

I still kept thinking about the meeting that had yet to come unsure if I should participate. The Olivanders where a prestigious wand making family after all I had bought my very own wand from the very own great great great-grandfather of the child that now was the owner of the shop.

It could be funny to watch the descendant of that man. His own wand choosing had been especially weird. He nearly tested all the wands present at that time but none of them felt right.

That was until the old man showed him a wand made of English oak and a mixed core of dragon hearth string and crushed demiguise eyes.

He then proceeded to tell me why he showed me this wand at last. It was the strongest wand that the shop had but my magical power at that time did not match my wand so that wand at that time was more of a curse than a blessing.

That man also prophesied a part of my future he said that I would grow into the wand and that the wand would grow with me.

In hindsight this old Olivander that had sold my wand at that time had been on spot with his predictions. Most wands would shatter with my magic power but this one prevailed. While I didn't use it anymore because I had no need to I still cared for it.

My mother would always say that you could guess a wizard character by looking at his wand, so I had always taken special care of it. Thinking about the old times I walked into my apartment and told Rowena about Salazar's proposal.

"You should go" she said "that way you leave the castle for once" she finished me.

Mumbling about her being right I gave in and send a memo to Salazar telling him about me coming along. "If you leave the castle with Salazar we could go for a date afterwards."

I was quick to accept "outside the castle" she continued. I had been tricked by her again, well tricked wasn't the right word I loved to spend time with her, but our dates outside the castle would be usually us running through muggle city's while she would be delighted at every thing that the muggles had invented and me thinking about the modern city's and how much better they were.

In thoughts about the incoming date I nearly missed how Rowena whispered something at first I was confused about what she had said but that was just until a mantle had placed itself on my shoulders and outside of our apartment screams were heard.

The commotion outside was of cause because of Typhon and Hope usually they sat in the great hall on my chair and watched the student's.

In the early years they always had an eye on me but as I was mostly in the library and my apartment they got bored by it. They then sat on my chair in the great hall and would sometimes follow students into lectures in order to be entertained.

I wouldn't say that they had been friends now but that they got along. there was even a time that they would watch me in shifts but all that had cooled down a lot.

However, if I was to leave the castle without telling them they would be wailing the whole time and scratch anyone but Rowena who tried to silence them. I had hoped to be fast enough that they wouldn't miss me at all, but it looked like Rowena had failed my plans.

Now they stood ready and went to their respected places, Typhoon on my shoulder and Hope in my chest pocket.

My cloak always went with me, it somehow knew when I would go outside and I never managed it to leave it behind. As soon as I would step even one step outside the door it was tailing behind me. With all of my belongings being ready I went to Salazar's quarters and together we went to pick up Merlin.

This boy was annoying, always asking questions, while I normally liked that about students this one couldn't even keep quiet for 1 minute. The only silent moment I did get was when he tried to pet Typhoon who then tried to eat him.

That was a funny sight for sure how the cat powered magically through the shrinking charm and how the boy was about to wet himself.

Anyway I recast the charms, and now we stood before the most prestigious wand makers in all of Britain. A Legacy so great it would even reach other continents. Nothing much had changed since the last time I had been here. The shop they used still looked like it was about to fall apart if a sudden gust of wind were to hit it.

I could swear that even the cobwebs in the window looked the same but I wasn't to sure of that. The man standing inside the shop also looked like he had a similar age to me, but that was not what unnerved me to such an extend it was the creepy smile that this old man had.

Typhons neck hair raised and he started hissing. I never got those looks from other wizards every one could feel my power it was more likely for them to cower in fear, then for them having ideas of extorting me. But here is this man exactly looked like that his sinister smile made it clear that he did not have any kind ideas about me.

"Hello Esteemed professors" The man started "I'm Lancel Olivander the head of the house Olivander" He interrupted us before we could even give our greetings back.

"It is of cause obvious who you are two of the most powerful wizards alive are easily recognized of course. Especially if one of them is William Wander naturally, it is said in my circle that you are the most powerful man in this country but also that you have more skeletons in your cupboard than any other wizard in such a high position. I know for a fact that you are not the great white wizard that the other wizards think you are."

During his monologue I covered with my hand the eyes of Merlin obliviating him and casting a sleeping charm on him.

"Don't get your horses up my friend, do you think that I am a fool ?

I placed wards that broadcast this picture to my friends who already have the same information that I have and the body you see before you is also not my real body I used the imperius on a muggle that I found in the streets.

