

Rosaleigh Blu Clarkson is a normal girl, 25 years old and single. All she ever wanted was a job to help out at home and her family, but fate decided on another thing. Xander Blythe Grey the devil of the business world. Everyone knows not to mess with him, he's as cold as Antarctica, probably even colder. He never expected Leigh to walk through his doors, not in a long shot. The only person that could cause global warming in his antarctic world. Which could cause good or bad. With the history between the two have, unknown to Lee, how will Xander handle her working for her.

Omphile_Magongwa · Thành thị
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32 Chs

Chapter 5

"Morning sir," I grin taking a seat next to him, he looks up from his laptop for a second to acknowledge me.


"Princess," I coo at the girl sitting next to me, she grins revealing her small little teeth.

"Morning Miss Leigh," she giggles looking back at the iPad in her hands.

"You're a little hyper for someone who's up at seven am." Nic comments, I chuckle looking at him.

"Good morning Nicholas and yes I am because this is my first time travelling out of the country so of course I am."

"This is still a work trip but I suggest you get some rest because this will be a long flight." Grey instructs, I nod buckling my seatbelt.

My phone dings in my purse so I quickly dig it out as the plane takes off, I see the message from Jared making me smile.

Morning beautiful ;)


Morning J, didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?


It's true.


Well I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate you calling another girl that.


Who said I have one?


That smile you have everytime your phone lights up.


Two days and you already know me so well, I feel loved but you couldn't have been any further from the truth.


I smile rolling my eyes, I can imagine him wiping away a fake tear.

And, plus I know you have eyes for someone else.


And who might that be Mr Coleman?


I'll just shut up, but tell me did your boss bring a desk for you to work on?


He's not as bad as y'all make him out to be y'know?


Right, you've only been working for him for five days. I'll believe it when you survive three months.


I will, you'll see.


I guess I'll see your beautiful at the gala then,


Are you asking to accompany me to the Grey Gala?


Maybe, maybe not.


Well that'll depend on whether I survive or not.


My phone is suddenly snatched out of my hands, I look at my boss shocked reaching over to take it back but he stuffs it in his pocket.

"Can I get that back please?" I ask, he shakes his head.

"Do I pay to work or sext?" Sext? Wow.

"I was talking to a friend and whatever happened to the option of resting?" I ask in disbelief.

"Clearly you aren't keen on that, so here." He hands me a stack of papers and a pen giving me a knowing look.

I gape at him, Nic laughs at either me or my boss making me glare at him. I throw the pen at him making him laugh harder, leaning over I whisper in Noelle's ear.

"Your daddy can be very mean sometimes," I wink making her giggle, I look back at my boss who's looking at me.

"Deseo una maldita turbulencia." I grumble under my breath.

*I wish for a f**king turbulence*


"Rose? Rosaleigh wake up," I shrug off the hand on my shoulder moaning in protest.

"We're about to land come on," Nic reasons, I open my eyes slightly, pouting.

"It's fine, I'll fall off the bed when the time comes." I mumble shutting my eyes once more.

"Suit yourself," he says before the sheets are taken away from me and my body is lifted up and pressed against a warm body.

Wide awake now I hold on to Nic with dear life, "Nicholas, put me down. Please." I plead.

He gives me a toothy grin, "I think I like you in this position rather than you rolling off the bed and hitting your head on the corner of something." He points out walking us to the seats, Noelle's giggles echo throughout the jet as she looks at us.

"Better than falling out of your arms might I add," I mumble as he sits me down next to Grey, I buckle in my seatbelt as he does the same.

"I wouldn't have ever dropped you, you know that right?" I give him a look that clearly says that I don't believe him making him laugh.

I roll my eyes and take out some mint from my bag then glance at my boss, "Mr Grey?" He glances up at me for a second.

"May I please get my phone back?" I plead, he shakes his head.

"You'll be distracting my employees," he explains, I frown.

"But I have to tell Lia that I've arrived,"

"Miss Julia has already been informed that you've arrived." I glare at him and dig through my bag for my old phone.

I stick a playful tongue out at Mr Grey and decide to text Lia, I'm pretty sure it's his lunch break by now for him.

Hey we're landing in Puerto Rico now, just wanted you to know.


Yeah, your hunky boss called and told me.


Tell me he wasn't rude about it.


Quite the opposite, you never told me that his voice alone could make a girl's panties drop!


What happened to hating dick Missy??


