
Mario Tancreado

Mario Tancredo always hid his contempt before finishing off an opponent, he reserved it for the precise moment. It was more elegant that way. He liked to deliver the coup de grace in his fancy restaurant, during a supposedly informal meal, which was actually a battlefield for business. He did not understand why the restaurant attracted him so much. A long time ago, when Mario was only six years old, his father had given him a good spanking right there, in front of everyone. I had put him on his knees and had flogged him for having staged a tantrum in public.

Mario did not want to take the spinach. Years later he acquired the premises, whipped up by a morbid feeling, and discovered that he liked to close his deal there, to crush his enemies. The one who sat before him today was one of the most hated. Mario had been dreaming of this moment for decades.

He tasted the caviar without reflecting a single emotion on his imperturbable face and extended the pause as long as he could before giving an answer.

"I'm afraid I'm going to reject your offer," he said at last, indifferently. I'm not interested in your money.

"You're a damn son of ..." Ernesto managed to control himself and did not finish the sentence. The diners at the adjacent tables turned their heads towards the couple, attracted by Ernesto's high tone of voice.

-At your age you should know how to save composure, "Mario pointed out. The restaurant is full and I do not think you want to set up a scene. Actually Mario did not care at all that there was a scandal, even if they had to close the premises.

- Since when you are not interested in money? - Ernesto asked. It was hard to conceal his rejection of Mario. I know you and I know you do not pursue anything else. You have no morals or decency. Since you created your empire you only know how to ruin others. Okay, you've got thirty percent of my company's shares. You played well, I admit it, and you won. But I am offering you triple the money that my actions are worth to recover them. It's a more than fair deal and it will make you even richer. I can not understand why you do not accept it. If you want more money ...

"I repeat," Mario cut him off, curling his lips slightly. There were few people who had seen him smile, maybe none. "I don't want your money" - Mario took the wine glass and took a sip very calmly. Hearing from a rival that he had won was a delicious, intoxicating sensation, impossible to match.

However many times he experienced it, he would never be satisfied. It was better than sex. Not even when his daughter was born did he feel something comparable.

Ernesto snorted reluctantly.

-Then what do you want? My business? I do not swallow it. You are a destroyer. You only seize companies that you can later tear to get money. Mine is not profitable and you know it. Raising it again would take you, at the very least, two years of hard work, and we both know that you are not one of those who work.

Mario did not respond. There was no point in denying the obvious, and it was true that the two men knew each other perfectly well, so much so that their insurmountable differences distanced them.

Hopelessly Age was one of those differences, although probably the least of them. Mario was forty-three years old, while Ernesto had seventy-one.

They both saw the world and business from completely different perspectives and, in most cases, they could both know what the other was thinking with a slight look in their eyes. Ernesto's exposition had been rigorously true, to refute it would be to waste time, so Mario remained silent, waiting patiently for his opponent to understand it for himself.

He was not in a hurry.

-You do not speak? Ernesto asked, clearly annoyed. You're enjoying your position, is not that it? Reveling in your victory. I already imagine it, but I still do not know what you want. If you do not want to sell me the shares, it's because you're going to finish the operation and absorb my company. However, I do not see what it is for you if nobody is going to buy it for you

in your state ... unless ... Oh, no, I can not believe it!

-Yes, finally you have understood. I'm going to scrap it, no more.

Ernesto trembled with rage.

-You'll lose a fortune.

-Im very rich. I can afford it, do not worry.

-This is personal ...

-Of course.

-I have raised that company with my own hands, from nothing. I have built it for more than fifty years. You can not do it.

Mario dismissed the waiter who approached the table with a wave of his hand, and leaned forward slightly.

-I can, and I'm going to do it. And you will contemplate everything impotent.

"It's okay, you win," Ernesto said without being able to hide his desperation. Tell me what you want.

To beg? I will do it. I did not believe you capable of something like that, but I can not allow you to destroy the work of my life ...

Mario interrupted him with a wave of his hand. His cell phone was ringing.

"Better be important," he answered the device. I'm at an important business meal. He gave Ernesto a fake gesture of apology. He's my lawyer, "he explained, covering the phone with his hand. Ernesto was about to burst with indignation, but he had no choice but to hold on. Well, hurry up, I can not wait for the current owner of my future company ... Yes, you know him ... It's my father ... On your part. Mario cocked the phone again. Greetings, "he said to Ernesto.

"I do not believe it," Ernesto boomed. He knew his son well enough to know that he had said it only to make him even more uncomfortable.

-Police? Mario asked, frowning at the telephone. Are you sure? ... All four? ... My daughter is fine? ... No wonder. As if I did not know my wife. You will be giving yourself the third massage of the day, or wasting time in any other way. Ask the babysitter ... Those dogs are dangerous, catch them ... Damn! I always have to take care of everything. I 'm coming. He hung up the phone and stood up.

- Something happened to Silvia?

-I have to go. The damn dogs have escaped ...

Ernesto grabbed his arm.

-Forget our differences. I want to know if something has happened to my granddaughter.

Mario shook his father's hand with a sudden movement.

-The girl is well. But I do not forget anything. You, on the other hand, can forget about your company. If you want to do something for your granddaughter, pay the bill.

And he left.

He did not even pick up his coat from the closet.

"To my house," he told to the driver, closing the door to the limousine. And hurry up.

Traffic from Madrid was an obstacle that Mario's money could not overcome. It would take about half an hour to get there, despite being a maximum of five minutes with the streets cleared. Mario punched the seat and poured himself a drink.

