
New home

"Hi, I'm Jordan and I am an orphan." I read this words out. I had written them boldly on the first page of my journal when I was newly brought to the orphanage. However, today I am opening a new chapter with my new parents.

My biological parents had died in a car accident 9 years ago. It was a sad and heartbreaking news, I had felt so lost and thought I'd never be found, but that was years back, now they are barely in my memory. I've lived the past years among people who are like me, no parents or family relation in our lives. Our lives had revolved only around this big building we live in, and knew nothing about the outside world.

I celebrated my 17th birthday yesterday with my friends, Lilo, Katherine and Oliver. We were once a group of six, but luckily Zach and Betty were adopted. Yeah, luckily. In the orphanage, it was like a dream to be adopted. We all wanted to live outside our usual surrounding and meet people. It sometimes seemed scary but then we'd rather face such fear. Yesterday I had wished for no additional days in the orphanage, I had wish for a life outside the orphanage and that was coming through right before my eyes. Yes, no one would live in an orphanage forever, one day, at a certain age, they'll be sent out to the world. But then they'll be no parent or loved one to lean on.

"Jordan?" My name filled the room causing me to hmm and turn to the direction of the voice.

"Let's go, they are waiting." Sister Erica said, standing by the door with her right hand on the knob and her lips forming a smile. She has been my favorite reverend sister among all. I closed the journal I held and tossed it in the big box where I packed my stuffs, took my back pack from the single bed and hung it on my shoulders before picking up the brown box and tailing behind sister Erica as we left my room

I felt my chest light up at the sight of the two adults I will be handed over to. They sat by the hallway leading to the reception, looking all enthusiastic, nervousness speaking through their feets that moved continuously.

"Mr and Mrs Moloney, I officially introduce you to Jordan." I guess that's officially my surname. Sister Erica make known our presence causing the two couples to stand on their feets in a welcoming manner.

"Hi." I say nervously, bowing my head a little and itching a smile on my face. It wasn't me being weird about trying to greet but me living the first moment in 9 years of speaking to someone who wasn't in a black and white outfit, and wearing a crucifix on their neck, or those other adults I see everytime we went to the school at the orphanage.

"We meet again and this time they'll be no goodbyes." The middle aged lady spoke. Mrs Moloney had earlier visited the orphanage where she first met and spoke to me. According to her she had said "you fit just perfect." Up until now I know not what that had meant but I had seen her another day at the courtyard speaking to one of the senior sisters, and later that day I was given an adoption form to fill and without much thought I did, fully knowing that she was the one.

After a short conversation with my supposed new parents, I excuse myself and head over to the prep room to say goodbye to my friends, and after that, I was on my way to my new home.