
The Avianwolf

In a world partially dominated by Ravens, Phoenixes (Avian) and werewolf, A Child was born. He had the blood of a Raven, Phoenix and Werewolf; he was an Avianwolf. He was hated amongst all the species, because they never saw eye to eye. The three species were pure Rivals. With the help of his witch friend, he laid a curse on them to never be able to mate with other species so they couldn't get an Avianwolf. A phoenix was surprisingly mated to a Raven, And then Emily was born. When she found out what she was, life became hard for her. She was being attacked by both Ravens and Phoenixes, as she was partly their enemy. She falls in love with a werewolf and then they had a son (An avianwolf) , she knew her son would face more challenges than she had, so with the help of a witch, she locked his powers in a cave far away and gave him up for adoption. Read the book to know what happened after then. Book cover by Jabo graphics.

Emzest_Inale · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 16

A young man was on his way home that night. He was drunk and driving at a high speed, blasting one of his favorite hip-hop songs and singing along to it at a high pitch.

He saw a boy standing in the middle of the road, motionless. His face was bowed.

The man quickly pressed his legs on the brake and the tires screeched, stopping an inch away from the boy.


"What is wrong with you?" I could've killed you. " The man yelled, with his head protruding from his window.

As the boy remained speechless and motionless, The man unbuckled his seatbelt and came down from his car to check if the boy was alright, but then, he saw a wolf standing in the same spot the boy was a few moments ago, growling at him.


He rushed to get in the car but wasn't fast enough as the wolf pounced on him, shredding him with his claws and devouring him with his sharp fangs.




Michael and Emily had left the basement, but Giselle requested to stay behind and keep an eye on Jacob.

They walked to the living room, where Michael sat on the couch to watch the news.


"Hi, I'm Elena Berry, reporting on behalf of new23. The body of an unidentified male was discovered at a location in Dark Sun City. Details have been sketchy and there is very little we can confirm. Early indications from authorities suggest that the gruesome wounds sustained indicate that the victim was killed by some kind of animal. The cops are appealing for witnesses to come forward. " The news reporter spoke quickly, almost clumsily, and appeared disorganized. They wouldn't blame her; the scene was frightening. 

With Michael's attention absorbed by the television, a frown was etched deeply on his forehead. 

The reporter signed off, but Michael's gaze remained fixed on the screen, his eyes slowly darkening, glowing bright green. "Are you okay, Michael?" Emily asked, sitting beside him.


"Chris..." Michael growled. His concentration on the television was unbroken.

"You think Chris did that?" Emily asked, pointing at the television.

Michael growled, collapsing to the ground. "Run! I'm losing it. " He yelled.

"I'm not leaving you here. Come, I'll get you to the cellar." Emily reached for him.

"There's no time. Ahhh! " His bones kept cracking. "Run to the basement! Lock yourselves in one of the cellars now!" He cried. Emily hesitated, but she saw his bones twisting visibly. He grew larger and larger with every passing minute, which ripped his clothes apart.

Emily got terrified and ran as fast as she could. She got to the basement and found Giselle sitting on the ground with her back resting on the bars of the cellar opposite where Jacob was.

"What is it?" Giselle stood up and moved to Emily. Before she could talk, they both heard a growl behind them.


They turned around slowly and saw a wolf with darkish silver fur and glowing green eyes, standing behind them. They were amazed; they had never seen Michael in his wolf form before. He looked beautiful, thus, harmless.

The wolf slowly advanced towards them before picking up its pace. Emily hurriedly opened the cellar door and, in the blink of an eye, the wolf was five inches away from them. They rushed into the cellar and shut the door. The wolf banged its head against the steel bars and growled at them.

It turned around and stared at the pterolycus with a growl. The pterolycus, on the other hand, struggled to free itself from the chains, occasionally growling angrily at Michael.

After a while, Michael's wolf walked out of the basement, and Emily and Giselle sat beside each other, resting their backs on the wall and staring at the growling pterolycus.




When Emily and Giselle woke up, they looked around and realized they had slept in the cellar. They quickly peered through the bars at the cellar Jacob had transformed in, and saw him lying on the floor; a small blanket was covering some parts of his body, and his hands were tucked in between his thighs as he shook slightly.

They got up and rushed to open the door of the cellar. They were inside when Michael walked past them and went to Jacob.

He frowned when he loosened the chains; the chains were burning Jacob. It healed rapidly once the chains had been removed.

"When I find the werewolf that bit me, I'll make sure to kill it." Jacob said, lowly, more like a whisper.

Michael handed Jacob the clothes and excused him so he could get dressed. Ditto for Emily and Giselle.


Emily found Michael standing on the front porch staring at the trees and flowers. She walked over to him and stood beside him. "Hey." She smiled.

"Hey." Michael's gaze remained fixed on the vegetation.

"You looked beautiful when you turned." Emily said, but the smile was still plastered on her face.

"Yeah, beautifully dangerous." Michael raised an eyebrow at her.

"Who said anything about you being dangerous?"

"You don't get it!" Michael faced her. 