Can't a girl dream of dick every once in an while geez! But anyway, I packed you nice clothes. You know...to go with the weather there. ;)


What do you mean you packed me clothes Julia?!


You know what? I gotta go, Jul is forcing me to take him out for breakfast. You two have to talk soon, he's making me his best friend and it's getting awkward.


Fine, bye. Luv u


Luv u too, have fun!


I get up from my seat and follow behind Nicholas, one step outside and I can feel the heat beat on my skin. I follow down to the black SUV waiting for us, two men are placing our bags in the back.

Nic grants me the opportunity to sit by the window and admire the beauty of San Juan. For the long hour drive I admire the beautiful colourful buildings, the many street vendors. People laughing and kids playing in the streets.

Nic even gives me an informal tour, pointing out the landmarks and good restaurants. Finally the car stops by a gorgeous beach house, as expected one that looks like a mansion.

A fairly old woman and man come rushing out of the doors to the car, the woman engulfs Grey in a hug and shockingly he hugs her back.

"¡Mi hijo, ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que te he visto! ¡He hecho tus comidas favoritas, tus habitaciones están listas y miras que has traído a una hermosa niña! Oh, Dios mío, he esperado a esto dia!" She rambles off mocking off to me.

*My child, it's been so long since I've seen you! I've made your favourite meals, your rooms are ready and look at that you've brought a beautiful girl over! oh my God have I waited for this day*

Her hands come to my face turning it left to right observing me, "uh hola señorita, estoy Rosaleigh señor Grey's assistant?"

"Nonsense, call me Maria. It's pleasure to meet you," I smile back, she moves on to Nicholas.

"My boy, please tell me you're staying with us this time." I look at Nic shocked, he can't leave me with Grey for the next six days.

"Lo siento Maria, I have to be downtown." Maria and I glare at him for a second, he shrugs giving me an apologetic look.

Maria frowns but her face brightens when Noelle jumps out of the car into her arms, "mi niño pequeña! You've grown so much!" She exclaims throwing her up in the air, Noelle giggles her smile filling her entire face.

"I've missed you too tia," Maria settles the girl on the ground and she scrambles to stand between Grey and I.

Nic's phone rings making his smile fall, "business calls. Call you later Xan, goodbye my beautiful faerie," he smiles going down to Noelle's height.

She wraps her small arms around his neck pulling him into a hug, "I'll see you soon right?" She mumbles making Nic nod.

"I'll take you to the beach tomorrow how 'bout that?" He offers making her nod, Nic stands up pulling me into a hug.

"Sorry I didn't tell you," he whispers in my ear, sighing I shrug my shoulders hugging him back.

"I'll survive," I joke, he pulls back smirking.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow, bye beautiful," he winks making me blush, someone behind us clears his throat.

I ignore him and take a step back allowing him to get in the car, Maria leads us into the house as they drive away.

The smell of different variants of food and spices hit my nose the minute we get in making my stomach growl, I guess an eight hour flight makes one hungry.

"Would you like for me to take your bag?" I jump in the opposite direction and stare at the grinning man that was just besides me.

Hand to my chest I breath out a sigh of relief, "I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Ronald and I'm the butler of this place," he smiles.

I nod my head, "please call me Rosie." He nods gesturing to my handbag, I hand it to him. "Thank you,"

I follow the sounds of giggling and talking to the living room where I notice Mr Grey actually smiling, a genuine bright smile.

One that makes him look less mean and very young, not some old grumpy old man.

I hide myself behind the wall looking over, Noelle settles herself on her father's lap a gentle pout on her lips.

"Daddy, is Miss Leigh going to be like Miss Lisa?" She asks making me frown.


Grey frowns along with me, "what makes you say that?"

"You look at her like you did her." She inquires, Grey laughs throwing his head back. I swear for a moment I melt at the sound and swoon at the dimple that appears.

My eyes are glued to his lips that are pulled into a smile, "Nono, I don't hate Miss Leigh, quite the opposite actually." He whispers the last part to her making her seem more confused as I.

"You love her?" I swear both our faces fall, a slight blush covering both our faces. Grey chokes for a minute.

"No, I don't love her."

"So you hate her, I saw you giving her an angry look when Nicky was hugging her, she also looks very famia." My boss freezes a bit shocked.

"Fa-mi-li-ar. I don't hate Miss Leigh and I don't love her either, I like her, she's my personal assistant. I'm supposed to like her." He clarifies, I rest my back against the wall a certain feeling flowing through my body.

