
Chapter 2


Tracy and Christian pulled up at a big boutique to shop for their wedding. Tracy forced his hands to intertwine with hers for the public to see they were now couples.

"We are happy to have you in our boutique."

A young assistant welcomed them with a big smile. Her eyes darted towards Christian whose beauty was irresistible.

"Welcome sir."

She greeted him by blinking her lashes twice.

Christian totally ignored her cheap flirt. He allowed Tracey and the assistant to walk in front while he lagged behind going through his phone.

"Hello, young master."

His butler picked up the call instantly.

"Is she gone?"

"Yes, young master. She left an hour ago."

Christian signed. Lucinda beat his expectations for the second time. He had expected her to leave by tomorrow and perhaps ask for his help.

'Who does Lucinda think she is? She will regret denying my help and when she cries to me, I will make her feel more pain.'

Christian thought to himself.

"Did she leave in a taxi? Is she taking the train or a plane? Where on earth is she leaving now?"

The butler went silent. These were questions he never asked Lucinda. Besides, why was the young master interested? If he cared so much about her, then he shouldn't have divorced her in the first place.

"I'm sorry young master, I never cared to ask. All I know is Ms Lucinda left in a white Range Rover."


Everyone in the boutique swung around to look at Christian. Why did he have to shout so loud? Tracy's attention was drawn as well. She became curious to know who he was talking to.

"Did you see the driver's face? Was the person a man or a woman?"

"I did not bother to confirm, young master."

"You imbecile."

He was careful to not let his voice get so loud this time.

"You better give me answers by tomorrow."

He hung up the call.

"My love, is everything alright? Don't tell me you are canceling the wedding."

"It has nothing to do with the wedding."

Tracy exhaled. She had been bragging about her wedding with the irresistible CEO. Pictures were all over the internet, if he did cancel the wedding the world would laugh at her.


Christian continued to speak.

"The wedding will have to be postponed to a later date."

Tracey went numb for a minute. Postponed? That was equivalent to him canceling the wedding.

"Are you done shopping?"

She forced a smile.

"Yes, My love."

Her fist was balled so hard her nails dug into her flesh.

"Can I put them on so you can tell me which of them fits better?"

"I do not have time Tracy pack your things and let's leave."

He headed to the cashier to pay for the dozen clothes and shoes which cost him a fortune.

' If only it were Lucinda she would never shop this way.'

He murmured to himself.

Tracy watched from a distance and knew his attitude was because of Lucinda. Her anger slowly died off knowing he would soon get her off his mind with time.

Outside the boutique, some paparazzi flashed a camera light on the couples walking out of the boutique.

"Mr. Christian how responsible of you to help carry those bags."

Said a paparazzi snapping Christian's hands which were filled with bags. Tracy had insisted he carried them.

"Ms.Tracy, are you just his girlfriend?"

"No, I'm his financée."

She showed off the ring on her finger with a big smile on her face.

Christian's Adam apple bubbled up and down in anger. He wanted this engagement to be off the media.

"What is the meaning of this nonsense, can't I have some privacy?"

"Be calm, my love, look at the camera and smile."

Christian wasn't a fan of publicity more especially in a situation like this. He pushed whoever was in his way heading to his car. Tracy took her time to get to the car maintaining a professional look on her face.

"I hope you do not have a hand in this?"

His voice became hoarse, his eyes turned to flames that could burn her right now.

"N- No my love. I do not know them I swear."

"You better not because I am going to investigate who sent them."

At Lucinda's family mansion, nothing much had changed in three years. The beautiful lilies she had planted were blossoming. The gardener was doing a great job at maintaining them.

"Isn't that the prodigal young mistress?"

A maid pointed at the incoming figure.

"Yes. Her body mass has increased."

Another responded but in a whisper. They quickly disappeared before Lucinda could get to them.

Voices were buzzing inside the mansion like bees. She could hear them arguing about business. It has always been this way since she was born. Business talk all the time, it was one of the many reasons she left her family and adopted the life of a pauper thinking she could find happiness not being recognized as the daughter of the second richest man in the world.

"Gracious lord, who let the devil lose this time?"

Her stepmother, May, blurted out in Surprise.

"I'm amazed you still remember the way home. What brings you here?"

She folded her arms around her big chest.

May was only in her late forties while Lucinda's father was in his late sixties battling with a heart condition. Everyone knew May had married the old man for his money. A skillful gold digger and more.

Lucinda ignoring all of her aloof questions took a seat crossing her legs on the other.

"I see you haven't changed a bit. We do not need you here, go back to the man you abandoned your family to marry."

"Her happily ever after ended in a happily ever after, mother."

Her stepsister chipped in quickly.

"Enough you too."

Victor cut in with Lucinda's bag.

No one seemed to be surprised that he was siding with Lucinda. Both of them have been like figures five and six. Always supporting each other.

"Have you all seen the paper?"

Victor asked.

"Yes, we were just discussing it."

"It sounded more like arguing."

Lucinda quickly corrected.

"Father is entirely disappointed in us. The only way out of this mess before we sink Father's company is by winning the contract."

Phoenix company was looking for an interior design agency to help furnish their new branch which would be worth billions of money for whichever agency wins the contract.

"Currently SilverStyle is the only unbeatable agency and they are more likely to win the contract."

"No, they won't."

Lucinda objected.

SilverStyle was her ex-husband's company. Most of his designs were her ideas. She was more like a hidden brain box. Now that he had rejected her, Lucinda would take revenge by winning the contract against his company.