
The "King's" Attendant In The Apocalypse

A sudden invasion of malevolent energy began to infect the bodies of creatures residing on the planet Earth. However, those who have a slight resistance to this energy are now given the opportunity to achieve things beyond their wildest dreams. Everette, a plain old university student with somewhat above average looks, is given a strange dilemma. {"Ding! A target for the class [Royal Candidate] has been detected!”} *** { "Name": "Ada Ambrose" } { "Potential": "A+" } {"Analysis": "A possessive tomboy with the potential to become a... Great King?"} {"Would you like to pledge your undying loyalty to this individual?”} *** ... “So you're telling me, that I have the choice of serving someone like her...?” “A candidate to become a Great King? SHE'S NOT EVEN A DUDE! HOW CAN SHE BECOME A KING!? AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY POSSESSIVE?!” Together with his “totally not yandere-ish” best friend (that is also his master) they will come to learn to learn and adapt to the apocalypse. Perhaps their relationship with one another may turn into more than friends... === Hello! I'm new to this whole writing thing so feedback is appreciated.

PagE_PickEr · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

A Cry For Help

"Alright, you three! It's time to get on the Ambrose Express!" Ada called out in a flamboyant pose.

The four of them decided to scout out areas farther out using the bus Ada and her group acquired yesterday.

"Ambrose Express, huh? Interesting name." Jack muttered as he stared at the bus, followed by Amelia's nod of agreement.

Ada tilted her head up in pride while folding his arms. "Well! I have been thinking of a name for it since last night. I think it sounds pretty—"


Ada's eyes immediately locked in on Everette's wheezing figure. He held the palm of his hand to his mouth to try and muffle his laughter. Ada glared at him with a pout, "What? Got a problem, Everette?"

Everette's body stiffened up before giving a fake cough.

"Nope. None at all. Could you perhaps remind me why it's just us and also him?"

He gestured towards a middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat.

"Well! He will be driving us to our destination. The reason why it's just us is that I would like to try to avoid any unnecessary casualties."

Everette nodded in understanding. The four of them began to enter the bus.

After a few minutes, the bus began to move north from the Chapel.

Everette turned to look at Ada, who was sitting beside him, "So where is our destination, specifically?"

Ada met his gaze before smirking, "Trinity College."

Everette raised a brow, "Why there? Are you really thinking about bringing more people back with us?"

She shrugged, "Originally, it was going to be to the River Cam. But I figured since it's on our path, why not?"

Everette sighed, 'I can't complain because it's a good thing. Some people wouldn't go out of their way to do this.'

He then stared at her softly. She noticed this stare and smirked towards him.

"What's up? Can't help but admire me~?"

"Huuuuh...? As if!"

Every now and then during the drive, they would feel the bus bump into something, followed by a crunch. 'Brutal...' Everette thought.

After a few more moments, the bus came to a stop.

"Hm? Are we here yet, Patrick?"

Ada called out to the middle-aged man. He poked his head out and responded:

"We seem to have some obstacles in the way."


The four got up to the front to get a look at the obstacles. It seemed to be a gigantic beetle blocking the road. It was about 10 metres long and 5 metres tall. It's black exoskeleton was decorated in dent and scratches almost like it has been through countless battles.

"... What level do you guys think it is for it to get to that size?" Jack asked with a curious tone.

Everette's eyes narrowed in on the beetle.

{"Level 20 Mutated Resilient Beetle"}

"It's level 20."

Everyone stared at him with wide eyes.

"How do you know?"

He raised a brow at this, "Can you guys not also see its level?" In response to this, they all shook their head.

Everette tucked his finger under his chin before going into deep thought, 'Am I the only one who can see an individual's level?'

"W-what do you guys think about going around it?"

Everyone turned to look at Amelia before looking at each other. Without any words, they nodded in agreement.

"Well then... I could most definitely find some other way to get to Trinity, but the journey might be a bit longer. I hope that'll be fine with you guys." After saying that, Patrick started up the bus again before making a U-turn.

Everyone returned to their seat and turned their attention back out the window.


*??? POV*

I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. Our supplies are running out, and the wall between us and Them is growing thinner each day.

This is all because of his fault that we're like this...

If we don't do something soon, we'll either starve to death or be eaten by those things!

"Alice! We have another injury!" A girl with long black hair quickly made her way to me.


Another injured?

I hastily followed her into the first aid. I opened the curtains that hid the injured.

The injured was a man, probably in his twenties, with a bloodied bandage wrapped around his entire torso. He was currently lying down on one of those beds you would find in a hospital.

I took a deep breath before sitting on a stool beside the bed. I swiftly used a nearby scalpel to remove the bandage.

My face wrinkled as I gazed at his wound. A long gnash spread from his right shoulder to his left hip. My eyes shone with empathy.

I held my hands above his wounds. A soft, green aura covered my hands before detaching and covering his deep wound.

It stretched to encompass it fully before sinking deep into it. I could see how painful it must be from how the man's face was wrinkling.

After a few moments, the man's face softened, and his breathing stabilised.

I sighed deeply, "What must we do to escape from here?"

A bit busy yesterday! Sorry about that!

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