As for as I know you like those muggles.

Despite all your power you never used them to hurt muggles unless necessary so you wouldn't hurt this one right ?

A poor old muggle that has been used by a dark Wizard ?"

I guessed most of that before because I felt a magical connection the man before me had, at first I thought that it had been a broadcasting charm, a charm one could use to see with the eyes of another wizards but the magical energy of the man before me didn't seem to fit.

While this muggle could have been a wizard it looked like he had never been trained and there forth his magic hadn't been fully developed. Those thoughts shot through my head as I continued to get threatened by the man controlling the man before me.

" Get to the point what do you want from me ?" I interrupted his monologging. " Well that is certainly easy for you to achieve, all that we want for you is that you join us in an attack against the current king and help us in placing a puppet that would rule for the wizarding kind." He answered.

That has to be one of the most stupid reasons why someone had threatened me so far. Why would I help to assassinate a king I had empowered my self ? Well maybe it was not the most stupid reason for someone to threaten me but it for sure had to be in the top five.

"What is your real name ?"

I asked the man. " As I said before I am Lancel Olivander and the current elected leader of Hecate." he answered truthfully.

" So you are telling me that you indeed belong to the Olivander family the prestigious family of Wand makers and yet you decided to threaten me into helping your group to overthrow the current king ? What happens if I say no and let's say that i don't care about my public opinion ? " I asked him out of curiosity till now the threats he made were really awful as I did not really care what most people thought about me. "

Well at first we were to tell you love of all your heinous crime you did to uncountable amounts of people and if that would not be enough we would simply threaten you with the life of your students, while it would be indeed a shame to shed the blood of some young wizards, but you know you one cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.

If the death of some of your students would not be enough to make us help we would continue with the last step. Just go for the person who is you the most dear.

While we are aware that we most likely can't kill you but this does not go for her right ?

You can't be near her all the time, she has classes to teach after all, and while she is a capable witch herself we are sure to find one or two things we would find to kill her."

With the last sentence I lost the smile on my face and Salazar flinched as soon as he heard those words. Now it was my turn to talk. " You do know what is interesting about wand makers" I said. while trying hard to reign over my anger and overflowing magical power.

" They are somehow not aware that while producing a wand for an individual grants you some sort of power over them as most wand have a drop of blood of their creator in them, that way the wand maker always has a slide advantage in direct combat between the two parties while some wands are hardly turned against their owners, all wands are almost impossible to turn against their creators due to the drop of blood placed by them inside it.

The special thing about that is that wands grow stronger as they get older and so is the blood that is placed inside them. Because of that the blood can then recognize relatives of the wand makers and of course that is the strongest with direct descendants.

So that way even if the wand makers that had originally made the wand died, it is still in a way loyal to the family line that had created the wand in the first place.

So you will always stay in some kind of advantageous position. The next advantage they have lies within the wands itself wands are used as the first steady connection of the leyline of wizards so even wandless magic is often channeled through them as the wizard uses the easiest connection available that is also why true wandless magic is so raw and unpredictable.

Now you may ask yourself why would I tell you all this if you already know it as you are a wandmaker right?

The answer is simple your profession somehow never asked themselves what would happen if you one day had a wizard that was powerful enough to draw the blood out of the wand." I finished and focused on him with my eyes.

I drew my wand and let it float before me and then forced some drops out of my it. The blood before me was nearly black but that did not matter I knew it would work.

I continued to speak to Lancel. "Now imagine that this powerful wizards that somehow managed to force out the blood of an old ancestor of those wand makers is one of the most capable dark wizards and could thereby kill all of your family just with a simple flick of his hand." With the last word spoken I waved with my hands and the man before me started to scream as if it was his blood that had started to boil.

Another wave of my hand severed the connection between the man before me and the soon-to-be a dried corpse damned Olivander. Salazar was fast to react and cast several diagnosis charms and obliviated the old muggle of the things that had happened to him.

"William ? Did you really curse all the Olivander family? And what are you going to tell merlin you do know that he is in need of a wand right ?"

I answered in a soothing voice "Of course not I let the current heir to this old fool live, but I think I have to talk to him later maybe he does know of the group this idiot talked about. I'm going to be totally honest with you, I never thought that any of these wands present would be able to contain the raw power of merlin, so I thought that I would give him my old wand I don't need mine anyway." Thinking about it, I had now another problem I had to eradicate a group of dimwits that were trying to kill the king.

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