
The 3nd of the Beginning

“They took them from me.” “Mhmn, so what's stopping you from getting them back?” “Strength beyond comparison.” In a dark world that's becoming darker by the day, a young man arises and bears the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Strength beyond reasoning.” Reincarnated for a purpose, he's lived the next ten years as his last ten years. “Strength beyond questioning.” With his memory as his arsenal, would he turn humanity's past collapse into future upheaval? “Strength beyond the very heavens!”

Sensibleuser · Khoa huyễn
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9 Chs

Entering the game space

Deep in space, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared and a pillar of light was sent out. This light source seemed to possess intelligence as it weaved through obstructions, seemingly heading straight for its goal alone. This light was so fast that while one would be sure of its existence in one instance, in another, one might be dumbstruck and simply believe it was an illusion. It was so fast one couldn't even be sure as to when the light started its movement, it could have been in that very instance or it might as well have started its journey eons ago.

Entering into the Milky Way, the light weaved through a certain solar system and stopped above a certain blue planet. Almost immediately, the light began to shine brighter and brighter, just like a second sun, and then just as soon as it began this process, it simply stopped. After achieving its goal, the light disappeared from above the planet and continued its journey through the cosmos, searching for its next target.

On earth, the appearance and disappearance of a second sun above White Stone City woke all residents who had gathered back after the previous day's experience. There was nothing normal about the situation but other than a few gasps, no sound was made. For now, they would wait.

All humans and living beings alike were silently waiting, waiting for the devil's approach, waiting for God's descent, waiting for what could be the end of their civilization or maybe just the end of the beginning.

Suddenly a resounding tear woke every being from their stupor. Not just one though, there were numerous openings in the sky above the earth. It took a while before they solidified into gates of ethereal darkness. All gates looked the same, calling them gates would be an understatement. They looked so beautiful and seemed forged out of the blackness. The gates had constructed on them, faces of dragons with circular rings hanging from their jaws as though serving as knockers. The gates were littered with obsidian that reflected the light of the sun. All in all, it was a dark, dark gate with even more darkness at its sides.

With a majestic creak, the gates slowly opened in a perfectly synchronized manner, the loud sounds appearing deafening to the souls of all mortals below. In contrast to the dark gates, the inside of it appeared to be a wormhole that was brewing with bright colors. As soon as the gates were opened, a light pull seemed to tug invisible strings connected to the humans below, although one could try resisting the pull, all it would do was slow down one's eventual progress into the gates and not prevent it.

Teke who had long awakened since the wee hours of the morning was as prepared as he could be. He had been waiting for an opportunity and now he had it. Teke didn't resist the strange pull, instead, he welcomed it and he instantly rose hundreds of meters above everyone else, it was at this point, that he finally slowed down. Phase one of his big plan he had spent a portion of the night thinking of was a go. As earth's champion as well as a reincarnation with all memories from his past life present, he had two goals; the first one was to get as strong as possible and then stronger still, the second one was more practical and humane, it was to prevent as many deaths as possible.

Mana was already seeping through the gates so it was easy for him to utilize that portion to raise his voice and send it directly to the ears of the people beneath him and the other lucky ones they may encounter in the future.

"People of White Stone, something miraculous is happening before our eyes and for the second time in 24 hours, we are witnessing something magical. At the center of the first one was me and although I would not proclaim myself as some sort of hero, know this, if you want to guarantee the lives of everyone you care about, you'd listen to the sound of my voice and take my next few words seriously."

In times of distress and times where the scent of death was prevalent and finally in times of the unknown, people would crave for a person who could rise, pick the mantle, and guarantee them safety, no matter how true or false the statements he utters are, no matter whether or not he could guarantee their safety. All they needed was that faint sense of hope.

Teke didn't need all of them to trust him, he didn't need them to believe in him either. All he wanted was for his words to resound in their minds and possibly affect their future decisions to hopefully guarantee their survival. That was why he decided to wait until the last moment before they were thrown into a new world to say his words. It would give them less time to think about it or to discuss It with others or to conclude they were rambles of a mad man, rather he would leave it up to their most primal nature which would kick in at the face of death. At that point, they won't even consider the authenticity of his words, rather, their hopes would lead them in the right direction, or so he hoped.

"My name is Teke, I was born and I've lived in this neighborhood for over twenty years already. As you can see, a strange force is drawing us into the unknown, but I can say to you all, it is not unknown anymore. We're heading to a place called the 'Game Space'. Although I assure you, what we'd be going through is not a game at all, rather our survival depends on our next few actions. Death there is the same as death here, there is no real world or fake world, everything is as real as it gets."

Taking in a deep breath, Teke continued, "The gate before us is an interdimensional portal leading us to the game space. The game space itself is as large as a billion earths and of course, there are many sections of the game space, the game space has a total of twelve levels that I know of, the first two, that these gates would lead to are for tier zeroes or simply put, the newly awakened batch. There are four safe zone bases on the two levels in total, werewolf's den, starlight abode, Five Fingers Plain, and the Slaughter Path. These first three bases have a few rules and one can come and go as one sees fit, but everything has a price there, perhaps even breathing. As for the last one, you would be considered unlucky to step foot inside that base as they have a strong hatred for Earth's humans, especially weak ones like you. If you do end up being sent there, your only fate is to be treated as slaves whose lives could be snuffed at any moment. If you could endure, I would be in that shelter by nightfall to deliver you from their clutches."

Looking around, Teke evaluated their changing faces and after all their murmurs quieted down, he said, "Finally, for those whose landing spot is out in the open world where lawlessness and monsters of different caliber feed and dine together, try to make your way to the nearest shelter, you can purchase a map from the interface that shows up when you're welcomed by the game space. As for weapons, It is advisable to borrow soul fragments from the game space, a total of 1000 fragments would be given which of course would be expected to be repaid in two days so happy hunting. You can get fragments from the beasts you slay. Allocate your funds, buy a good weapon that focuses on durability and sharpness, buy the map from the system, and save the rest for food, clothing, and shelter. Family ties are strong, you would be sent to the same location as your families, defend your loved ones and children, don't get cheated of your money, and don't be outside the bases after the sun goes down, if you are in the wilderness still, buy straw from the system, bury yourselves and you may just end up surviving. Be careful of the other races, protect yourselves, spread the word and yes, of course, try not to die."

Teke, after saying his piece, increased his speed and rushed into the wormhole without even a single glance back. He had done what he set his mind to do, hopefully they listened but all he knew was he at least guaranteed the lives of the few who he got to.

Is it a good read? I have a lot planned for the future too. Aside from that please motivate me with your gifts, power stones, and of course don't forget to comment with your thoughts. Happy reading.

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