

Girls going out with each other? No way."

When I heard my friend's question, I just laughed it off. It all started when my friend, who had just arrived, joined us at my desk and said something unexpected. "Hey, did you hear the rumor? Someone saw a confession between two girls."

The three of us discussed the topic further from there.

"Marika, what would you do if you got a confession from another girl?" my friends asked me. I strongly reject the idea while shaking my head. That would be impossible.

"Thought so," said my friends while laughing. My name is Sakakibara Marika, High school second year. I've worked hard for the sake of being popular in my class. Everything from my adorable fashion choice to the softness of my hair, all for that.

This flowing smooth hair, tied into a pigtail, is my trademark. Even though it looks like a simple hairstyle, it's actually something I learned from a beauty salon's class! The image I strive for is fluffy and adorable hair. Combine that with my efforts to polish my appearance and my conversational skills that let me easily join in with the flow, it's no surprise that I'm a popular person in my class.

"I mean, why would girls date each other? Is there any point? Are you so unpopular with the boys that you compromise by dating another girl?"

When I probed the conversation further, Yume and Chisaki, who've been listening since earlier, responded to my question with crisp laughter.

"That's funny, Marika."

We all agree that it's weird and continue laughing. Suddenly, I feel a strong pressure from behind. I turn my head to look for the source of this pressure.

When I look behind me, my eyes meet a pair of strong eyes that have been gazing intently at us since earlier. It turns out that the sharp gaze is coming from our class' cool beauty, Fuwa Aya.

Seeing her delicate appearance, you'd think she could do no wrong. Her aura and her eyes make her look sleepy at all times, and that, combined with the sensual air that surrounds her and her gorgeous appearance, make it hard to approach her. It's the reason why she's a lone wolf in this class.

A nicely shaped nose, soft beautiful hair that flows without any signs of bed head. Her glowing skin makes me wonder what kind of UV care she uses. From the top of her hair to the tips of her toes, each part is so beautiful that I'd believe she was crafted from porcelain. She stands at around 160 cm, she has a great style and emits an elegant air wherever she goes. I've seen her get invited by a couple of our school's sports clubs, but she ended up in the going-home club.

Even though Fuwa is the solitary type, it's not like she dislikes interacting with other students. If she needs something, she will approach people. It seems like she just prefers to be alone. Even though she's a loner, there's no one who'd dare to lay their hands on her (TL Note: bullying). There's an unspoken agreement that prevents anyone from approaching her. She's athletic, smart, and a real beauty. Also, she looks like a young lady from a rich family.

It irks me to think that this loner is on par with me in terms of popularity, even more so considering how indifferent she acts.

Fuwa Aya is someone that never looks anxious or nervous, no matter the situation. She always looks aloof and never has had a gloomy expression. Fuwa always walks with a lot of confidence while staying true to herself. Her detachment somehow reminds me of a designer from the shop I went to before. She always looks like she's thinking about something complicated. Also, rather than trying to fit in, she doesn't even try to understand her environment.

That's why I can't handle her.

While I kept my mouth shut, Yume and Chisaki started to whisper to each other. "Is she looking at us?"

Even though it wouldn't be a problem if we talked normally, the pressure makes us lower our voices. Everyone in our group shares the same opinion about Fuwa, as expected from our friendship. That's why there's no problem if she's gazing at us. I am Sakakibara Marika, after all!

"Come to think of it...!"

I chose to change the subject with an over the top, cheery tone.

"Hmm? What is it?

"Is there any other interesting stuff going on?"

Sensing my desire to avoid the situation, the two of them joined me for the new topic. I started with a bit of self mocking.

"You see, I've been kinda strapped for cash recently, even though there's this one bag I really want."

"Ah, come to think of it, you stopped your part time job, right?"

"Is it because you're so useless that they fired you?"

The bubbly Yume, accompanied by Chisaki's usual rotten tongue.

"That's not it! The creepy old-man manager just kept sexually harassing me, so I got fed up with him and decided to quit. Ugh, it still annoys me whenever I remember it. I should file a complaint!"

I emphasize my irritation with some exaggerated motion and an over the top sigh. It may seem like I'm over reacting to this whole thing, but people who're easy to read are well-liked by the people around them. That's what I call 'going with the flow'.

The two of them shifted their interest from Fuwa to my story. Yeah, this is my win, did you see that, Fuwa? Probably not.