I know I shouldn't be hurt but the feeling inside me insists that I should feel hurt. I turn to walk away but Mr Grey's voice stops me.

"If you intend on eavesdropping señorita Clarkson, I suggest you do so quietly." Wide eyes, I walked in guiltily.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." Elle hides her giggles behind her hand gazing between me an her father whom might I add isnt happy.

He's back.

He locks eyes with me, hesitant to cold ones, and it looks like none of us are willing to look away.

"Don't you guys wanna eat?" Maria disrupts walking in happily, I look away and smile at the lady nodding.

"Maria you and Harrison should take the week off, paid of course." My mouth falls, I promise I've learnt a lot about my boss in the last hour than I have in all mt five days of employment.

"Who's going to take care of the little one and Rosie?" She asks, Mr Grey shakes his head.

"We are more than capable of taking care of ourselves, you deserve the break so please take it."

"Okay, okay I'll leave after feed-"

"Maria." He warns, the woman frowns but you can see the grateful look in her eyes.

"Harrison dear we have to leave Grey is kicking us out. Again," she sings making us two girls laugh.

She bids us her goodbyes and disappears leaving us in an awkward silence.

"You can take the rest of the day off seeing as there is nothing to along with tomorrow and your room is the first door to your right."

"Daddy can I show Miss Leigh my woom?! Please?" Elle asks excitedly, I smile shaking my head.

"How about after you eat?" He reasons, she shakes her head. "But I'll be too tired to show her all my dollies and their houses!"

"How 'bout you eat, then show Miss Leigh your dollies and I'll read you three bedtime stories?"

"Fwouw?" She bargains, Grey gives her a playful look. "Three," he offers.

"Fwive?" She pouts, I watch in awe as Mr Grey smiles at her attempt to persuade him.

"Then you won't sleep, either you take three or one? Which one will it be?" She pouts and settles on three.

"Good girl, now go I think tia made some Natillas." The girl squeals getting off her father and disappears past the door leaving Grey and I alone.

"I-I'll follow her," I mumble standing up and running out of there feeling his eyes on me the entire time.


"See the line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me and no one knows, how far it goes. If the wind and the sail on the sea stays behind me, one day I'll know, how far I'll go!"

"How far I'll gooooo!" We both fall down on my bed panting, Noelle erupts in giggles making me laugh.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask, she turns her cute face to me raising both eyebrows. "You sing better than anyone I know." her brown eyes gleam.

"Even better than Wepunzel and Awiel and Snow White and Belle and-" she rambles off making me giggle.

"Better than Ariana Grande herself," I tap her nose, she grins jumping up and down the bed.

I grab her feet making her fall down laughing, "come on, let's finish the movie then you can guilt trip your daddy into getting you ice-cream." I whisper the last part to her.

Okay maybe I'm not the best influence on kids but my best memories where when I convinced my sisters and brothers to attack my dad and somehow get him to buy us ice cream before dinner.

She settles down infront of me and focuses on the TV meanwhile I take the brush and run it through her hair continuously.

"Nono?" A knock comes before my door gently opens, Mr Grey pops his head in.

"Daddy! Miss Leigh and I are watching Moana, join us please?!" Mr Grey shakes his head.

"I think miss Leigh would like being alone-"

"No, it's alright. You can join us if you'd like? There's more than enough popcorn for three?" I ask, he looks between a pouting Noelle and I before coming in and settling on the floor.

I offer him my bowl of popcorn smiling and continue playing with Elle's hair.

Sitting like this somewhat reminds me of when I was young before my siblings come. Every Friday in their room we'd binge watch Disney movies, my father sitting on the floor while my mother played with my hair.

Then we made it a thing to spend every Friday night together, it lasted until a few years back when my mom passed away from cancer.


At the end of the movie I've learnt that Mr Grey knows every single lyric to every single song in almost every single Disney movie we've watched.

I could hear him mumbling under his breath, I guess he can be influenced by the small little girl sleeping on my lap.

Grey switches off the TV and stands up stretching, I notice that for once he's in casual clothes. And damn I never thought a man could make a pair of jeans and V-neck shirt look so hot.

Intrigued I watch as his back muscles stretch and flex, he abruptly turns and looks at me a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Blushing I gently remove Elle's head from my lap and get off the bed stretching too, "I'll take her to her room." He says.

