
The Alpha and The Hunter

Theo is an Alpha in his wolf pack. For some reason, he had to move to Canada and live there. One day a member of his wolf pack told him that one of them had died because someone shot him. He immediately returned to his home country to find the killer and protect his members. But after being there, his heart told him that he should become a student at one of the schools in the town. Because a girl who became his mate went to that school. On his first day of school, he accidentally bumps into a girl. And he was very sure, that the girl was his mate. Unbeknownst to him, the girl was a "Hunter". She had shot one of the members of his wolf pack. Then what if Theo finds out that his mate is the one who killed one of his members?

Nelabluemoon · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs


"So where are you and your friends going to spend the weekend?" Theo asked, turning to Grace who was sitting next to him.

"I don't know." Grace shook her head. "Because we haven't found the right place"

"How about we go camping?" Theo turned his head and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure your friends will like it because it's fun"

Grace sighed. "I've already told them that before, but Caitlin didn't agree. Because she was afraid that we would run into wild animals. Plus a few days ago a man was found who died in a forest because he was attacked by the animals that were there. She was afraid that we will be the next victim" she explained, looking straight ahead and staring at the road.

"But I'm sure the forest is safer now than before," Theo said, causing Grace to turn to him. "Because the wolf that attacked the man is dead. So we can camp there without feeling afraid."

"Wait, how did you find out about that?" Grace asked, frowning.

"Because I saw it with my eyes" Theo replied turning to Grace. "Last night I heard gunshots, I immediately ran outside to check. And I saw a man standing and holding a gun while watching a wolf lying helpless on the ground. Then he said that it deserved to die because it killed that man. "

"But how come you can hear the gunshots?" Grace frowned without taking her eyes off the new student.

"Because my house is near the forest" replied Theo.

Grace just nodded, looking away without saying anything.

"So?" added Theo raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure that Caitlin will agree with our idea even though I explained it to her about it" Grace replied, looking straight ahead.

"And that means you and your friends won't be enjoying the weekend together?" Theo asked and Grace nodded. "How about we draw together? Just like we planned"

"I think that's a good idea." Grace nodded and agreed. "While you and I both have free time"

"Right" Theo smiled and nodded. "Then where are we going to do it?" he asked, turning to Grace.

"How about at your house?" Grace turned and raised an eyebrow. "We can draw there while enjoying the calming forest atmosphere"

"Sorry, but I don't agree with your idea" Theo shook his head and turned to Grace.

"Why?" Grace frowned. "Is it because we just met that you don't want me to come to your house?"

"That's not it," replied Theo, shaking his head. "I never forbid you or any of my other friends to come to my house. But you should know, that I live with my brothers. And they will be annoying when a girl comes to our house. Plus they are so noisy. I'm afraid it will make us unable to concentrate" he lied.

"It's okay I understand" Grace nodded and looked away. "Then we can find another place"

"Do you have a suitable place to draw?" Theo raised an eyebrow and turned to Grace.

"Yes, I have it" Grace replied nodding her head. "I prefer to draw in places close to nature, one of which is a park"

"Then we can draw there" Theo nodded and agreed.

"Sure." Grace nodded. "Then when do we want to do it? Tomorrow or Sunday?" she asked, turning to Theo.

"I think tomorrow is a perfect day. Because tomorrow is Saturday, and we can use Sunday to rest before going back to school" explained Theo turning to Grace.

"Okay, we'll meet at Swan Park at 9:00 a.m.," Grace replied, nodding her head and looking away.

"Why don't we go together?" Theo raised an eyebrow and Grace turned her head. "I can pick you up"

"But don't you mind?" Grace asked with a furrowed forehead.

"Of course not" Theo shook his head with a smile etched on his face. "I feel happy if we go there together"


"I'm relieved that the wolf is dead" Grace mumbled, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "But I wonder if it's an ordinary wolf or a werewolf?" she asked herself.

She was immediately startled when she heard her cell phone ringing. She immediately took the object that was on the nightstand and stared at the screen.

"Kaylee?" she frowned when she saw an incoming call from her friend's number. Without thinking, she immediately answered the call and put the phone to her ear.

"Hello, Kay?" she said, placing one hand on her chest and looking straight ahead.

"Hello, Grace. Are you busy?"

"No." Grace shook her head. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to ask, so where are you going to spend the weekend?"

"I will enjoy it with Theo. We plan to go to the park and draw together there" Grace replied.

"Seriously?" Kaylee asked on the other line and Grace nodded. "Finally! I'm glad to hear that. Because you and he can spend time together. But you better not tell Caitlin."

"Don't tell Caitlin?" Grace frowned. "Why can't I tell her?"

"Because she will be coming with you. As we know after returning to this town and seeing Theo, she looks like she wants to get the new student's attention. So please don't tell her, okay?"

Grace sighed. "Okay, I won't tell her," she said, nodding her head.

"That's good"

"How about you? Where are you going for the weekend?" Grace asked, lowering her head.

"Maybe like before I will enjoy it with the man I love"

Grace nodded. "That's the most beautiful thing. Enjoying the weekend with someone we love"

"And sooner or later you will feel it"

"Will I feel it?" Grace raised her head and raised an eyebrow. "You mean I'll enjoy it too with someone I love?"


"But who is that person?" Grace asked, looking curious.

"Of course Theo, the new student at our school who has caught the attention of girls from the first time he came"

Grace chuckled. "I didn't think that would happen," she said, shaking her head.

"Why not? You and he are getting close and maybe you two will fall in love and become lovers. Right? Prove me if I'm wrong"

"Okay, it's up to you, Kay" Grace chuckled. "But if I'm being honest right now I'm not interested in having a special relationship with anyone including Theo. To me, he's just a friend, just like you and Caitlin."

"Whatever" Kaylee snorted on the other line.