
The beginning

„William woke from a slap to his but. This blunt pain he felt was the first physical feeling he had in a long pain, and so he cherished this pain because he knew what this pain meant. He was alive again. He opened his eyes and in his blurry vision he got a rough idea from the room he was in. A weird room it was for sure it was a timbered house, something he would rarely see in his old life. He tried to focus his vision on the obstetrician even she was dressed in weird clothes. Like they belonged to a medieval festival and not to the 21st century.

Well that sucks it looks like his parents belong to people who would dress like that even in private. He thought so until a man in the back of the room waved with a little stick. He felt the sensation running through his body as he got cleaned by what he presumed to be a spell. At this moment his it dawned on him. He was in the Harry Potter world but the question now was in which year ? Even the wizards in the Harry Potter world where not that backwards that they lived in wooden houses.

He got named William after an ancestor he had, and so he began his new life. His parents thought of him as a genius, well they were not wrong, not any child could talk and walk as early as he did. With his mother, Maria Wander and his father, Theodor Wander he had a great childhood.

Time Skip

He didn't have much of a problem learning this Latin or ancient Greek language probably due to his trained mind, and he even made great process in his Sorcery and Alchemy. He was 5 years old it was the year 766 and his parents had nothing new to teach him. But they knew about his thirst for magics, so they brought him to his grandparents where he continued to study the arcane. But even they, with the knowledge of more than 2centuries could quench his thirst. So when they taught him all they knew about Alchemy and Magic he had just turned 15.

But William couldn't bring himself to a stop. He knew in which world he was. And he knew there was a way to achieve immortality. Immortality was his goal he knew he wouldn't want to go back to the nothingness again.

He needed to live to feel to love and to grief otherwise he wouldn't consider himself to be alive. What was life if there was no input from the outside. So he knew his goal and a way to get there. But to learn new things he had to travel. And so went the young wizard with nothing but his wand in his pocket on a great adventure.

He visited local wizarding communities, but he wasn't satisfied. The local communities didn't give him much new knowledge. He had to look at older wizard cultures to learn about more interesting things. So his first stop was Greece where he also learned that there was no such things as dark magic to the people of that time. It was nearly like a local sport to hunt down muggles and use them for your latest potions or spells u had developed. Academically speaking it was great, but he sure felt the mental strain these methods put on him. So he stayed and studied in Greece and the time flew by, but he couldn't ready connect to the surrounding people. Maybe the mindsets they had were just too different to be compatible.

By the time he was about a century old, news about the death of his family had gotten to him, they died in a ritual that would have empowered their magic. He was sad about the news. Don't get that wrong it is not like he had thought of them as his parents, but they still were the people he held dearest, they were his only frequent contact in this world, and now again he felt terribly alone. The grief made him leave Greece. He needed to be distracted and the methodical studies of the arcane couldn't provide him with that.

So he went to Egypt where he learned a lot about new curses, wards and soul magic. He didn't know why, but he somehow felt drawn to it. Soul magic his first encounter was similar to his first encounter to this world. He had just studied one of the great pyramids when one of the locals told him about a new tomb they had found.

William had grown to a local celebrity by the time he stayed there, he was known for his curse breaking and studies of the ancient language, so they invited him for the next great expedition. And a great expedition it had been when.

The moment they broke the seal of the tomb all of his colleagues had collapsed to the ground with white foam coming out of their mouths. William felt a strong blow on his mental shields, the owner of this very tomb tried to crush their souls.

He knew this kind of battle and knew what he had to do, but he was reluctant to do so, after all he invaded the last resting place of the soul. That was until he felt the intention of this pharaoh he tried to absorb their souls to grow stronger so William fought back. He knew how the game was played and so the fight while a lot harder than against the newborn, wasn't much of a challenge to him.

The real challenge came when he tried to absorb the soul pieces. These pieces were not just filled with magic, they were also filled with the memories and feelings of the crushed soul. William was stuck in place, his magic went on a rampage and gushed out of his body while he tried to sort the new memories and knowledge he had gained from that encounter.

When he woke up, his colleagues were gone and the exit of the tomb was sealed. He tried to open it but it seems like the people who sealed it were not taking any chances.

Not knowing how much time had passed and what to do William made a decision. He explored the tomb further and after a couple of hours of exploring, he had another encounter with a soul and again this new soul tried to crush him under that pressure, but he prevailed. Unlike last time he didn't need much time to sort the new memories and magic powers, so he went back again and tried to escape this prison. In the hope that his stronger magic power could now break this seal he tried it again but again the seal didn't budge.

This went on for years, but counting the time is hard if you have no daylight, so he wasn't too sure. He had crushed thousands of souls and still his magic wasn't enough to break the seal.

He knew what would come, but he was scared. William had to open the last seal inside this tomb. Maybe he could get enough power there to break out of this prison. With the knowledge he had acquired he knew what he would face. It was not another pharaoh in his last resting place, no. it was a dark Warlock of the old days. More than a thousand warlocks had gathered to kill this Warlock, but they didn't manage to do so. So in a last desperate try half of them gave their lives to seal him in this tomb.

He, William Wander was about to break the seal that was put in place to protect mankind, but he thought he could take on that challenge. So he went on he broke the seal and got harassed hundreds of souls. He stood there wavered but managed to stand he shook his head to clear it and at that moment one soul had offered itself to him. It was a weird encounter he didn't know why but this soul did not want to continue. But when he absorbed it, he understood why. The warlocks that had placed this seal were fighting on a daily basis against this dark Warlock each and every day for more than 3thousend years, to lock this evil in place. When it felt a new soul approaching that could face the attention of all the souls present, it had offered its soul, so it wouldn't support the evil it had fought for so long.

William understood all that in a matter of seconds. Never before had a soul absorption been so smooth. He knew who he had to fight.

And fight he did, he threw his all against the dark Warlock. But he prevailed the moment the souls noticed what William was doing they rushed to him and also offered themselves to be absorbed by him. It wasn't until all but one soul had sacrificed its existence that he was able to beat the dark Warlock, after he had scattered the soul he looked he tried to sense the last soul that has fought alongside with him, but he couldn't find it.

So he sat down and started to absorb the magic and knowledge of the warlock. It was the most profound magic and knowledge he had yet encountered, so he took his time. When he was finished and came back to his senses he felt a gentle nudge on his mental shields. He sensed the soul whom he had fought with.

So he lowered his mental shields, it inspected his very being and memories and William let it happen. He wanted the soul to know that they had won, they hadn't produced another dark warlock who would try to enslave the world. The soul felt his intentions and after it was done with the inspection it also offered himself to William.

He was reluctant but complied and after he did he understood why. The first soul that had offered himself was the son of the last soul he wanted to follow his son on the next great adventure.

Hello dear Reader,

please comment your critique ideas and thoughts about my story.

Also be gratefull to xxcpzh thanks to him you got paragraphs.

Nycscreators' thoughts
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