"No it's fine, she can sleep in here." He picks her up and I open up the sheets for her, he settles her down and tucks her in.

I can't help but stare as he kisses her cheek whispering a good night, he's a totally different person with Noelle. Heck I never pegged him as one to actually care for a kid.


"Just hold me close, don't patronize me. Don't patronize me. 'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't. You can make your heart feel something it won't, here in the dark these in these final hours. I will lay down my heart, if I feel the power, but you don't. No you don't, cause I can't make you love me, if you don-" the door behind me creaks making me.halt my movements.

"Didn't mean-" I cut him off.

"No it's okay, it's a nice piano you got here. Vintage," I compliment, my hand skimming over the ivories.

He walks over and sits on the bench to my side, "You're beautiful." I look up at him wide eyes, tinge of red covering my cheeks.

"Huh?" He looks away.

"Your voice it's beautiful." He clarifies, I smile slightly, nodding once.

"Thanks." His long fingers stretch out to the piano and he plays a very familiar tune, I listen to it for a second before catching up.

"I don't want to waste the weekend, if you don't love me pretend, a few more hours then it's time to go.

As my train rolls down the East Coast, I wonder how you keep warm. It's too late to cry, too broken to move on.

Still I can't let you be, most nights I hardly sleep. Don't take what you don't need, from me.

Just a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather I was praying that you and might end up together.

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert but I'm holding you closer than most, because you are my heaven."

Small claps from behind me make me jump in fear, I look at the culprit who at the moment is holding an empanada in her one hand.

"Nono, I told you to wait for us." She pouts.

"But you were taking too long to find Miss Leigh!" He sighs shaking his head.

"Dinner is ready." Mr Grey informs sliding out, I follow lead nodding. Dinner passes by fast, Grey even helped with the dishes.

He's a whole different person away from work, and it's sort of weird.

Now I find myself watching in awe as my boss tucks his daughter in, about to read her third bedtime story as promised.

"Daddy, can miss Leigh sing me a lullaby instead?" She begs, he looks back at me.

"I'm sure she's t-" once more I cut him off by stepping in, he makes space for me to sit on the bed.

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,

There's a land I heard of once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue,

And the dreams you dare to dream really come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star,

And wake up where the clouds are far,

Behind me.

Where troubles melt like lemon drops,

Away above the chimney tops,

That's were you'll fine me.

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly,

Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can't I?" I finish, she smiles yawning.

"Goodnight daddy, goodnight miss Leigh." I smile walking out but catch Mr Grey leaving a kiss on her forehead.

I head to my room, and take a long shower before slipping into a black mini silk nightdress that comes just below my butt, courtesy of Julia Bristow.

Jumping on the bed I take out my laptop and decide to video call her, it's four o'clock in LA right now so she's probably back from work. She answers on the third ring.

"Hey Rosie! How's San Juan treating you?" She waves both hands madly, before I can respond she cuts me off.

"By that I mean how's that Greek God you're living with?" I roll my eyes at her exaggeration.

"Well you'll be shocked to know that he is not what I expected..." We spend the next hour talking, Julia mostly asking me questions about my boss and I avoiding them.

A knock resounds making me cut Julia midway her ramble about some stupid thing Julio did.

"Gotta go J, love you." I shut the laptop then head to open the door.

Mr Grey stands in the hallway shirtless, for a moment my eyes roam his toned torso until he clears his throat. Embarrassed, I finally look into his eyes which hold a bit of amusement.

"Uh-yes?" I stutter, his mouth twitches ever so slightly. He looks me up and down then at my face before his head snaps back to my body, his body tense.

I catch his eyes filter to my elevated breasts, I fold my arms clearing my throat, a slight blush covering my cheeks.

I couldn't hate Julia anymore than now.

"You may have your phone back," he hands it to me, I glare at him.

"I am no teenager sir, you had no right to snatch my phone from me and I have every right to talk to whomever I want whenever I want." I state, for a second he seems shocked.

"Not unless it deters with my business, but nonetheless I apologize." He nods slightly, now it's my turn to be shocked.

Not a very sincere apology, but nonetheless an apology. I nod my head smiling a bit, "thank you."

"Buenas noches, señorita Clarkson." He turns and walks away, leaving me smiling like an idiot for some reason.

"Tu tambien señor." *You too sir.* I mumble closing the door and snuggling in to the heavenly king-sized bed.