
The Assassin Before Time

An immortal assassin was reborn during the time of dinosaurs; on the continent of Pangea. Only to discover that the world before time was nothing like what was said in the modern era. He will face monsters that have power rivaling the so-called gods of the modern era. Harlock lives in a world where anything and everything can exist, from the starship fleets of Star Wars to the benders from Avatar. If you have something, you would like me to try and include, Drop a comment. There will be mistakes; drop a comment, and it will be corrected when I get to it. The release rate will not be steady.

Harlock_Fjord · Phim ảnh
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15 Chs

C10 Into The Noble World

Sol 34

{You have completed the mission 'First Kill'}

{First Kill

Get your real first kill of significance.

Requirement: Kill a Tyrannosaurus rex alone

Progress: N/A

Time limit: 200 million years

Reward: 2000 points, 2000 exp

Penalty: death, loss of the system, the soul returns to the void

Secret quest achieved: Finish in less than a year}

{Your reward:

2000 points, 2000 exp, 100 exp

Special reward:

Cerberus's Despair}

{Cerberus's Despair

Class: Long Sword

Threat: SS

Special Ability: Despair

Description: Do not let this old sword's mundane appearance fool you. It is incredibly sharp and durable. This sword was crafted from the fear of the guardian of the underworld. Giving it the special ability to project its fear on the world. Those who face the blade of this sword will feel fear, and those of the weak of mind will feel crippling despair.}

'Hey system, why did you not tell me I could analyze weapon and armor.'

{There was no need. All of the equipment you have now was ordinary}

'Since I got so much exp, can you show me my stats'


Name: Harlock Fjord

Title: The First, The Legend

Level: 2 (167 out of 300exp)--7 (133 out of 700)

POINTS: 2000, unusable






SKILLS: Closed

STORE: closed till level 10, Next purchase x3




Traping skill


Large Knife

Large ax


Bonded Armour

Velociraptor Skin

Cerberus's Despair


Suddenly Harlock felt energy shoot through his body.

He sat in his inn room with his head thrown back in pain.

As suddenly as it had come, it went.

'System, what was that.'

{Your body getting used to the strength.}

'Why didn't that happen when I got nature's blessing.'

{It was a blessing}

'Oh... Well, what is this new title I got.'

{The legend

Description: You are now a legendary warrior with skills unimaginable

Achieved: 5%}

'Why is there a percentage.'

{You need more people to think of you as this}

'Can you pull out the sword for me?'


It suddenly appeared in his hand, pointing up.

Unknowingly, in the relatively empty inn. A maid in the kitchens below suddenly fell to the ground, breaking out into a cold sweat.

She thought, 'Oh, god, I got to get out of here.'

She ran out the back door thinking demons had come to the inn.

Harlock above, not knowing what had happened but the sword on his back sheath.

'Oh well, might as well look around for a little bit before I leave.'

Heading out of the inn walked out front. Looking around, he saw the wall and thought, 'Might as well see what they are doing with the T-Rex corpse.'

He started towards the wall. On the way, the citizens that saw him coming moved out of the way for him.

'Why are they moving away from me?'

{They can feel your title and are moving out of the way in fear and respect.}

Continuing on his journey, he soon reached the wall and started to climb. The stairs towards the top,

Once he reached the top, he looked around and saw a soldier look over the edge.

He walked up next to him and looked down. Observing the soldiers below.

The soldier, also observing what was below, failed to realize him until he felt a presence beside him and looked over to see Harlock.

[Veteran] Ah, where the hell did you come from?' the soldier yelled with a jump.

[Harlock] I walked up the stairs and am watching the soldier. What are they doing, by the way? They're just standing there scratching their asses.

[Veteran] oh, I see." He said with a stunned face.

[Veteran] Well, you see, we have never really killed anything like this and are waiting for the town lord to come so we can make a decision.

[Harlock] Mmm

[Veteran] I watched you fight it, you know. In all my years as a guard, I have never seen anything as amazing as that. Luckily, unlike some of our recruits, I was able to see what happened.

[Harlock] Have you never had anything this big attack before?

[Veteran] No, we have. We usually drive them off back into the plains then the forest on horses. This one was far more aggressive, though. Most of the ones that do come seem to come just for an easy snack, but when the release, we are tough than we look. They leave for some reason. This one chased everything we sent out. Like it was starving.

'Must be because of the male dragon I killed. When the T-Rex left the jungle, they were easy targets for the two dragons, but now, more should start to come.'

[Harlock] I have a feeling more will start to come. Now that you guys have this one, you should start to study it. Looking for weakness.

'System, can you put an ability on the katana.'


'Will it triple the store again.'


'Could you put an ability to boost stats and make it indestructible?'

{That will be 5000g}


'No, why is it so much.'

{The things you chose}

{Here is the lesser ability you could use:

A. Extremely tough 2000g

B. Tough 1500g

C. Extremely Durable 1000g

D. Durable 500g

A. Boost +4 2000g

B. Boost +3 1500g

C. Boost +2 1000g

D. Boost +1 500g}

'Can you do both C, please?'

