
The Alpha And The Omega In Another World

After passing away as Nelo Angelo, Vergil found himself in the presence of a Goddess. Initially resigned to his fate of descending into hell, he was astonished to learn that he will instead be transported to another world. #KonoSuba #Devil May Cry

I_HateMiruku · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

First Quest

"It's the Swordmaster! An advanced class above Swordsman, a sword specialist who can slice through enemies with powerful sword techniques! It seems you haven't equipped a sword yet, but with 40,000 Eris, you can get a full set!"

Still excited, the receptionist leaned in closer as she continued speaking.

At this moment, he was choosing his profession by process of elimination. First, he dismissed middle and rear-guard roles like Wizard and Archer. Vergil's preferred style was to dive into enemy lines, parrying attacks while annihilating foes in a hyper-aggressive front-line approach. Middle and rear-guard roles didn't suit his combat style.

Next, he eliminated lower-tier classes like Warrior, Thief, and Swordsman. If he could choose an advanced class, there was no point in opting for a lesser one.

Among the remaining advanced front-line classes, he chose the Swordmaster, which seemed the most attack-focused. This way, he could enhance his power without learning unnecessary skills.

"All set! Your class registration is complete! You are now officially an adventurer affiliated with the guild! All guild staff will fully support Vergil-sama! May the goddess Eris bless you!"

He received his newly updated adventurer card from the receptionist. Many adventurers inside the guild surrounded Vergil, and all the guild staff bowed their heads in unison, applauding as they welcomed the new adventurer. It was the kind of situation anyone who reincarnated into a fantasy world would dream of.

"I'd like to take on a quest. A monster extermination quest."

But for Vergil, more than anything, he wanted to fight monsters as soon as possible. He wanted to gauge the power of this world's monsters and understand its level.

"You're eager! Let's see, with Vergil-sama's current level, the available monster extermination quests are…"

Hearing Vergil's intent to accept a quest, the receptionist dashed to the bulletin board to find a suitable quest.

Despite his high stats, he was still level 1. The quests he could take on were limited. The receptionist quickly found a fitting quest, tore a piece of paper from the board, and dashed back to Vergil.

"How about this quest? Exterminate three Giant Toads within three days! You can defeat more than three if you like, and you'll receive extra rewards for each additional one. You can also report your progress after the first or second day if you defeat more than three. It's recommended for first-timers!"

Giant Toads—large, quadrupedal monsters. They were relatively docile unless provoked, but during their breeding season, they approached towns, swallowing livestock and people whole with their long tongues. They were harmful monsters, as described in a book Vergil had read. The book didn't have pictures of Giant Toads, only descriptions. Even looking at the illustration on the quest paper, it was hard to grasp what kind of monster it was.

They were classified as lower-tier monsters, but they were a good benchmark to measure the monsters' levels in this world...but.

"…Toads, huh."

Hearing the name Giant Toad, Vergil made a displeased face. Seeing Vergil hesitate instead of eagerly accepting the quest, the receptionist tilted her head in confusion.

"Would you prefer a different quest? Unfortunately, this is the only one that meets Vergil-sama's conditions today…"

"No, it's fine. I'll take it."

Since this was the only option, he had no choice. Reluctantly, Vergil accepted the Giant Toad quest. Hearing his response, the receptionist moved on to the next topic: the number of participants.

"Understood! How many will be joining you?"

"I'm going solo."

"Eh!? You're going alone!?"

Without hesitation, Vergil answered, and the receptionist covered her mouth in surprise. It wasn't just her; the surrounding adventurers were also shocked. Some even looked exasperated.

"Hey, buddy… I get that you're excited about having high potential, but going solo is really reckless."

"You might plan to gear up now, but going solo on your first quest is dangerous. The standard approach is to go with a party."

"Want to join our party? We can gently show you the ropes."

The adventurers unanimously advised against going solo. It was only natural. No matter how high one's stats were or how safe the area around town seemed, the life of an adventurer was unpredictable. They had seen many who, after being told they had high potential, got overconfident, took on solo quests, and perished on their first day.

They didn't want to lose a promising newcomer. With that sentiment, the adventurers strongly cautioned Vergil, but...

"I'm fine solo."

"But solo is dangerous──"

"I said I'm fine solo. Approve it already."

"Y-Yes, right away!"

Their words didn't reach him at all. Even the receptionist's warning didn't deter him. Intimidated by Vergil's glare and his commanding tone, she hurriedly prepared for the quest.

"P-Preparations are complete… Head straight out of the guild and you'll find the gates to the wilderness… G-Good luck."


'This person… really is scary.'

After completing the quest registration, Vergil pocketed his adventurer card. He turned on his heel, his footsteps echoing as he walked towards the exit. His imposing stride made the adventurers instinctively part to make way for him.

