
The Adapter's System

In the year 2053, earth was struck with a mana surge from a failed scientific project, causing great magical calamities and mutations. The supernatural became the natural, magic became the norm. Advanced Civilisation had become extinct. While suffering through the invasion of races and the aggression of monsters originated from the mutation of animals. With this society who has progressed into the supernatural, how would a Young talentless man, with no power or magic, be able to survive? What if, one day, he had a fortunate encounter with a system, a system which could not only adapt but evolve. Would he remain weak and powerless? Or would he adapt and become something… Bigger? Power stone objectives till the end of march: 200 Power stones / 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones / 3 Extra chapters 600 Power stones / 4 Extra chapters Collection Goals: 500 Collections : 1 Extra chapter 1000 Collections: 2 Extra chapters 2000 Collections: 3 Extra Chapters

Renovator · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

Dual Flow Cultivation.

'What's this feeling…?'


'It's hot…'

Asper slowly began to pant as his body began to heat up from within. The heat of desert further amplified the heat. 

"Can you feel it?" Stella asked as she watched.

Asper who tried to reply, realized that he couldn't muster out any words. There was no doubt however, that he was feeling it.

A strange flow of energy circulating within him. It seemed to be originating from a certain point in his body.

Seeing this, Asper closed his eyes and focused on the sensation. He followed the flow and its routes down to where it was coming from.

A few seconds passed and then it happened. Startled, Asper gasped as saw it. It was the only thing he could see. A large glowing sun, so bright it lit up the darkness from his closed eyelids.. Energy was flowing through, around and into it. 

He tried stretching his arms to reach for it, but his eyes opened shortly after, pulling him back to reality.