

Second half started and players of E were still in lead of 2 points . Avishai's eye was fixed on Rhys only . When he got ball he intentionally made it swing from the edge . To make it look like it will touch the outer side of net making goalkeeper to run in wrong direction . Rhys and Cornelius run to cover free space . The ball just touched the finger tips of goal keeper who tried hard to hold but the speed was striking dangerous . Football started travelling towards grounds ( not what Avishai intended) The way it was travelling it looks like it will go straight to and touch bottom of the right corner of net .

From the Avishai's side it was not kicked to make a goal it was kicked to make a brutal injury on Rhys foot . Somehow the captain slipped and Cornelius took the hard football on his ankle, resulting his fall down . Cornelius slipped throughout field till the distance of 4 m .

His limbs were all bleeding , back was covered with dust and scratched due to friction .

Just then second half ended .

All team rushed towards him . Avishai's face marked a grin , he wants to injure captain but injuring striker was also fine to him .

" Is it hurting very much ?" Rhys was worried . The way blood was all spread like a thin sheet it was a deadly sight .

Carefully he made the hands of his dear mate slip around his neck and carried his pair of legs with his sweating limbs. Trying harder to walk more fastly to medical room .

Sure enough his friend was Slowly loosing his energy and pain while skin was stinging because of the bright hot rays of sun falling directly on his once pale skin .

" Just last box is remaining. Then work is done . "

Blue was in medical room arranging new stock of first aid essentials.

Just moments ago Doctor Julian requested to help her arrange new arrivals.

While placing glass jars and syrups on selves her face was beautifully glowing with happiness. Today she was sure to see their boys receive victory. No more taunts from section A . The ugly depressed face of cheek divas was making her laugh on her own .

The train of thoughts broke when her ears caught the familiar voice .

" Sir , we have a patient here ."

Blue turned back , metting eyes of Rhys and soon after to Cornelius , who was badly covered in blood and dust . Ready to close his eyelids any moment .

Her eyes out grown and questions started buzzing while heart stopped to beat with sudden wave of shock washed like a cold wave in January.

Still managed to speak and return back to senses .

" She is in Principal's Chamber , go call her . I'm here "

They both were terrified . Cornelius was placed on bed softly .

When his body hit the covers the pain increased . The pain was unbearable now.

He winced with each and ever feather touch .

The blue bright orbs glittered . Blue took a disinfectant and cotton with bandages. Steps colliding fastly with wooden floor .

" Is it hurting very much ?" She took a hold of the male's hand carefully. It was not a usual sight and now she got why she was feeling something bad . Her gut feeling never lies yet she ignored it .

When black orbs met blue ones, the ways she was ready to cry because of his condition disturbed him . Not for a nay particular reason he got a rage in him .

" I'm fine , Okay !!!? " It was not what she expected to hear from him. She was worried and he was not liking it .

" Look i know you are in pain and I'm sorry but please remain still I'm trying to help you ."

She made the cotton pad touch the bare chest . Just then he slapped her hands away .

" Don't be this kind Blue , when you are not . Why are you always around me."

Cornelius 's word was as foreign to him as to Blue . He never spoke with that tone . Why was he even saying it . But with a deep sigh he continued. Rage took a hold on him completely.

" I don't want to see you every day . I hate your touch , your smell in a simple way your present -".

"Cornelius "He still continued .

"I couldn't top in class because of you . I couldn't date because every person thinks I'm dating you . Why can't you disappeared for god's sake !!!!"

He pulled his hand out from her grip and just then doctor entered .

" You guys go out ."

Blue went out with Rhys . The male was worried for Cornelius but when he saw Blue's face his face got filled with confusion . What's with the blank out behaviour of his friend .

Just when Rhys was about to speak Blue went away went school bell ranged .

When doctor called him ( Rhys)inside . He looked at his friend now covered in bandages. Just above his left eyebrow stitches were given . On his left cheek a bandage was sticked. All his left shoulder and rib cage portion was bandaged . Good thing was that his hands was not very much affected and knees are not broken .

When Doctor went to call Cornelius's parent . Rhys settled on the stool beside the bed . Now he couldn't hold anymore.

" Why Blue was in that condition If I may ask?"

This was the last thing Cornelius wants to hear .

He don't want to hear that name . it's just irritating.

" How would I know . Also I don't care about her condition so keep it to yourself from now onwards . " The behaviour was strange .

Blue and Cornelius know each other from past 12 years . from kindergarten till grade 10 . Never in all those year he reacted like that towards the female .

Rhys didn't carried it further and change topic about his well-being.

Just when dawn arrived . The black orbs shone bright . Reflecting colours of magenta sky . Slowly violet and orange started blending from edges .Sun was hiding between the pale white orange clouds.

Just then his phone ranged . It displays Jade Williams.

" Hey , Jade ." He started first . The latter informed about her birthday party happening on weekend just two days away . They bid goodbyes and hung up .

Leaving all things of today , he concentrated to study for tomorrow's test .

" So , I will pick you up after your test at 10 , tomorrow." Caleb Adler said to his only daughter . Blue agreed and continued eating her supper . Tomorrow they planned to go on tour to Blue's mom place at countryside. When she passed away they both couldn't take a hold on themselves but still they both decided to remember her as a happy memory so each time when they remember her a warm feeling should spread in their heart , not a guilt and regret . Even though they smile and laugh. But on every lonely night they think of ways they would have been able to save her from car accident.

The big bunglow with only two souls was very silent but still warm they tried to make it more cozy and their comfort place .

" Would you mind dropping me school also ." While cutting the steak she asked .

" You aren't going with Cornelius?" It's rare time when Blue asked him to drop her at school after she became friends with the young boy .

" No , I want to go early tomorrow actually."

Caleb nodded in understanding.

The night was on roll . Blue settled her in the library and took some books to complete her science project about migration of birds . The due was the day after tomorrow but she was going out of town . So she need to complete it now only . She payed lo-fi songs and started working .

When the minute hand and hour hand aligned at 12 . Indicating that it has been zero O'clock.

The winds were cooler but not harsh thy were soft . The young girl let her limbs rest on the window and wind to kiss her exposed skin .

It's relaxing but then her mind hit the incidents . She was sad for sure , when she came home she was angry as no one ever talked to her like that . That's why she prepared for maths test passionately more than ever , for first time she wanted to beat him to show his palce .

But now the rage was died off and only curiousity was remained . She wants to know about the sudden change in his behaviour.

Cornelius never shouted on her and never said anything near to this also . Something was fishy , she wants to ask him but now her self respect was there . She let her body fall on soft purple covers and slept soon after .

" Mom what about Flair ?" Cornelius asked while he and his mom made some midnight snakes in kitchen.

" Nah , she barely pass in test , only have lot of money to show off ."

His mom answered but when the boy protested she strictly said " Mr. Cornelius Cooper you are not going to date Flair ." He huffed and showed other girls .

But then Mrs. Cooper took hold of his phone and clicked on screen . Curious eyes of Cornelius became still silent when he saw a picture of Blue and his on the beach with surf boards . " I would say I love this girl ." She smiled and said not aware of his son's reaction towards it .

" Mom i don't like her even , Why can't you understand." The happy lady got shocked by sudden in behaviour and uproar but she was also his mom ." Then I will allow you to date if you find a better girl than Blue Alder."