
The Alpha Broke my Heart

Lily is the daughter of a Beta. And her mate? He is the Alphas first born son. When they discover what they are to each other, it's a little too late. Because her beloved mate has come home with his shame in tow. A she wolf he impregnated while training in the north for the summer. He shattered their moon. But the she wolf has a secret. And Lily isn't going to let her get away with stealing what is hers so easily. ** This story is full of twists and turns that will leave you crying, laughing, angry, throwing phones, etc. It is a journey that you would love, unable to let go of Lily, Eve, and Zain. I hope you too will love the story and accept the invitation to embark on a journey that will leave you fulfilled and leaves a smile on your face.

ayomijanet01 · Kỳ huyễn
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99 Chs

Chapter 15


I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded.

I felt myself wanting to be honest with him, the bond tugging at our invisible strings.

"So was I, I had a crush on you forever, I just would never admit it," I confessed and he smiled bright, making my heart stop then accelerate at the same time.

His teeth were bared but in a smile of happiness, not one of a threatening promise.

Suddenly tingles shot through my hand, running up my body straight to my core as I took in a breath, his dilated eyes told me he felt what I did.

The reactions we couldn't resist, the attraction to each other.

A low growl erupted from his chest, one that desired something that only I could give.

Without warning, his hands reached over, grabbing my waist and pulling me on top of him so I straddled his waist.

My eyes grew big, realizing what he had just done but the warm large hands caressing my back quickly dismissed any thoughts of running away as I stared down into those eyes.

Swimming ..

Drowning in need and want.

He pressed down on me, one hand gliding up to cup the back of my neck as he pulled me down to him, I couldn't stop even if I tried.

The wolf in me surged forward but stayed behind my mind, she just wanted a taste of our mates skin..

Tingles exploded inside me once our lips pressed together, causing us both to suck in air.

Hand on my ass, one knotted in my hair, I felt his hardness beneath me as his lips devoured mine in a hasty desire.

I responded, rocking against him involuntarily, letting his tongue enter my mouth and taste me.

A low rumble was consumed by my mouth on his followed by my own needy moan.

My first kiss.

My eyes snapped open when i realized what I was doing but my wolf wanted him, she wanted him for ourselves.

Pulling away, he could see my now bright golden green eyes, knowing what my wolf wanted.

His canines came out as did mine, I was staring right into his wolfs eyes.

Aggressively, his hands brought me down to him and flipped me so I lie underneath, I was screaming to take control over the situation but the wolf side was having none of that.

I felt his lips on my neck, his warm breath making me shiver in delight.

A warm sensation that sparked inside my belly had my legs clenching around him as his tongue tasted my skin before the sharp scrape of teeth caused a low moan to escape me.

He pulled the tender flesh into his mouth, sucking on it before sliding his fangs against it, preparing to make me his.

Suddenly my thoughts went to that pregnant woman and my wolf bared her teeth at me in my head, allowing me to come back to reality and I ripped away from his hold.

"Zain stop! Your pup!" I said in panic af I panted, the tingles still there, buzzing around inside me.

He snapped back to reality, looking down at me with wide eyes as he backed away slowly.

"I- I'm sorry," he whispered.

I made to get up and away from him but he rolled us so we were side by side, his arms around me pressing my chest into His.

He brought his nose to My neck, inhaling deeply with a sigh.

I struggled to get away because this was wrong...

"Please, please just let me hold you. It may be the only time I get to, please let me" he pleaded with tears in his eyes.

I relented with a sigh, allowing him to hold me as I held him, taking in his scent.

I could pretend for one moment that none of this was real, that I was just here with my mate.

This would be the last time I see him for a while.

I won't let myself be around him anymore.

We lay like that for an hour, just holding each other, not talking, just crying in each others arms over his shame and betrayal and my shame and sadness.

He felt so good against me, my body craved him.

To feel him.


As soon as he passed out from the meds, I withdrew from his arms trying to dry my eyes as I left him in that room.

Closing the door softly, I took a shaky breath and went to the other room , raising my hand to knock, the anger rushed back to me at the request that Zain had bid to his father.

How dare he?

Damn bond!

"Come in," Dan croaked.

As I entered, his eyes narrowed at me. "You went to see my brother first, his smell is all over you," he accused as I could see he was angry.

The moment I stepped in, he realized my anger and sorrow as well.

