
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Naruto and Menma (Blood Against Blood)

Naruto surveyed the multitude of bodyguards before him, their numbers meant to intimidate.

Bodyguard 1: "What's your move now, Naruto? You're outnumbered."

Naruto let out a resigned sigh, his gaze hardening as he responded.

Naruto: "All I see around me is fear and a bunch of amateurs nursing broken bones."

Naruto squared off against the onslaught of bodyguards, his wooden katana poised for battle. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, the Eclipse Breathing technique flowing through him like a torrential wave.

Bodyguard 2: "He's coming at us!"

Bodyguard 3: "Get ready to defend!"

Naruto's movements were swift and precise as he dispatched each opponent with calculated strikes. The wooden katana moved with an almost ethereal grace, deflecting blows and delivering precise counterattacks.

Naruto: "You're no match for me. Surrender now, or suffer the consequences."

The bodyguards, overwhelmed by Naruto's skill and determination, began to falter. With a final flourish, Naruto unleashed a barrage of flash grenades, temporarily blinding his foes and allowing him to clear the floor.

Naruto: "That's enough for today. Tell Menma I'm coming for him."

Menma observed from his screen as his brother effortlessly defeated his entire cadre of bodyguards. Turning to his employee, he issued a command with a sense of urgency.

Menma: "Retrieve the serum created by Umbrella before my brother arrives."

The employee nodded in understanding, recognizing the gravity of the situation, and hurried off to procure the serum before Naruto could breach their defenses. As Naruto stormed into Menma's office, his eyes blazed with fury directed at his brother.

Naruto: "You subjected Ichigo and Luffy's brothers to your twisted experiments, tormented Ichigo during his college years, and now you'll face the consequences."

Menma: "Spare me your sanctimony, Naruto. You have no idea what it's like to feel insignificant in our family's eyes. Our parents favored you and Naruko, leaving me feeling like nothing."

Naruto sighed heavily, his expression softening momentarily.

Naruto: "I understand our family's dynamics were flawed after our parents' death. I left them behind long ago, knowing I was undervalued. But your actions, experimenting on innocent lives, are inexcusable."

Suddenly, one of Menma's employees rushed into the room, urgency in his voice.

Employee: "Boss, we have a serious problem. Please turn on the television."

Menma complied, and his face drained of color as the TV screen revealed Aqua Uzumaki, broadcasting a shocking revelation to the world.

Daniel: "Today, I stand before you not as a commando, but as Aqua Uzumaki. I bring to light the dark truths hidden in the shadows. The existence of zombies, created by the Umbrella Corporation, is no longer a secret. I have shared evidence and documentation with the FBI. But there's more. One of the masterminds behind this abomination is none other than my own uncle, Menma. He was not only a shareholder in Umbrella Corporation but also conducted horrifying experiments on innocent children. Moreover, he orchestrated the framing of my father, shattering our family."

A video played, capturing Menma's admission of guilt in front of Ichigo and the others, confirming Aqua's claims.

Menma stared at the screen in disbelief, realizing his downfall had been broadcasted for the world to witness.Naruto's shock mirrored Menma's as they absorbed the damning revelation. Both brothers locked eyes, their expressions a mix of disbelief and anger.

Naruto's voice was laced with betrayal as he demanded answers from Menma.

Naruto: "How could you, Menma? All these years... Did you really frame me?"

Menma's gaze wavered for a moment before he replied, his voice tinged with bitterness and envy.

Menma: "Yes, Naruto, it was me. I couldn't stand the way everyone looked up to you, praised you for being perfect. I envied your life, your family, everything. I framed you to bring you down, to show the world that you weren't as flawless as they believed."

Naruto's fists clenched at his sides, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

Naruto: "You ruined my family, destroyed my trust... All because of your jealousy?"

Menma's eyes narrowed, his own resentment bubbling to the surface.

Menma: "Yes, because of my envy. I couldn't stand seeing you happy while I suffered in your shadow."

As the tension hung heavy in the air, Daniel's unexpected words pierced through the atmosphere, capturing the attention of both Naruto and Menma.

Daniel's voice resonated with a sense of resolve as he addressed his father and uncle through the live broadcast.

Daniel: "Father, I understand the turmoil you're facing, the uncertainty about your feelings for Mom. But we mustn't let past grievances consume us. It's time to break free from the chains of hatred and resentment. Please, forgive Uncle Menma and let justice prevail. We can't let his actions tarnish our family's legacy any further."

Naruto and Menma exchanged bewildered glances as they processed Daniel's profound statement, realizing the depth of his conviction.