He pointed at the door. "I could've killed you and Giselle." I can't control my wolf. When it's out, I feel like a ripper. I am a ripper. "

Emily remained silent. Her eyes, which were blue like sapphires, riveted his dreamy brown eyes. She moved over to him and slowly caressed his cheek. He moved his eyes to her hands and closed them as he felt the softness of her palm. She quickly drew back her hands and darted her eyes away. What could have come over her? Michael opened his eyes and stared at her. 

"Um..." Emily thought of anything to break the awkward silence. "How did you manage to convince the man to give you his car?"

"I didn't." Michael replied, his gaze still fixed on her. He continued, as he noticed her bafflement, "The werewolf gene is always accompanied by a special gift aside from superspeed, superhuman strength, hearing, and immortality."

"So...?" Emily's brow furrowed.

"I hypnotised him." Michael slowly blinked. 

"So, does that mean... Jacob also gets a werewolf gift?"

"Only born werewolves get the gift," Michael replied.

Jacob and Giselle walked out of the mansion. "We'll be leaving now. Thanks for everything." Giselle said, and Michael gave a sly grin before moving his gaze back to the flowers in front of him.

He noticed Emily's hesitation when Jacob and Giselle were leaving. "You can go, I'll be fine." His eyes remained on the beautiful flower arrangements, and she walked away. 

As soon as they left, Michael proceeded to search for Chris. He didn't know why he wanted to look for him, but he couldn't let him continue killing innocent people.

Following Chris's scent, Michael arrived at a luxurious house. He stared at the house, wondering what his brother was doing in there.

He opened the door without knocking and stepped in slowly, his eyes scanning the room as Chris's scent filled it. He heard soft music playing, so he went to where the music came from.

"Hey, brother!" Michael turned quickly to find Chris standing five meters away from him. "I suggest you go back to where you came from." Chris raised an eyebrow.

"Where is the owner of this house?" Michael asked, looking around.

"He is standing right before you." Chris grinned, spreading his arms.

"Christian! What did you do? " Michael yelled.

"It belonged to a couple, actually, but I made a deal with them; I kill them and I get the house. Cool, isn't it?" Chris chuckled.

"You should stop killing innocent people." Michael stalked towards Chris.

"Nobody is innocent. If you want to stop the killings, you'll have to kill me, which I know you're too weak to do. " Chris strode to the couch and fell on it, crossing one leg over another.

Michael clenched his jaw. His eyes glowed green, but he closed them tightly, and when he opened them again, they were back to the normal deep brown. "I'll find a way to bring back your good side." 

"That is a total waste of time. I turned dark because of you."

"Because of me?" Michael frowned.

"I was fine until you ruined my party by telling me about a family curse, I never want to hear about it! " Chris stood up from the couch.

"You were still going to turn. I just told you about something that was going to happen. You're not the only one who has the curse, remember?"

"You think you're cursed? I've always known that we were werewolves, and I've watched you every full moon; you don't turn like you should. Do you know how miserable it is to keep turning on every full moon? " Chris walked to the wet bar.

"How did you find out?" Michael asked as he watched Chris pour himself a drink.

"I read it in Dad's diary." He had always searched for ways to cure my werewolfism, but it couldn't be cured. He asked a witch to cast a spell on me that would keep me human unless someone made me believe I was a werewolf. "

"This doesn't make any sense! You already knew. "

"But you made me believe; you broke the spell, Mike." Chris clenched his fist.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea." Michael apologized.

"There's no need for that; I already plan to make your life miserable." Chris gave him a sour look.

"Chris." Michael lowered his gaze, taking a few steps forward.

"I'd like to show you something." Chris smirked darkly.

He raised his hand to Michael and struck him with lightning, Michael flinched at the sudden strike, but then a frown settled on both their foreheads. "Why didn't it work?" He whispered and gazed up at Michael.

"Were you trying to strike me with a lightning bolt?" Michael asked.

"Pretty obvious, is it?" Chris grinned, showcasing his fangs.

Michael clenched his fangs and rushed towards Chris. Chris moved at the speed of lightning and stood opposite Michael, with the couch standing between them.

"You already figured out your gift." Michael was stunned. He was jealous. He had tried for years to control his anger and fully figure out his gift, but he still hadn't been able to do so, but Chris, who had just become a werewolf weeks ago, could use and control his.

"Yeah, right?" Chris grinned again. He flung himself over the couch and stood in front of Michael, raising his claws but being caught by Michael. Michael's eyes flashed green. "Stop." He hypnotized. Chris looked at Michael, slowly dropping his hands.


He pff a couple of times trying to hold his laugh, then he burst out laughing.

"I'm..." he raised his hands at Michael, with his face bowed as he laughed. "I'm sorry." He moved backwards and rested on the couch. "I guess that was your little gift? so sad. " He shook his head. 

"My powers didn't work on you either." Michael watched Chris as he laughed.

"Well, I'm hungry. I need to go for some hunting. " Chris straightened himself.

"I won't let you kill anyone." Michael took a few steps towards Chris.


Chris stared at Michael for a moment. He sped towards him, snapping his neck.

He stood there and watched as Michael collapsed to the ground. Stepping over him, Chris walked to the door.


Hi there! I want to thank you for reading my fantasy novel. please let me know if you like it! leave a review or comment or anything to boost a writers confidence, thanks my lovely readers... my only joy is to see that you're all having a great time reading my book. love y'all😊❤