
The Bashful Star Falls in Love

A boy who had past trauma lives a life with no goal in mind. However, he life was turned around when he suddenly saves one of his school's prettiest girl. The boy now, caught the attention of the popular girl lives a life that is unexpected and sometimes, even romantic. This is a story of a young boy who unexpectedly, falls in love. IMPORTANT: Read Volume 0 after Volume 1 if you fellow readers ever reach that far. Volume 0 is some scenes in Volume 1 in the perspective of the main heroine.

Carl_1291 · Hiện thực
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43 Chs

"More Than Just Friends"?

When we rushed to school the second day, just like yesterday, Kanjiro was already there. I saw two tables filled with different cupcakes.

"Hey Juni, you just got here?"

He came out of the kitchen while I was staring at the mountain of cupcakes with shock.

"Did you make all this?"

"Nah, a couple other bakers also had the same idea of coming in early and preparing food."

"How long do you think this is going to last?"

"Probably around 30 minutes if I have to guess. I said I was gonna be here an hour before the day starts but I actually came in during 4AM. There was a security guard who asked me what I was doing. I had to tell him our situation and he reluctantly let me in."

"Wow, are you gonna do this for the rest of the week?"

"Most likely. Its fine though, I enjoy cooking."

Kanjiro showed me a smile and went back into the kitchen. I opened my phone and the time was 7:55. Crap, I need to change into the correct outfit. I rushed out the door to the restroom and changed into a world record speed. The bell rang while I was running back and the day has now started.

The day was similar to yesterday except that the line was going much faster. The cupcakes prepared before the festival started helped the bakers in the kitchen focus on more difficult desserts such as the creme caramel. After only an hour or so, there was already no line waiting for our class. Those who were supposed to work the afternoon shift left to enjoy the festival while the people working the morning shift continued. While advertising for our classroom, I met my eyes with Tochaki-san who happens to be walking around our classroom.

"Hey Juni-kun. Are you still working?"

"Yea, I'm taking the morning shift today so I have the afternoon for free."

"Oh I see…"

Tochaki-san showed a slightly disappointed face.

"Is everything alright?"

"I came to see if you wanted to hangout for the festival, but it seemed our time doesn't match…"

"Do you want to go around the school tomorrow? I have the afternoon shift tomorrow so morning I am free."

Tochaki-san's face lit up immediately.

'Really! Thats a promise!"

"Of course, we'll meet outside your classroom if you want."


She was smiling more now and decided to leave to not distract me. Before going upstairs, I saw her turn back towards me.

"Don't forget to come by today! I'll be waiting!"

Ah right. I did say I would visit her while she was working. Hopefully she is free when its my turn in line.

It's finally lunchtime and me and Kanjiro decided to go to the cafeteria again to get some food.

"Today was a lot easier than yesterday. All thanks to the prepared cupcakes we made before the festival started. Thank God we did that."

"Yea hard work back there man. You should have fun for the rest of the day."

"Yea. Should we visit the haunted house today after lunch?"

"Maybe later today or tomorrow? I promised Tochaki-san to visit her in her classroom today."

"Awwwwe. What a lucky boy. Did she offer that to you? Or you begged her to let you visit?"

"Shut up, she asked me yesterday when we were going home."

"I see, then I shouldn't bother you. I'll go hangout with some other guys then."

"Wait, I thought you were coming with me."

Kanjiro gave me a slightly mysterious look but there was no evil behind it.

"You are oblivious to everything around you aren't you."


"I can't go uhhh. Because… uhhh."


Clearly this guy was thinking of an excuse. Why doesn't he want to come with me?

"I'm not good with maids… That's why…"

"Not good with them? As in?"

"Uhhh. I just don't like maids, that's all."

"Alright yea whatever. If you don't wanna come just say so."

"Look alright, sooner or later you're gonna realize how patient I am with your stubborn butt. You're gonna eventually thank me for doing this. Anyways, you should go now."

Kanjiro headed towards another direction I guess to hang with other people. Of course I know my own feelings. But it's one sided. They won't be returned.