I glanced down at his bandaged form, neither brother had any horrible fatal wounds, they would be If the doc hadn't intervened but not so much now.

His blue orbs softened as my body wracked with sobs..

"We had a moment and... Its been approved by your dad that I not see you anymore," I let out, my voice weak as I broke down on the chair next to him, hiding my face in my hands as complete misery enveloped me.

I had no one but family now.

No friend.

No mate.

I was being cast aside.

His anger rose.

"That's bullshit!" He yelled as he pulled me into him, arms wrapping around me.

"Dan the bond was too strong for me not to see him, he told me he asked your dad to allow our separation for his wolf. For you guys safety... The packs sanity and for- for the pups safety because of Grace." I explained to him as I sobbed.

I felt him bristle, jaw clenching.

"I'll speak to my father about this Lilly," he let out and I shook my head.

"Don't. It will just cause more trouble," I said to him silently and I could feel his anger rising, his muscles bunching in his arms.

"I'll take care of this, don't worry," he said, not listening to me."but why do you smell of arousal?" He asked as his jaw clenched as he leaned back to study me.

My face turned a deep red but Dan was always so blunt.

"I- I had a moment, our wolves came out," I say shyly and he nodded in understanding but still displeased.

Breaking away, I wiped my tears for the millionth time today. "How are you feeling?" I ashed him.

Sighing, he glanced away at me, hurt crossing his features. "I'll be ok, I'm just not healing right, it's not normal," he let out as he paused before continuing again. "But Lilly what are you going to do about Zain?" He question, "you can't be with him while this is going on, you need me to be there for you," he spoke up again, his voice pleading and not waiting for me to answer his question.

Shaking my head, I sighed. "I won't be with him, our bond is strong so I have to stay away from him on my own accord. You can't disobey your father's orders and neither can I.. I guess I'll just.. be with my family and watch. Watch everyone be happy," I say as a tear made its way down my face again.

He pressed the pad of his thumb down, wiping it away as he studied me with determined blue copy cat eyes.

"I wont stay away, we can sneak off but I won't leave you alone " he said to me, determined.

"You'll be punished Dan," I replied him.

My throat hurt from crying so much,all these burden placed on me were leaving me without hope.

After a while of us talking, Dan informed me I needed to go get Zain's scent off of me so that's when I left, my tears long gone but heart ache weighing me down.

I wanted to crumble.

I felt torn and shredded and all because of a woman who showed up on our pack with my mates pup in her belly who was their future.

I made my way down the dirt road, it was already 9pm.

The moonlight overhead was giving way to a shorter day, flicking light through the tree's canopy overhead as I trudged on.

I should hate Zaryn for what he's done. His request but I couldnt.

I couldn't find it in me to hate him, be angry, yes but to hate him I couldn't do that.

My brokrn heart crumbled even further with each step that I took bringing me closer to the pack house.

I passed my parents home on the way down the road seeing their lights were still on.

I thought about stopping for a bit to talk but the shattered heart inside my chest pulled me towards the pack house where my sanctuary lie, all I wanted to do right this moment was curl up in my bed and cry letting my tears soothe me into a deep sleep.

Hopefully I wouldn't wake up and if I did, maybe it would all be a nightmare.

I know my brother was coming home tomorrow, half of me was excited but the other half was full of dread knowing that his friendship with Zain was going to complicate things further with this whole situation.

Nic wouldn't let him get away with hurting his baby sister.

I crept through the back door of the pack house sliding my way through the mud room and quietly crept up the back stairs to the third floor entering my room, I shut the door and locked it, throwing myself under the blankets relishing the scent of my mate on my skin, maybe I would get some sort of satisfaction just smelling his scent on me.

Maybe I would be able to sleep without having any nightmares tonight but I knew I would have to wash this pleasing scent off of me as soon as I woke so no one would ask questions.

Still in my clothes, I let the pain surge through me, taking every bit of pride and strong will away as I tried to restrain from crying myself to sleep.

Clutching my midsection to keep the nausea at bay, his smell comforted me but it also made me feel even more broken knowing I couldn't have him.

The cell phone on my nightstand dinged.

We never use cell phones unless you're an unranked member like us teenagers as a way for the pack to communicate with us.

I opened it.

From: Alpha Blake

Come see me after your visit with your family, we all need to talk.

Anxiety crept inside me.

This had to be bad for him to send a message to me this late at night.

Dread washed over me, taking me with it until I could no longer cry.