

Third Person POV

Martha was pregnant. She still couldn't believe it, she had tried for so long but nothing seemed to work. 17 solid years of marriage filled with unending medications, lab tests and procedures but nothing worked.

On that faithful day, the day that changed her entire life, she was in a bar drinking away her torturous existence when Sarah and old friend of Her's from highschool spotted her drinking. A few bottles of beers led to well.....a few exchanges of stories. Sarah had convinced her to check out a shaman who was popular for helping women in her sort of precarious situations. Although skeptical at first, she decided to try it out since she had nothing to lose anyway.

To think it actually worked Martha thought or is it just a coincidence she pondered. Above all else, what mattered most was that she now had what she wanted above everything else.....she was pregnant.


Baby's POV

Why is this happening? Why is this happening to me? This was not the plan! This isn't how everything was supposed to happen. I mean she is nice and all and if ever I wanted to be born she would have been the perfect vessel but humans are annoying petty little creatures and I have no interest in being one of them.

It feels warm inside this womb, too bad there is nothing to do here than just sit and wait for the 9 months to be completed so I can be born into the human world. I don't have my powers which means once I am born I will lose all memories of who I am, I should be able to regain back my memories once I reach full maturity at 30 though.

(fast forward to 9 months) It is almost time to be born. I feel so sleepy and I am struggling to remember details about myself. (chuckles) I guess it's see you in 30 years time then, I hope living a human life turns out to be less pathetic than I expect.

I have to sleep now.......

Third person POV

Martha has successfully put to bed and welcomed a healthy baby boy. She and her husband Damien have decided to name him Jamie. She is the happiest that she has ever been in socmany years and has sworn to give Jamie the best possible life that she can.

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