
chapter 4 explanations

"There we go," Azathoth says "Your god," the devils say slowly backing up "Oh calm down he's not going to do anything are you Dad" Azazel says

"nope now hold on a sec," Azathoth says and picks up Durandal opens his long coat, and puts it in one of its many pockets that's bigger on the inside right beside Excalibur

Azathoth then grabs Xenovia and teleports where Valerie is 'No fighting' he says inside of his head which is where Valerie and Xenovia are he then disappears only to reappear in front of a girl

(Girl image here)

Azathoth thrusts his hand into the girl's chest and pulls out a red gauntlet that turns into a miniature red Dragon "Hello Dad can you put me back in Isara please I kinda made her my heir" Ddraig says

"You picked her you couldn't find someone else so you picked her," Azathoth asks "Hey you don't have to be rude," Isara says Azathoth starts to laugh

"Sorry I was making a reference but you didn't get it," Azathoth says and stops laughing "anyways I know what you did Ddraig" Azathoth says Ddraig tries to fly out of Azathoth hand but Azathoth grabs his wings making him stop trying to get away

"Okay fine Isara is my daughter okay there I said it I was going to wait until her 18th birthday to tell her," Ddraig says "I know already Mom told me," Isara says "Of course, she did," Ddraig says with a sigh

"What does it mean to be father-daughter," Isara asks "I'll explain," Azathoth says and conjures a table with some seats "All of you sit down now," Azathoth says and they listen

Azathoth conjures himself a throne sits down and puts Tina on his lap "Now let me ask you what's Ddraig's full name" Azathoth asks

After a few seconds pass one of the devils raises their hands "Yes Sona" Azathoth says "Heavenly dragon God of domination" Sona says "Bingo now what's Albion's full name" Azathoth asks

"Heavenly Dragon God of supremacy," Sona says "Bingo here's another question why are they called heavenly dragons gods," Azathoth asks

After waiting for 5 minutes and no one has the answer he explains "They called heavenly Dragon gods because I used my heavenly power to create them but I also used my powers of supremacy and domination when they came into existence I copied and gifted my power of supremacy to Albion and my power of domination to Ddraig" azathoth explains

"so I still have the power of domination and supremacy back to what I was explaining because I used my heavenly powers they're the dragons of heaven if they hand children well let's just say they would be powerful even if they just half-dragon" Azathoth explains

"but here's another question why did I turn them into sacred gears if they're my children" Azathoth asks

He waits a few minutes but no one answers "It was planned the whole war between the fallen angels the angels and devils was planned by me and Lucifer well Samael but still it was planned you see I wasn't going to get involved but then children started to get killed" Azathoth explains

"And Samael didn't like that so he came to me and we came up with a plan I can go after any devil family that killed a child that was the original plan then the fallen angels got in the war and children started dying because of them too" Azathoth explains

"So Azazel came to me and added the part where if a fallen angel kills a child I can kill them too that became the full plan then the humans got involved so I created the sacred gear system and gifted certain humans a sacred gear" Azathoth explains

"After a while Albion and Ddraig got involved in the war because the two of them can't decide who's superior they still can't" Azathoth explains

"So to punish them after the angel's devils and fallen angels killed them when they didn't since they're truly immortal like the rest of my family after the fighting started back up again I took the bodies away and used my power to create the boosted gear and divine dividing sacred gears by transforming they body's into the gears" azathoth explains

"When the war was getting too heated Azazel and Samael got together and came up with the plan to make it look like me and Samael died but in fact we left for a father and son trip right now he's still on his vacation that's what he calls it anyways" azathoth explains

"Now let's get to Isara here and what it means being Ddraig's daughter since Ddraig can choose his host he can be awake all the time so let's see," Azathoth says and looks into the past of isara

Once he's done he starts explaining "First off Ddraig you're an idiot I told you when a dragon even a half one reaches 16 they're powers start to become more active and being your daughter her powers are more powerful than other dragons " Azathoth explains

"Second off being your daughter her powers if not trained will kill her since the way she's been using them is okayish but still I'm going to train her by giving her knowledge which will knock her out for about a week" Azathoth explains

"since I will be giving her a whole lot of knowledge so train her while she's knocked out in her head I'll also make it so the training passes over to her body outside of her mind" Azathoth explains

"Now isara being my granddaughter your are immune to dragon slaying techniques and powers angel and devil slaying powers God slaying techniques a lot of stuff I'll also be gifting you the perfect control skill" Azathoth explains

"What does that do and why are you doing this for me," isara asks

"well one I'm the father of the eldritch the eldritch race does things for shits and giggles we also have the ability to accept people into the eldritch family" Azathoth explains

"but your not powerful enough yet to be a true eldritch being so I'm giving you what I call the welcome to the family package which will get you started on the path" Azathoth explains

"Also each of the eldritch has a different welcome to the family package but I always go first and yes your family now so if you need help with anything just ask" Azathoth explains

"Now what perfect control does is basically gives you control of any energy you use it also lowers the energy you use for spells, abilities, powers so on and so forth" Azathoth explains

"So basically what it says in the name just making sure," Isara says "That's all so here you go," Azathoth says and snaps his fingers making Ddraig go back inside of Isara and for her to pass out

"Anyways Irina is coming with me so bye," Azathoth says and disappears with Tina and Irina who he knows is in the town

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