"D-Don't forget to purchase your equipment before the quest!"

The receptionist called out loudly to remind him to buy equipment, but he left the guild without a word in response.

"What do you think of that guy?"

"What's there to think? It's the same pattern. At worst, he'll end up swallowed by a Giant Toad."

"Or maybe he'll come back unscathed? …Unless he runs into a bunch of Giant Toads."

After Vergil left the guild, the adventurers speculated about his first quest's outcome. Some were genuinely concerned, while others placed bets on whether he would return, just like during his earlier duel with Dust.

But everyone here thought that taking on a solo extermination quest at level 1 was reckless. They believed he would soon learn firsthand the harsh realities of the adventurer's world.


A short distance from the town, in a wide, open grassy field, under a clear blue sky scattered with white clouds, a man in a blue coat with silver hair flowing in the wind stood.

Following the receptionist's directions, Vergil had walked straight out of the guild and passed through the gate that led to this grassland field. As he walked, he admired the beautiful scenery around him.

When he left the guild, he was told to buy equipment... Yet he was not wearing a single piece of armor, not even a weapon for offense. From an adventurer's perspective, this was a suicidal move that could easily get him kicked, but he already possessed his weapon before coming to this world, now hidden within himself. Armor was unnecessary. He had fought like this for a long time.


After walking for a while, Vergil suddenly stopped. He had found the quest target monster, a Giant Toad.

A single, massive creature stood out on the grassland, easily visible from a distance. With its four legs grounded and its throat bulging, it was an enormous green frog.

Giant Toads typically have green bodies and long tongues, making them quadrupedal monsters. When Vergil read about them in books, he thought they resembled frogs, but he hadn't expected them to look exactly like one.

Vergil frowned, just as he had before accepting the quest. Usually, he would smile and charge at the monster, but now he stood still.

"…So it really is a Toad."

The truth is, this man, despite appearances, had a deep aversion to frogs.

He couldn't remember exactly why. Maybe it was from observing a frog on a leaf during his childhood and having it jump onto his face, or perhaps it was Dante's prank of making a frog jump out of his hand (which led to Dante getting a beatdown). Maybe it was Sparda's prank of making him hold a frog, or seeing a roasted frog on the dining table (his mother ate it gleefully). Regardless, he hated them. Their unique shape and slimy feel were unbearable to him.

"Disgusting, but I have no choice. I've heard its belly absorbs physical attacks. Let's see if Beowulf's attacks work… Hm?"

Reluctantly, Vergil decided to fight the Giant Toad. As he pondered his strategy based on what he had read, he noticed the Giant Toad staring at him.

Hopping slowly, the Giant Toad approached Vergil. Its immense body made the ground tremble with each jump, and the tremors grew stronger.

When it was about ten paces away, the Giant Toad stopped and stared at Vergil with its beady eyes. Then, suddenly, it opened its mouth and extended its long tongue towards him.

Toads possess long tongues to capture prey instantly. The Giant Toad, being a gigantic version, also uses its long tongue like a whip to ensnare and devour prey. As usual, it aimed to capture Vergil with its tongue and pull him into its mouth. The long tongue shot straight at him.

But just before it hit, Vergil vanished.

The Giant Toad, missing its target, retracted its tongue and looked around for its prey.

Looking up, it found its target in the air, Vergil had moved to the sky using his signature air technique, "Trick Up," evading the attack and positioning himself above the Giant Toad. Glaring at his opponent, he summoned the power within him.

In an instant, a dazzling light that rivaled the sun appeared from his hands and feet. At the same time, black gauntlets and greaves emitting white light, Beowulf's flashing armament, were equipped on his limbs.

As the Giant Toad looked up at Vergil, he adjusted his position mid-air. Bending his knees, he aimed his feet at the target.


Diving toward the Giant Toad, he unleashed a powerful kick—the "Starfall Kick," aimed at its forehead. The Giant Toad tried to intercept with its tongue, but it was too slow, and Vergil's kick connected.

This technique, capable of turning a low-level demon to dust in one hit, knocked out the Giant Toad instantly, making it collapse on its back.


After landing gracefully, Vergil muttered with disdain. His dislike for frogs was so intense that he scraped his right foot against the ground, as if cleaning off filth.


At that moment, the ground around him began to bulge. To his surprise, multiple Giant Toads emerged from the ground, quickly surrounding him.

"…I guess I can slay more than three."

With no escape, surrounded by a horde of Giant Toads, most novice adventurers would panic. But Vergil, unfazed, thought about the quest rewards. Whether aware or not, the Giant Toads simultaneously extended their tongues toward him.

"…I don't enjoy this, but money is money."

As countless tongues lunged at him, Vergil smirked confidently.