I finished my lunch a few minutes after Kanjiro left. I headed towards Tochaki-san's classroom and to absolutely no one's surprise, there was a massive line, yet again, going up stairs to the second year's floor. Oh crap, I almost forgot to change my outfit. I ran back to my classroom and grabbed my bag that I left in the corner with everyone's bag. I rushed to the boy's changing room and changed into the outfit I wore to the aquarium. I took out a hair brush and swung my hair to the right and applied some gel so it says that way. Thankfully there was no one in here with me otherwise my cover would have been blown immediately. I left the bag in here and went out of the changing room and stood in line. There were students walking in the hallway and I was honestly still pretty surprised no one decided to take a closer look at my face to realize I wasn't just some random guy. I waited in line for about an hour until there was only two people in front of me, both are boys and I can only guess what they are here for. I looked back and there was still a long line of people waiting. This place is still this popular even after the change huh. The boys ahead of me were talking, and it was pretty obvious they wanted Tochaki-san as their maid, if she's free of course.

"Oh my God it's almost us!"

"Yea I can't wait!"

"Hopefully Kinai-san is free right now."

"Are you kidding me? We are lucky enough to even get this far! But you're right, if Kinai-chan is free, we are 100% choosing her."

The boys were admiring the cute school idol working while talking to each other. One of them turned back towards me and I got very nervous.

"Hey mister, which maid are you gonna go for?"

Is my cover gonna be blown? I was sweating a little bit but I had to act calm.

"Uhh, I honestly d-don't know. I've never been here before. I was just curious since I had never seen a maid cafe so decided to stay in line."

To be fair, most of what I said weren't actually lies. It's true I've never been to a maid cafe before and it's also true I don't know any other maid other than Tochaki-san, who is always unavailable. The two boys were pretty convinced of my answer and went back to chatting with each other. Thank God they didn't know it was me.

"Next please!"

The two boys stepped into the classroom. I looked inside and there were currently only 3 maids available. None of them is Tochaki-san. I can hear the disappointing noise from their voice but that wasn't gonna make it better. They were forced to choose one of them and they were seated. I'm next. I realized this and I started getting nervous. I was having trouble breathing and was fidgeting with my hands.

"Next please!"

I stepped inside the classroom. Two maids greeted me with a "welcome back master" which embarrassed me a little. A guy, who I can only assume to be working at the door asked me which one I would like to choose. It seemed Tochaki-san request to serve me isn't gonna be fulfilled after all.

"I would l–"

"I'll take care of him!"

I looked besides the two currently available maids and Tochaki-san was standing right there.


"I'll take care of this kind gentleman."

"But Kinai-san, you haven't finished serving your previous two guests yet."

"It's fine… he is uh… special to me."

"Uhhh alright. Sir, are you fine with her?"

Tochaki-san was staring at me with hopeful eyes while also blushing a little.

"Uhh. ye-yea. That will work."

"Alright then, please be seated here."

I was seated at a seat close to the corner of the classroom. Thankfully, there weren't many students in the classroom and the majority of the people were normal guests. The students that are in here though were staring at me with some weird looks. Have they figured out who I am?

"Alright master, what would you like to drink!"

I didn't even realize it but Tochaki-san was standing right beside me.

"Uhh, I'll just have a cup of this… 'sweety cutie coffee' please?"

I looked at the menu and every item was named very cutely. It was a bit embarrassing saying it outloud until I thought to myself that every customer in here has said it, so it made me feel a bit better.

"Alright! Your drink is coming right up!"

Tochaki-san left. Right after, a girl came up to me. She was a student from our school. She came standing right in front of me and I got really nervous. Did she find out?

"You look incredibly familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Uhhh. I don't believe so?"

"Oh! You're the guy from Kinai-san's instagram post!"

"Ohh uhh. Yea. I hung out with her during the break. It was a lot of fun."


She came whispered into my ears:

"Are you two going out?"

"No. We are just friends."

"Oh I see, how unfortunate, I thought you two looked good together as well."

She walked away and went back to her own table. I looked good with Tochaki-san? Is she joking? I thought about this until Tochaki-san came back with my coffee.

"Here is your drink master."

"Oh, uhh. Thank you."

"Aren't you gonna praise me a little?"

Praise her? Like verbally?

"Good job I guess?"

Tochaki-san showed a slightly disappointed face.

"No master! I mean like a reward?"

