
The Beguiled Bond

As the first female battle commander of the military from the Waevalon Kingdom, Rachelle Simon believes that she does not need a mate in her life until she knows who she really was or where she actually came from before she arrived at the Dark Soul pack. She is living in peace until an annoying mysterious brute named Claude Hackworth arrived at their pack to visit his sister who happened to be her Luna and claimed that Rachelle is Claude's mate. However, she determines that she is not going to utter the words that she is accepting him. What will happen if Rachelle gets to meet and see her mate again in an unexpected moment but he will not introduce himself as her mate but the newly crowned Alpha King of Waevalon Kingdom?

mystiqueluna · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter Twenty-six: A Torturous Pain

"Sir Claude is departing today."

I stayed silent upon hearing their loud whispers and murmurs when I arrived in the dungeon. I settled myself in the corners and made myself busy by taking a book from the shelf.

I knew that today Claude is going to leave. It was making my heart ached. I was not supposed to feel this but I couldn't help. I bit my lower lip when I felt a stinging sensation near the corners of my eyes. I blinked and snapped out of it.


I raised my glance to see Karen that was in front of me. "Yes?" I asked.

"Sir Claude wishes to have your presence upon his departure later. In hopes, you will appear. Also, he needs you to see him in Sir Abraham's office to discuss some matters."

Confused, I closed the book I was reading. "Is it necessary to have my presence there?" What is Claude's plan again and he has to drag me out from his departure? Couldn't he just leave me alone?

Karen stretched out a gentle smile. "And this is an order as well from Sir Abraham. Effective immediately, Commander."

I clicked my tongue slowly and sighed. That Claude... He used Sir Abraham so I couldn't say no. Damn him!

I ended up nodding my head. "I'll see him at the moment. Thank you for informing me." Karen nodded and went back to discuss with my other comrades.

Sighing, I returned to its place and went outside so I could go to Sir Abraham's office. I had a strange feeling that was creeping inside me right now. I don't know why but my heart was racing so fast like something is not going to be right. I looked around and alerted myself.

I don't feel any strange things around me. But why am I feeling that something was not going to end up well? Why am I feeling this?

I sniffed as I was in front of the door of the office. I could smell Claude's scent then there was another familiar scent that I could smell along with Claude's.

I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. "Sir Claude?" I peeked in.

My heart sank seeing Claude and Duchess Amelia tangling together and their bodies were pressed together. Claude's back was facing me. I saw Duchess Amelia giving me a winning look while her lips were pressing on his.

I couldn't believe what I am actually seeing right now. Is this why Claude wanted me to come here so I can see this? Is this the reason why he needs my presence? To actually witness that he and Duchess Amelia are making out?

Why couldn't I move? Why am I seeing this? Why, of all time, I have to see this?

I could feel a tear escaped from my eye. My wolf was howling in pain and anger seeing the betrayal that was happening right in front of my eyes.

Claude suddenly pushed Duchess Amelia. "What the hell, Amelia! Why did you do that?! You know I have my mate!" he said angrily.

"I-I'm sorry." She started sniffing and looked away.

Her eyes glued on me. Then she gasped overreacting upon seeing me. With her reaction, Claude turned around. His eyes widened in shock seeing that I was in there.

"Rachelle... I-I can explain..." His voice stammered.

I shook my head, forcing myself to smile, and immediately wiped the tears escaped from my eyes. "I-I apologize for b-barging in without announcing my presence." My voice is crooked. I took a huge gulp and calmed myself. "Karen said that you wish to see me, sir, for some matters." Way to go, Rachelle. Don't let this part affect you.

Claude closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I need you to leave, Amelia," he commanded in his dangerous tone. Then he snapped his head to the duchess. "Now."

The duchess's jaw dropped as her eyes started to get teary-eyed. She started sobbing and running away from the office.

I was left alone with Claude as an awkward atmosphere suffocated us. I masked myself with a blank expression as I silently kept the pain inside. I don't want Claude to see my vulnerable side.

"What kind of matters you wish to discuss with me?" I asked coldly. "You want me to guard Duchess Amelia? I apologize, good sir but I am not going to do it." Never will I have to deal with her.

"Rachelle, let me explain first about what happened." His soothing voice made me shiver and my knees wobbled.

I harshly shook my head, looking at him void of emotion. "No. There's nothing to explain about. I have seen what I see. You asked me to come here so you can formally tell me that you want me to reject you so you can be with Duchess Amelia, am I right?" I snorted and smirked. The bitterness was poisoning inside me. It was hard to stop it. I couldn't even control the anger I have right now.

A confused expression registered on his face. "What? No! That is not—"

"Good news, good sir. I am not letting you in vain. For today, I, Rachelle Simon, am rejecting you as my mate," I said as tears were rolling down.

Claude's eyes widened and a loud gasp escaped from his mouth. "No! Rachelle, no!"

There was a sudden pain that seering in my chest. I placed my hand on my left chest as I felt the unexplainable sensation passed by. Claude was on his pain as well. Tears started rolling down my cheeks from my eyes as pain surges. Claude was glaring at me at the same time, he has tears in his eyes as well.

I knelt as my knees wobbled as a soft sob escaped from my lips. I felt a shiver running down my spine and looked up to see the worried expression of Claude who was holding my hand.

"C-Claude..." I couldn't explain the pain surging right now. It was too painful like it was splitting me in half.

Claude forced a smile. "You should have not done this. You should have not rejected us. If only you let me explain..." There was a hint of anger and sadness in the tone of his voice.

I hissed and massaged my left chest. The pain wasn't surging and it was totally unbearable. I felt like I would have to pass out from it.

I couldn't even utter a word and say something to Claude. What I could do was just stare at him in pain. My chest was rising up and down and I held his hand so tight.

We both stayed silent as the pain started to subside. I couldn't even look at Claude right now. His eyes were on me for some reason.

I tried to stand up without his help and glared down at him. "I... I have to go," I said, murmuring. I still felt so weak but I could manage to brace myself. I want to pass out but I couldn't just do that and acted that I am a damsel in distress.

His expression changed to the void of emotion. He stood up. "No. You will see me off. You have to. It's an order from the royal knight of the Waevalon Kingdom," he commanded, emotionless. "And I need you to suffer that seeing me off after you rejected me will give you some time to regret everything you did, Rachelle."

His icy eyes pierced through my soul. I tried to communicate with my wolf but to no avail, she blocked me and left me with Claude who has hatred written on his eyes.

I huffed, not believing what I just heard and seeing. "You're the one who must suffer for betraying me!" I said in grief and cried.

But Claude's expression didn't change.

Little I did know, this will be the last time I will talk to him...