The situation could get much worse if they did not find the dogs. Apparently they had escaped from the cottage. According to his lawyer, one had slipped into the neighbor's house, an unpleasant guy with whom he had had altercations in the past because of the dogs; Two more were running through the streets and the room had disappeared. That was far from being a simple problem.

The dogs he had bought for his wife. Mario refused at first, but she insisted until he got it. "It's for my safety," she had said. I feel naked with the girl alone in such a big house. "

Mario's explanations regarding the security system of the house did not help at all. There were more surveillance cameras than at the Prado Museum, but that did not matter. His wife wanted watchdogs, and he got them, but then he did not pay any attention to them.

What was really dangerous was that those damned mutts could tear an adult apart in a few seconds. Mario did not want to imagine what they would be able to do to a child on the street. According to their caretaker, an old lion tamer who charged a fortune for training the dogs, would not attack anyone unless they were shouted a specific word. Or was it a special gesture? Mario did not remember it. He paid a lot for not having to deal with that kind of thing. The real world was a complicated, imperfect place, and worst of all, unpredictable. He felt better immersed in his particular universe, where only the finances mattered, something that dominated perfectly.

And his wife without appearing anywhere. Mario called but she did not answer the phone. When they recovered the animals, when Mario paid what they had trastracado, and when everything was already resolved, then she would appear.

But this would be the last time. He would find out who had been responsible for their escape and dismiss him. Then he would sacrifice the dogs and turn them into sausages.

The limousine entered the street Parque Conde Orgaz, in the neighborhood of La Piovera, one of the most expensive and luxurious areas of Madrid.

There was a police car parked in double file, and several people in front of the door of his house. The neighbor was ranting, but his lawyer seemed to control the situation. The two agents mediated between them, while the curious fluttered around.

-What happened? Mario demanded, getting out of the limousine.

His lawyer was glad to see him.

- Are you Mario Tancredo? Asked a police officer too young to inspire authority.

-The same.

"One of your dogs has sneaked into the cottage ..."

"Has it caused any damage?"

"No, but your neighbor has reported him ..."

"My neighbor is an idiot," Mario said, breathing calmly knowing that no one was hurt. If he had to pay a fine he did not care. You have denounced me because you have been cast a pooch at home? What to do. As if you did not have more important things to take care of.

- Not that it was the first time! The neighbor shouted. I'm sick of those sacks of fleas that do not stop barking when someone walks on the sidewalk less than twenty meters from your plot ...

-Your wife also barks and I do not complain - Mario said. His lawyer interposed in time to avoid a confrontation. The policemen imposed order, and little by little the neighbor calmed down.

"Mr. Tancredo," said an agent, "apparently three of your dogs are still missing and that could be dangerous."

Before Mario said anything, another car stopped in double file. An older man with a sloppy beard and overly casual clothes got out.

-I've called him -said the lawyer to Mario-. I thought we would need him. Mario nodded.

"Your dogs have escaped," he reproached the old caretaker.

-How is it possible? The man asked.

"I still do not know, but if they do something to someone ..."

"They will not, unless they're attacked.

- Well, three are missing. You'll find them right now ...

A new police car parked next to them and had to get on the sidewalk so as not to block the street. Two agents came out dragging two huge doberman. The animals refused to leave the vehicle and the policemen had to pull the straps with all their might.

"I would not do that," the caretaker shouted in a worried tone. If you strangle the dogs you can piss them off and I do not recommend it.

- Are they your dogs? The policeman asked.I do not think they're going to attack anyone.

The caregiver came to the car and looked inside.

"It's them," he confirmed, looking at Mario and the others. But there are only two. Come here, come on!

Mario was the one who was most surprised that the animals refused to obey. He had seen the caretaker handle those killing machines as if they were puppets, with a simplicity that invited to think that anyone could do it. That was the only reason he had hired him. Otherwise, he would not have dared to have those beasts near his eight-year-old daughter.

After much effort, one of the dogs got out of the car. He moved a little closer to the chalet, constantly wrapped in a mixture of sweet words and firm orders from the caretaker, but when he got to the door he turned like a bolt of lightning and shot out. The caregiver did not expect it and

it escaped him. The animal got back into the car.

-What have you done to them? The caregiver asked. I had never seen them behave that way.

"Nothing at all," said the policeman. We find them like this, between two cars.

-As well as? Mario asked.

- Afraid.

"That's absurd," said the caretaker. Nothing can scare those dogs. I have trained them personally. They would fight against a tiger if ordered.

"Look, grandfather," the agent said without hesitation. I do not know much about pooches, but when they look down and put their tails between their legs, they're scared shitless.

"It's impossible," the caretaker insisted. -

I do not invent anything. Everyone has seen it, "said the policeman. Those dogs are afraid of

enter the house.

Then came a shrill cry, desperate, which lasted several seconds. Everyone turned their heads towards the house. The dogs barked crazily inside the police car. A rumble revealed that a window had been broken.

Mario identified the voice. I was the nanny. He must have run into the fourth dog. If she was hurt, she would have problems with the police. He ran out and opened the entrance gate to his plot.

- Hey, wait! Shouted one of the agents. Let's go with you It could be dangerous.

They ran towards him, but Mario closed the door before anyone could enter.

-What are you doing? Let us go. We are the police and someone could need us.

-If that is the case, I will let you know right away, but if this is not the case, no one will enter my property.

-You have to let them through. They are the police.

Hi guys, I hope you liked the first chapter, the novel will be somewhat slow but you will like it. If you want to support me, vote for me and leave reviews.


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