
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Tranh châm biếm
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453 Chs

Chapter 434: Pakura Descends

Yodon and Farbauti searched the surroundings of the Frost Giant Plain but found no trace of Charles and Thor.


In the end, they had no choice but to return to Yodon's palace and order their subordinates to continue searching.


Meanwhile, Charles and Thor had flown a considerable distance and reached an underground cave to take a break.


Inside the cave, Charles found a relatively stable area. He took out a table and two chairs from his storage space and then placed two servings of delicious ramen on the table.


Thor looked at Charles, who kept pulling things out as his eyes widened with amazement. He then said with some envy, "Your ability is indeed convenient."


Charles smiled. In the world of cultivation, storage spaces are everywhere, but in the Marvel world, they were extremely rare treasures.


"Try this delicious ramen; see if it helps you."


Thor looked at the ramen on the table curiously and asked, "What's its effect?"


"It restores your divine power."


Hearing Charles's words, Thor was momentarily stunned, finding it hard to believe. "What kind of divine ingredient did you put in it that can restore my divine power?"


Charles shook his head, "I'm not sure if it will work for you; you can give it a try. It can replenish my chakra."




"Something similar to the divine power in your body, or the magical power of a mage."


Thor suddenly understood. "Magic users borrow energy from various dimensions, don't they? How much magical power can they have naturally?"


Charles looked at Thor and said, "Not all mages release magic by borrowing energy. The Merlin lineage of mages focuses on integrating power into themselves, developing the power of their bloodline."


Thor seemed to be in deep thought, muttering to himself, "Bloodline mage?"


Charles picked up his chopsticks and started eating the delicious ramen in front of him. Thor followed suit.


Soon, they finished their meal. Charles's chakra had rapidly recovered, but Thor noticed that his divine power hadn't been restored. However, his physical strength had recovered significantly.


"My divine power hasn't recovered, but my physical strength has restored quite a bit."


"Charles, is there more? I feel like if I have another bowl, my physical strength will be almost fully restored."


Hearing that Thor's divine power hadn't recovered, Charles nodded. Since Thor had no chakra, the delicious ramen only replenished his physical strength.


Charles waved his hand, and another bowl of delicious ramen appeared in front of Thor. Without hesitation, he began eating again.






In Asgard, Heimdall used his abilities to watch the entire battle of Thor and Charles in Jotunheim. He was astonished by Charles's strength.


Heimdall thought to himself, "The power of Supreme Merlin is truly formidable. Together with Thor, they easily cut through the Frost Giants' camp, killing both the Frost Giant and the Mountain Giant commanding them."


No wonder Odin dared to let the two of them go directly to Jotunheim.


As Heimdall kept his eyes on Jotunheim, he learned that Yodon and Farbauti were searching for Charles and Thor. He couldn't help but wonder how this would unfold.


In Jotunheim, as long as Charles and Thor weren't directly surrounded by the Mountain Giant King and the Frost Giant King, their lives were relatively safe.


After confirming that the two had left the battlefield and there wouldn't be another battle in the short term, Heimdall reported Thor's first battle to Odin.


Odin looked at the battle report from Heimdall and nodded. It was indeed worthwhile to ask the Supreme Merlin to assist Thor. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to let Thor go to Jotunheim alone.


He was also amazed at the improved strength of the Supreme Merlin. In the beginning, even Mephisto's greatly weakened clone couldn't be killed by him, but now, Charles easily dealt with the leaders of the Frost Giants and the Mountain Giants.


"Heimdall, continue monitoring their movements. Report to me immediately if there's any danger."


"Yes, my king."






On Earth, in Japan-


Pakura had been randomly summoned to the red-light district of Osaka, the largest entertainment district in Japan. Her body appeared in an alleyway near a corner on the bustling street. This location was a blind spot for surveillance, with no monitoring devices inside.


Pakura had just been summoned to the real world and was closing her eyes, assimilating the memories that had spontaneously appeared in her mind.


"I was killed by Kagura, right?"


"No, Lord Charles resurrected me and brought me to this brand new world."


"United States – New York – Brooklyn – Sunagakure Puppet Shop. That detestable guy, Rasa, actually has three children now."


"For the mission of Lord Charles, it seems I need to become the leader of those three little guys."






As Pakura was absorbing her memories, a member of a club looking for entertainment noticed her standing in the corner of the alley. Seeing her dressed like an anime character, he rubbed his chin, then walked over.


The club member approached Pakura, stood in front of her, and looked at the girl with closed eyes. He was somewhat surprised and said, "Which club are you from, miss? Take me to your place."


"I'll take care of your business today to save you from going out alone to attract customers."


While he was speaking, he reached out to grab Pakura's hand.


However, in the moment he reached out, Pakura had already opened her eyes. She swiftly evaded, circling around him. For ordinary people like him, Pakura had no interest in attacking.


As the man blinked at the sudden disappearance of the beautiful woman, he rubbed his eyes. Confused, he turned around, only to find her already behind him.


The man quickly took a few steps forward and reached out towards Pakura again. "You bitch, I was talking to you. Didn't you hear me?"


Unwilling to deal with such ordinary civilians who weren't even ninjas, Pakura directly caught the man's outstretched arm, flinging him away and crashing him into a garbage bin on the opposite side of the alley.




With a thud, the impact sent the man flying, knocking the garbage bin away. He laid on the ground, unable to move.


On the ground, looking at Pakura, who was now walking out of the alley, he felt infuriated. "This woman is so strong; she actually threw me away. But no matter how strong she is, what's the use? In today's society, strength alone won't get you anywhere."


"When I call my club members and they capture her, I'll make her suffer a hundred times over and torture her to death."


Crawling on the ground, filled with resentment, Fushijima Naoto thought maliciously.


At this time, Pakura walked out of the alleyway and came to the streets. She saw various types of restaurants on both sides of the street and a huge sign with the words "Kabukicho."