
The All-Around System

A gamer who always download hacks, has created a cheat that could master anything regardless the affinity of the character in rpg. Vaun who always likes to hack games, was transported to a world where his weakness are the rulers, but with a cheat that he makes, anything in this world will not bound him. "You want to fight me with swords? Come on then. I'll show you the moves of a sword master." "You want to fight me with long range weapons? Come on then, but be careful, because each shot is a piece of me." "You want me to fight you bare handed? No way! I will only use gloves so already accept it." "You want me to chant? I'll just sing then." Many people where shock at him. Seeing their shock faces, Vaun only smiled and said: "I'm All-Around after all." With a system, Vaun was unraveled at any categories. Let's start the adventure of Vaun reaching the apex.

Czester · Võ hiệp
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70 Chs

All-Around System

Vaun was playing a game in his house while streaming, he was known to be the best player because of his ability to defeat all hard played games, Vaun suddenly found the games too boring, after finishing all suggested hard played games, he decided to go out, then he heard an explosion.


He got caught by the explosion and died.

Vaun suddenly open his eyes and said:"What is happening? Why is my vision so blurry."

After he clean his eyes, he said in shock:"What? Where is this? Where am i?"

He look down below his leg and saw a shadow, then he look up, his pace went pale and his whole body trembling with fear, because he saw a huge lizard like thing with wings and scales with eyes that can kill with one look. He murmured in fear:"Is that a dragon? Just where am i? How did i get in this place."He remember that he died caused by explosion and accepted his fate, however he can't stop questioning himself about how did he get here? Then he suddenly heard a sound.


"Welcome to All-Around System Vaun"

Vaun suddenly stood up in shock because he knows what this system is, he created a cheat in defeating players online in an rpg games where all classes are available and can learn different types of skill that will not limit the player. Vaun's character was known in rpg because he has different types of skills and because his one and only character can learn different types of class, thus he name the system cheat "The All-Around System" because of its godlike giving abilities to one character.

Vaun still stood in shock when he suddenly remember and said:"Why does it appear? Don't tell me." Then he suddenly said:" Status bar, open."


He was shock, because he saw his own status.

Name: Vaun

Level: 1

Experience Points: (0/10)

Martial Skills: None.

Physical Abilities: None.

Side Skills: None.

He read the status in shock and suddenly remembered something:"Martial Skills? Is this world not an rpg world like i thought." He said:"Martial Skills, if i remember, isn't Martial Skills used in wuxia novels? Why does it appear in the system? Don't tell me, that i arrived in a world where martial arts rules."

He was happy to the core, because of all games that he played martial arts was his most favorite games, he likes his character to be badass like an AMV, where characters are badass with background song so on.

"Now that i know my status, i think i need to find some way to level up."

"But where should i begin?"

"Wait, i think i remember something about the system and it's functions."

He then said in his mind:"Map."

A map in his eyes appeared, and then he saw his location, and it seems like he is in a forest.

A hint of joy appeared on his face because it works. The map system still works.

"So this forest here is called, lime forest."

"Now that the map is with me, i can go out of these forest with ease."

When Vaun was about to start getting out of the forest he saw something shining, he take a closer and saw a fruit, but he doesn't know if it is poisonous or not.

He was about to give up when he notice something in his eyes by taking a closer look to the fruit.

Joy and happiness spread all over his face because he can know the origin of the fruit and about it's effects.

"Diamond Fruit: A rare type of fruit that can reinforce body in making a solid diamond body.

"A fruit that can reinforce body!","Should i eat it already or..."After some self-contemplating he heard his stomach growl and decides to eat the fruit, he said:"Well, no harm in eating it anyways."After he finish crunching down the fruit he heard a notification again, after looking he was shock.

I'm really sorry about my wrong grammar and i hope someone can give me some pointers.

Czestercreators' thoughts