{Spend 2000g?}



{New Name}

'Soldiers Last Stand'

{Soldiers Last Stand

Class: Katana

Threat: C

Ability: Extreme Durability, Boost stats +2, Lucky shot

Description: This sword is meant to give soldiers a fighting chance against things greater than themselves.}

'What is the last ability?'

{It was randomly drawn based on the name and description. This will happen with some weapons}

[Veteran] So, what your name?

[Harlock] Harlock, You?

[Veteran] Aries

Harlock's head-shot to the side. Staring at him.

[Aries] What is there something wrong with my name?

Slowly turning his head back to the corpse, Harlock said

[Harlock] No, I once knew someone who had that name. He was a great warrior. You have a lot to live up to.

[Aries] If you know him, then he must be strong.

[Harlock] He truly was. As a token of the being I once knew, let me give you this sword.

[Aries] I can't take your sword. That is a swordsman's life.

[Harlock] I don't think this is the sword of my destiny or yours, but I do think this sword is in your destiny. Eventual you will need it. It will help you along your path.

[Aries] Thanks. Does it have a name?

[Harlock] Actually, it does. It's called, Soldiers last stand; it was meant to give a soldier a chance against something they should be able to defeat. Here you go. Next time something like that happens, use it.

Harlock unclipped the blade from his hip and handed it over.

Aries took the blade and pulled it out of the sheath, slightly looking at the gleaming metal.

[Aries] Thank you. I will not forget this.

The sound of hoofs on the ground came from the gate at a fast clip. A four-horse carriage came charging out from the gate, pulling up alongside the road nearest the corpse. The carriage was decked out in jewels and gold.

Out hops a young man in shiny silver full plate armor. His hair is a dirty blonde with a slight beard—about 18 or 19.


[Harlock] That dude works harder on his hair than he does walking.

[Aries] haha, that kid is the only son of the town lord. He is a spoiled prick, honestly. He just got that brand new armor and sword one winter ago, and I don't think he has ever used it once. You didn't hear that from me.

[Harlcok] Of course.

[Aries] Come on, we should get down. I will tell him about that little idea of yours.

The two walked down the wall stairs and headed over to the gate. Quickly heading out to meet the noble. As they approached, they overheard him talking.

[Andrew] We will make a grand feast and invite all the other lords to show them how strong our family is.

[Soildier] but it was an outsider that brought it down


Aries started to run obviously to intervene before things get out of hand.

[Areis] Hey, Hey, Andrew, he meant no disrespect by it.

[Andrew] He better of, and it is Lord Andrew to you, captain.

[Aries] Of course, Of course. Let m-

[Andrew] Show me the one who defeated it; he shall become my vassal.

[Aries] I was just about to introduce you to him. His name is Harlock.

[Andrew] ah, Harlock, Where do you hail from?

[Harlock] The north.

[Andrew] ah good, good. I will expect you ready to become my permanent guard tomorrow.

[Harlock] I'm good

[Andrew] That wasn't a question

[Harlock] I am aware

Veins started to appear on Andrews's forehead.

[Andrew] I will force you.

[Harlock] How will you do that? I was able to kill this beast easily, yet your soldiers could do nothing.

[Andrew] ppt, those weaklings. I could kill it by my self. How about this a duel. If I win, you guard me. In the unlikely event, I lose what do you want.

[Harlock] A favor

[Andrew] You must already know you are going to lose. That's why you ask for so little. I accept

[Harlock] Aries, will you ref the duel.

[Aries] Of course. This is a duel till the other participant cant fit. You are not to mortally incapacity at all. If you are ready, give me a nod.

Harlock and Andrew both gave the nod.

[Aries] START

Andrew charged with the tip of his sword, pointed at Harlock.

As the sword was about to hit. Harlock jumped to the right. As he was going by, Harlock hit him on the head, causing him to stumble. Andrew recovered and charged again. This time Harlock just dodged.

[Andrew] Pull your sword. You have no honor.

[Harlock] You want me to pull my sword. Then I will this once, and you can know what true fear is.

The sword on Harlock's back came whipping from the sheath.

Instantly the effects were visible. All of the soldiers started to sweat. They knew that the sword and the man who wielded it were dangerous. They tensed, ready to fight. At least the more prepared men did. A couple of them fell over and screamed and shook.

Andrew was one of the ones that fell over. Harlock waited. Not moving from the spot he was at, he called out,

[Harlcok]"Do you yield."

Slowly, Shakly Andrew started to rise.

[Andrew] No

Harlock with an annoyed scowl on his face under his helm. He started to walk forward. With each step he took, the lordling started to shake more. Five paces from him, a dark spot suddenly appeared on Andrews's crotch.

Harlock brought his sword up high. Andrew brought his sword up to try and block.

With a swish, the sword came down, colliding with Andrews. A loud sound shot out, and Andrews's sword shattered.

Andrew fell on his back, looking up at Harlock.

[Harlock] I suggest you find the beast's weakness since you cant, in fact, defeat it And trust me, another one will come.

What should I name the armor on the cover?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Harlock_Fjordcreators' thoughts