
The Alpha Broke my Heart

Lily is the daughter of a Beta. And her mate? He is the Alphas first born son. When they discover what they are to each other, it's a little too late. Because her beloved mate has come home with his shame in tow. A she wolf he impregnated while training in the north for the summer. He shattered their moon. But the she wolf has a secret. And Lily isn't going to let her get away with stealing what is hers so easily. ** This story is full of twists and turns that will leave you crying, laughing, angry, throwing phones, etc. It is a journey that you would love, unable to let go of Lily, Eve, and Zain. I hope you too will love the story and accept the invitation to embark on a journey that will leave you fulfilled and leaves a smile on your face.

ayomijanet01 · Kỳ huyễn
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99 Chs

Chapter 19


The day had gone into evening, time had flown past quickly.

The sun setting in the horizon as the lake side reflected that burning sun from behind us.

The flames from the bonfire licked at embers, sending flames into the air and crackles from the sound of burning wood.

That was the only sound.

The crowd was hushed as Nic's enraged filled eyes found Zain's.

I just watched as Zain dropped his head in shame before meeting Nic's eyes, his chest inflating with a breath of air.

He was preparing himself.

Nic stalked towards him with a fury, fists clenched at his sides, knuckles bone white.

Ready to defend me.

"How dare you disrespect my sister!?" He screamed, veins becoming prominent in his neck and forehead.

Zain kept his expression neutral but sadness could be seen in his blue eyes.

His best friend was ready to fight him over my honor. He lost everything with one mistake..

One action..

But at the same time he gained two..

I just watched with wide eyes from the side as Nic rared back and sent a blow to Zain's face causing him to stumble backwards.

He threw another punch making Zain fall to the ground, wiping blood from his nose before spitting blood out of his mouth.

Zain remained on the ground, head down.

"SHIFT!! Fight me like a man!" Nic growled, his wolf ascending, ready to take over.

Snapping of bones had alerted everyone that his wolf was breaking free, bodies shuffling backwards.

Nic was a fierce fighter, both of them were.

Zaryn just shook his head. Sadness and emptiness in his eyes.

"No. I won't fight you," he said lowly and audible gasps were heard from the other wolves.

An alpha blood never backs down from a fight unless they think they fight is worthless.

It was sort of a snub for him to refuse to fight Nic but it wasn't because he thought Nic to be worthless of his fight, it was because didn't want to fight him lnowing he knew he was in the wrong.

He wouldn't fight his best friend.

Nic grabbed Zaryn by the shirt, hauling him up against the brick wall of the pack house, eyes blazing as his human side surged forward, kicking the wolf out.

"Why!? Why not fight me!?" Nic screamed in his face.

The Alpha stood with his arms crossed, just watching.

He wouldn't break up the fight unless it got out of hand. Zain seemed like he was about to cry but he wouldn't, not in front of others.

He was broken, but not as broke as I.

"I won't fight you because-" he started saying but his voice broke. "I know I'm wrong,

I made a mistake but I care about Nova and I can't be with her right now, it is tearing me apart because I am forced to do the right thing," he spoke up again,"you are my friend, I won't fight you and I deserve this," he added as his voice broke yet again as well as his restraint.

The wolves around watching all gazed on with wide eyes.

I gasped, covering my mouth.

He said he cared about me and in front of everyone, he admitted he made a mistake for my benefit.

Now everyone will be talking about Grace instead of me.

He helped me out on that one.

Thanks Zain.

Nic looked at him with disbelief. "What do you mean you're forced to do the right thing!?" He asked and Zain's bloodshot eyes followed a trail up to Nic with sorrow.

His lip trembled slightly as he spoke. "I- I fell weak in the north, her heat had come. Her father the alpha sent her back with me because she became pregnant, he wanted me to mark her and take over both packs one day and whe n I got here I saw Lilly and realized what she is to me. The feelings... Are

indescribable. I want her. I want her as my mate so badly but I can't do anything about it right now. There's a chance Grace might not deliver... Since Lilly is so close. I don't expect her to sit by and watch... But I told her that the option stands. I'm sorry Nic. I'm so sorry, I never wanted this to happen. I love your family. I was so happy to see Lilly was mine.... Until I remembered what I did and that I couldn't be with her right now. I'm sorry," he said hurriedly and all in one breath and when he finished talking, he looked down, sinking to his knees.

