere to be found, maybe they dipped themselves in the warm springs.

It's already the 5th night in this world. Elyse remembered what happened earlier. Everyone was attacked by monsters and it was only Luna who was attacked by the mysterious Lady. Fortunately, everyone was safe.

When Elyse heard the news coming from Chad's messenger, she immediately contacted everyone. She doesn't know what happened and why did that happen. For the past few days, they were investigating the trails of the orb and killing the monsters, and fighting other players. But because of the appearance of the lady, they were reunited and decided to come up with a plan together.

Strangely enough, when she saw the Lady from Luna's vision — her necklace reacted on its own. And a memory came into her mind.

A lady from the other world was transmigrated into this world. She served the Devil very well and even seduced Lucia's husband. And as always, the memory cuts off itself when she's about to know the reason why.

She stood up, fixed her clothes, and tries to approach everyone. But she stopped. She stopped to see everyone that they are complete. Another memory entered her mind again and this time, the scenery isn't cold or harsh.

It was beautiful with bountiful green land and flowers blooming everywhere. Everyone was sitting on the ground like how Luna and the others sat. And Lucia was there right beside Aniya just like how Arrow and Eli sat beside each other.

Everyone was laughing, and as usual Chad's jokes and laughter made everything lighter. Just like how his Ancestor did in the past with the Alphas.

Elyse found a glimpse of the good memories of Aniya and the others. And this memory made her heart ache as a lonely tear fell in her right eye.

Strangely enough, even though her heart is aching, there is also a hint of happiness. As if she has long to see this scene once more. But it couldn't be Elyse's memory. For these past months right after she was saved by Maria, she kept on having illusions and visions about two women.

Aniya and Lucia.

She clenches her fist, feeling saddened that the vision ended and went back to its original. She sighs and was about to turn away from them when Luna caught her watching them from afar.

"Elyse!" She called her name and she looked at her.

"Come and join us," She outstretched her hands inviting Elyse to join them. She was stunned to see Luna, Lucia's Descendant inviting Elyse herself.

"I-I'm fine." She stuttered but Luna just smiles more.

"It's okay! It's kind of boring sitting beside Ray. And... I'm not too close with the others. Only you, Elyse makes me feel that I could be friends with you. Please, come and join us." She said once again and Elyse couldn't reject her anymore. She nods her head and sat beside Luna. Everyone's attention diverted to Elyse and they start talking to her.

Even though she was overwhelmed by the sudden kindness she was given, she still feels very happy to be surrounded by people that she knows she could trust the most.