As the employee brought the serum for Menma, a pivotal moment hung in the balance. But in the wake of Aqua's revelations, Menma found himself at a crossroads, grappling with the weight of his actions and the implications of his choices.

Menma stared at the serum in his hand, his mind fraught with conflicting emotions. In that moment, he made a decision that would alter the course of his destiny.

Menma: "Dispose of it."

The employee looked at Menma in astonishment, unable to comprehend his sudden change of heart.

Employee: "But sir, this serum—"

Menma cut him off with a resolute gaze, his voice carrying a newfound sense of determination.

Menma: "I said dispose of it. We will face the consequences of our actions, no matter how dire they may be. It's time to atone for our sins."

With a firm command, Menma signaled his intent to confront the truth head-on and accept the repercussions of his past deeds.

Menma turned to Naruto, his eyes reflecting a mix of remorse and humility, as he faced the brother he had wronged.

Menma: "Naruto, I know my words alone cannot undo the pain I've caused you and our family. But please, I beg of you, find it in your heart to forgive me."

Naruto regarded Menma with a somber expression, the weight of years of resentment and betrayal etched in his features. Yet, beneath the veneer of anger, there lingered a glimmer of empathy, a flicker of hope for reconciliation.

Naruto: "Menma, the road to forgiveness is long and arduous. But if you are sincere in your desire to change, then perhaps we can begin to heal the wounds of our past."

With those words, Naruto extended a hand of tentative forgiveness, a gesture laden with the promise of redemption and the possibility of a brighter future.

Menma reached out, grasping Naruto's hand with gratitude and a newfound determination to atone for his sins and rebuild the bonds of brotherhood that had been fractured by betrayal and mistrust.

As Menma surrendered himself to the police, the atmosphere was heavy with a sense of closure and resolution. Naruto watched silently, his expression a mix of relief and melancholy, as his brother took responsibility for his actions.

Naruto: "It's finally over."

Naruko approached Naruto, her eyes brimming with tears of remorse and regret.

Naruko: "Naruto, I'm so sorry. I should have been there for you when you needed me most. I let you down, and I can never forgive myself for that."

Naruto regarded Naruko with a gentle understanding, his heart heavy with the weight of their shared pain.

Naruto: "Naruko, you don't have to apologize. We've all made mistakes, but what matters now is that we learn from them and move forward together."

Naruko nodded, her resolve strengthening as she embraced her brother, a silent promise to stand by his side through thick and thin.

As Menma was led away by the authorities, Naruto and Naruko shared a moment of silent reflection, their bond strengthened by the trials they had endured and the forgiveness they had granted. In that moment, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a family, united in love and solidarity.

After returning home, Naruto found Ai there, her eyes filled with tears of remorse and regret.

Ai: "Naruto, I'm so sorry. It's because of me that your brother caused so much pain, and you've changed so much because of it. It's all my fault that our family fell apart."

Naruto approached Ai with understanding and compassion, offering her his handkerchief to wipe away her tears.

Naruto: "Ai, I know you were trying to make things right, and I've been pushing you away. That's not who I am, and I'm sorry for that."

Ai looked up at Naruto, seeing a glimmer of the person she knew before all the turmoil began.

Naruto: "I forgive you, Ai, for everything that happened. But to earn back my trust and love, you'll need to prove yourself again."

Naruto's words carried a warmth and sincerity that filled Ai with hope. Through her tears, she made a solemn promise.

Ai: "Thank you, Naruto. Your forgiveness means everything to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your love. I promise."

Ai, feeling the weight of her emotions, reached out to Naruto, asking for his support.

Ai: "Naruto, can I lean on you today? I need to let it all out and cry."

Naruto hesitated briefly, but then opened his arms with a gentle smile.

Naruto: "Of course, Ai. Let it all out. I'm here for you."

As Naruto offered his support, Ai buried her face into his shoulder and began to cry. Her tears flowed freely, carrying the weight of her regrets and sorrows. With each sob, she whispered apologies for everything she believed she had caused. Naruto remained silent, offering his presence as a comforting anchor amidst her storm of emotions.

The room was filled with the sound of Ai's cries, echoing her pain and remorse. Naruto held her gently, allowing her to release the pent-up emotions she had been carrying for so long. Time seemed to stand still as Ai poured out her heart, seeking solace and forgiveness.

Eventually, as her tears began to subside, Ai looked up at Naruto with red and swollen eyes. She felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that she had finally let go of the burdens she had been carrying alone for far too long.

Naruto offered her a reassuring smile, silently assuring her that she was not alone in her struggles. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, supporting each other every step of the way.