An alpha on his knees is only ever seen if he's begging for something of status.

An Alpha doesn't beg anyone but when it comes to their mate, they will do anything though.

Grace has just been publicly shamed by Zain's words. There's no coming back from that...

I am not the other woman anymore.

Nic looked over at me, sadness in his eyes over what I'm dealing with. His hand touched Zain's head, telling him he doesn't have to beg.

The fight won't continue. Nic walked over to me while Zain got up, leaning against the wall as everyone watched Nic in awe.

"Lilly, why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he was toe to toe with me, he was hurt..

Hurt that I didn't tell him.

Tears welled up in my eyes, begging him to understand. My heart clenched in my chest, pain radiating outward. The setting sun cast a glow on his face... Hurt and sorrow so full to the brim in him for me.. For my respect and dignity.

My gaze dropped down to his shoes. "I wanted you to enjoy your party before you found out," I said as I sobbed.

Broken shards of my heart lodging further into my body, wanting to climb out as if they are foreign objects.

His arms wrapped around me and mine him.

He kissed my hair, a low growl coming from his chest attempting to soothe me.

"What do you want me to do?" He whispered in my hair so no one else would hear.

I turned my face to his neck, inhaling that comforting scent. "Leave it alone. Its not his fault. He didn't know her heat was coming.

Couldn't sense it. I don't know what will happen. But don't do anything yet okay?" I said to him my voice was weak and low.

I felt weak.. Drained..

"Okay Lilly, just say the words and its over. I'll fight for you," he rasped.

It seemed I had two men willing to fight for my honor, two highly respected men at that.

Any she wolf would feel puffed up over this but I just felt… emotional.

A warm hand covered my shoulder and I turned my head, seeing dad's somber face.

He glanced over at Nic. "Just let it go Nicolas. I'll talk with you about it later," dad said and Nic nodded, turning to look at Zain who just stood there with misery written all over him.

He spoke up and his words came out loud enough for the whole pack to hear. "Zain as of right now, I won't fight you but we aren't friends. Not until this whole mess is over and you do the right thing by my sister," hr bellowed.

Zain nodded twice before pulling himself off the brick wall and pushing his way through the throng of wolves who made an opening for him to pass. Judgmental eyes assessing him as he moved through them.

Their future leader had made a mistake..

A dire one.

Dad snapped his eyes up at Alpha Blake who looked on at us, standing tall, head held high.

Dad walked over to him slowly, hands clenched in fists by his sides and I could barely hear what he said. "We need to have a talk." Alpha nodded and turned, walking toward the pack house with dad in tow.

Luna Penelope scanned the crowd before clapping. "Alright show is over. Can we start the celebration now? All of you back to what you were doing. We don't want this food to go to waste!" She said as she gave a tight smile to the wolves, ordering them to enjoy themselves.

Everyone shuffled, moving around and Nic grabbed my hand, sending me a strained smile.

His eyes were glassy as if there were tears he wanted to shed for me but couldn't.

He didn't want this for me.. to see me in pain.

He was my protector.

As we walked toward the bonfire, mated girls came up to me, most older than I was.

I stared at them with confusion before a cheek was pressed to mine, hands touching my shoulders and arms.

As one girl left, another would come, mixing their scent with mine in acceptance...

They felt awful.

"We are so sorry you are having to go through this Lilly, we didn't know what was happening.

We didn't know the pain you've been in... I'm sorry." Another girl said to me before pressing her cheek to mine.

My throat became thick, a lump forming inside.

All the emotions I was feeling right now were indescribable, I felt accepted and understood.

As each girl came to me, my heart felt a little less painful... still broken but a little less hurt.

The support these girls were giving me made me feel like I had a chance….. like I had people on my side.

"Thank you," I whispered to them.