She was now winking at me while also lowering her head. Oh I see.

I raised my hand towards her head and patted it. I was getting a tone of jealous looks from male students that were in here.

"Thank you master! I will work even harder now!"

She left with a cheerful face. I was getting even more stares now. They don't know it's me. They don't know it's me. As long as I can get back to the changing room after that I will be safe. I thought this to myself as I slowly sipped on my coffee.

"Have a good rest of your day master!"

Tochaki-san said these words to me as I left the cafe. After I was out of her sight, I sprinted to the changing room and changed back to my school uniform. Again, I was lucky no one was in here so I was spared. Now I just need to act normal to get through the rest of the day.

I left the changing room and saw Kanjiro walking towards my direction. She looked at me and gave a surprised look and ran up to me.

"Yo, I didn't think you were gonna be here. How was the cafe?"

"It was good…"

"Did something happen?"

He can tell I wasn't feeling well.

"Yea I'm fine, just thought I would get exposed since I was getting stares from every student in there."

"Well no one noticed in the end right? You're fine."


"So… does this mean you'll go to the haunted house with me?"


"Yea, you said later today or tomorrow but our shift doesn't match tomorrow. You have the afternoon shift tomorrow and I have the morning shift. Plus, we still have 3 hours before the festival ends for today."

Kanjiro had a point, tomorrow and Thursday me and his shift don't match.


"Alright, let's go!"

We headed towards the direction of the haunted house which was on the second year's floor and entered. I was so blown out from when I was in the maid cafe that none of the scares even bothered me that much. Kanjiro however was screaming his heart out. We left the haunted house after hearing him scream for 15 minutes straight and rested somewhere.

"Bro you didn't give a reaction at all. I didn't know you weren't scared of horror stuff."

"I didn't have the energy to get scared after the maid cafe."

"You are no fun. Next year I'm bringing you to one again if it ever happens again."

"I hope you forget."

We joked for about another 15 minutes until Kanjiro was full of energy again and decided to explore the rest of the school together. Before we knew it, the festival was over and people were leaving.

"Today was fun. Tomorrow will be even more busy. Get ready."

"Yea you too. Don't forget about the dance on Friday."

"Yea I know. I'll see you tomorrow Juni."

Kanjiro left and I stayed for a few more minutes before going out and saw Tochaki-san heading towards my classroom.

"Good work today Tochhaki-san."

"Mmmmm. Huf!"

Tochaki-san was pouting and was ignoring me. What could I have possibly done that pissed her off?

"Ummm, are you tired from today?"


"Did a customer make you mad?"


"Did I somehow make you mad?"


She was silent. Yep, I was the root of the problem.

"So could I know exactly what I did to make you mad?"

"... Juni-kun… A girl came up to me after today's festival and asked me if you were the person in my instagram post. She told me that she went up to you while I was getting your coffee and asked about what our relationship is… and you said we are just friends."

"Uhh, I thought we were friends? I'm I wrong?"

"I mean you are but… I thought of us as something more than friends…"

I stayed silent.

"You gave me a Christmas gift that I never thought you would have gotten me and is always kind to me… we promised to support each other when we are hurt. I thought of you not just as a friend, but someone very dear to me…"

I felt guilty after she explained her reasoning. Looking back, we have spent most of our days together and laughed with each other. How can I simply just call us two friends?

"I'm sorry Tochaki-san. You are right. You are not just a friend to me… but someone more than that…"

Ever since her family decided to take me in, they have been nothing but nice to me. I really did hurt Tochaki-san's feelings today.

"I've always thought of you as family Tochaki-san. Your father is too. We might not be related but I've always thought of you as someone I can depend on… Please forgive me."

I hugged her from behind and she must have felt surprised.


"Please don't be mad."

"I, uh… Juni… uh…"

I guess she was at a loss for words about my assertive actions. I won't lie, I was also surprised I did something such as hugging her from behind.

"Juni-kun… Alright. I forgive you. But please know that our relationship is something more than just friends…"

"I want something like that too."

I released her and she faced towards me and showed a slightly embarrassed look. She looked really cute when she was embarrassed.

"Pat my head…"

I patted her head and it seemed to make her slightly happier. We walked back home after that.