
The Alphabet System

Harvy Nortmund was a live-in son-in-law who was considered poorer than a swamp rodent. Fed up with his inconsequential personality, the matriach of his wife's family had him thrown out of the Autrix mansion on a rainy night... then beaten to the point of death by hired thugs... At the point of death, a brilliant light enveloped him; [Ping! Host found.] [Ping! System loading. 1% 12% 42% 45% 67% 99%] [Ping! Alphabet system loaded.] [Ping! Ultimate goal: Host must acquire 26 items before he turns 26.] [Ping! Penalty: Sucked into the abyss.] >> Host's virtual account has been credited with, [Ping! VAB: $78,923,456,789,045,667,834,532,154] The conditions of this system are expressive: Harvy wants to take revenge on everyone who has one looked down on him. The Alphabet system offers to give him this, but on a condition. He must acquire twenty-six herbal supplements which were scattered across the country in alphabetic orders. Acquiring these herbal supplements would energize him and unlock his real fate; An immortal warlord who lost his identity. But if he's unable to acquire the items (herbal supplements) within the time span, there's an ugly fate looming... Either way, his long lost fate calls!!!

Zuxian · Thành thị
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8 Chs


Harvy saw the shock that swept across the face of Donald. It would seem as though the shock was a whip that was swung from Donald's face to his mother's.

Harvy walked from Donald, headed straight to the middle-aged woman, who looked really gobsmacked. Three days ago, he was almost hurt by the shoes of this woman and then was kicked out.

He had thought that that was the height of it, but just a few moments ago, he had discovered the worst nightmare; they wanted him dead!!

Harvy stopped a few steps away from the woman. The shock in her face disappeared all of a sudden, and a new reaction sprouted.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The woman snapped at Harvy.

Harvy was stunned by her words. This evil woman had just admitted to wanting to kill him. She had admitted to hiring thugs to beat him to death. But now, is she pretending as though she has nothing to do with it?

"Didn't I warn you never to return to this place? You've been gone for three days. Do you really think you could walk back into the mansion whenever you like, and you would be welcomed with -"

"Really?" Harvy cut her short, interrupting.

The woman felt really insulted when Harvy interrupted. No one dared to interrupt her in the middle of a speech. Not even her own children dared to do that. Not even the most esteemed Charlotte whose fate of the family was a burden to. How much more Harvy who was considered as a nobody.

"This doucebag!" A loud voice was heard behind Harvy. "How dare you push me out of the way? Are you courting death?" Donald's voice got louder as he stomped towards Harvy.

As soon as he stopped behind Harvy, he reached out his hand and grabbed Harvy's arm. He wanted to spin Harvy around before sending a few punches into Harvy's face.

Harvy turned around at the tug. He lifted his left palm and sent it across the face of Donald. Harvy couldn't explain what happened or how it happened, but the slap had just taken four teeth from Donald's jaws.

Donald staggered, crashing against one of the small tables in the living room. His mouth was filled with blood. His other hand was clasped to the mouth to support the drooping jaw.

"Know your place." Harvy muttered, glaring at him in a disgusted manner.

"You retard!!! How dare you! How dare you hit my son!!!" The woman yelled so loudly it would seem as though her throat would be ripped open.

When Harvy looked back at her, her reaction tuned a little bit. Harvy's eyes had suddenly dimmed. The corners of his face now held eerie shades. It would seem as though Harvy was now a different person.

The woman could not really explain what was happening, but she could see and feel it consequently. Because of the multitudinous emotions, she couldn't choose a particular reaction. She just froze as she stared at Harvy.

The low-life son-in-law and pushover now look like a different person? She couldn't wrap her head around it. How could she possibly believe that the errandboy who washed her clothes and prepared the meals was now confronting her!

"Are you really going to pretend like I didn't hear all you said? Do you really want to cover it up?!" Harvy pushed further, not letting go of the initial interrogation.

The woman snapped out of the frenzy and suddenly became aware of the situation.

"What are you talking about?" She demanded.

Harvy didn't reply. He dropped his head and sighed. He turned away from her. He was having a lot of emotions at that moment. He turned back to face her.

"Why?" He asked, walking closer to her.

"What the hell has gotten over this fool?! Am I your subordinates whom you can throw questions at?" The woman was slowly getting back the edge.

"Do you want to die? Is it because I have been quiet ever since you walked in? Do you want me to call the boys on you so that they can beat the hell out of you?" She was back to her full form.

"Crouch at my feet right now, else you'll be paralyzed! After all, you must have signed the divorce papers. You are no longer affiliated with our family. Nobody would care about your whereabouts. You won't even make the headline." She swore and cursed relentlessly.

Harvy took finals steps towards her and grabbed by the neck. He wanted to stop himself, but he just couldn't.

"Laura!!! Look at me!!!" Harvy yelled her name in her face.

When she heard this, she trembled. She was shaking heavily. His grip was so tough and harsh that her skin was beginning to turn red. Yet he didn't give a damn.

She struggled, trying to fight him off.

"Why did you do it? Why did you hire men to kill me? Was it not enough that you threw me out in the rain? Was it not enough?!!!!" Harvy roared.

Emotions had intensified deep inside of him. It was very hard to distinguish which from the other.

He released his grip on her neck, and consequently, he pushed her to the back. He watched as she fell away, dropping hard on her butts.

Harvy was huffing and puffing. There was no limit to the ideas and temptations he was having at that moment.

He walked closer to her. When he did, she moved to the back, dragging her butts against the hard floor.

"Stay back. Don't come near me!" She threatened, although fear was seeped in her face.

He leaned towards her, "Listen closely, Laura."

"You will search for U&G, but you will never find it." Harvy started.

"This mansion that you live in, it won't be worthy of being called the pen of pigs." As he spoke, he drew a long breath.

"Everything that you hold dear will become your worst nightmare, and you won't be able to get away from them."

"You will seek death with all your might, but it will be far from you."

"When you hear my name, you will crouch like a cornered animal, but there will be no place to hide."

"I am now your bane!"

Harvy stamped, then turned around. He marched out.