My plan to change the subject had succeeded, but I wasn't joking when I said I'm strapped for cash.

"I wonder if there are any good part-time jobs out there."

"If you are interested, this senpai I know said that compensated dating pays really well."

"Compensated dating, huh..."

There goes Yume with her unique suggestion. She's a good girl, but she's an airhead, and I worry about her often. I rest my upper body on my desk and relax my shoulders.

"Not creepy old men again."

"But it's easy and pays well. You can get 10,000 yen for just one meal."

"Really? Does that mean I could get 30,000 yen in just one day?"

I straighten my back again, suddenly full of spirit. Chisaki laughs at me.

"Mari, all you think about is money, huh?"

"Oh, shut up. Listen, I was sexually harassed before and got nothing. But by doing this, I get sexually harassed for 10,000 yen."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

Yume, who had been listening to our bickering since earlier just laughed happily. Me and Chisaki ended up laughing with each other too. Yep, this is what I like, a fun and enjoyable atmosphere between us. I'm surrounded by good friends and I'm grateful for it. There's no doubt that this way of life is better than that of a loner without anything fun in their life. After a while, the bell rings, signaling that lunch break will end shortly.



Suddenly, someone calls out to me and I immediately turn to face the source of the noise. I answer cheerfully, because I'm a popular person in this class, so of course everyone finds that talking to me is easy. It's not rare for me to get called out by someone. For me, it's a blessing and I'm always happy about it... or so I thought.


I unconsciously let out my voice. It's Fuwa. W-why would she...

"Do you have a moment?"

"W-What can I help you with...?"

It's so sudden that I panic and reflexively use Keigo (TL note: polite form of talking). What am I doing, she's just a classmate, why am I getting flustered? I manage to calm myself down and smile politely as if this always happens.

"What is it? It's rare for Fuwa to reach out and talk to me."

Fuwa just stares down at me with those cold eyes, like she's appraising me. W-what is it, what's her problem? Just say something, would you!

I'm starting to get cold feet. Yume and Chisaki are looking at me expectantly, so I try to muster up my courage and stare back at Fuwa with a questioning look. Look, I'm at the same level as Fuwa, so this is easy. I can converse with her normally, is the impression I'm trying to give. It's not like I'm scared of her.

Fuwa is still not showing any sign of movement. What is it? Is she even breathing? Or is she waiting for me to avert my eyes to say anything? Is that what you want? Too bad, because I will win this battle.

It's been a few seconds since we started our (one sided) staring competition. Our showdown has drawn the class' attention. The atmosphere's turned weird. I can bear with this though.

I won't give up, because this time, it's something that's related to Fuwa. This battle will decide the top spot in the class. But Fuwa refuses to avert her gaze and finally decides to say something to me.

"Are you free today? After school?"

"I don't have anything planned, so yeah, so I'm free."

What's with her so suddenly asking me out after school!? I answer her smoothly even though I'm still panicking inside. Fuwa lets out a dazzling smile after hearing my answer. She laid out an invitation, just like that.

"Then, let's go somewhere. I have something that I want to talk about."

"Hmmm, well, okay."

Feigning confidence, I respond to her invitation while looking straight at her, even though there's cold sweat flowing on my back....Is this really happening? What are you planning, Fuwa...

I can't comprehend what she's thinking, and that scares me....


After school, I went into the cafe that we agreed upon, right in front of the train station. There's a lot of people here, so I think our talk won't turn into a fight. What am I worried about, exactly? Yume and Chisaki were worried and offered to come with me but I turned them down. They have part-time jobs today and it wouldn't do to impose on them. Besides, if I make them take a day off and come with me, it will plainly show that I'm scared. I replied to their concern with a cheerful, "It's alright!"

Actually, it's a given that I'm scared. But now's not the time for me to seem weak, it'd make me feel like a loser. I ordered a latte with a lot of milk and then looked for a seat.

When I'm looking around, I spotted Fuwa waiting for me. It looks like she got here before me. She's sitting at a high table on the second floor. Both Fuwa and her reflection in the mirror are so gorgeous, it's no surprise that people around us have been staring. People on the street who passed by were so bewitched by her beauty that they decided to come into the store. It wouldn't be weird if this cafe wanted her to come everyday to boost their sales.

There's a cup of plain black coffee in front of her. It suits her image so well that I'm contemplating the possibility of her deliberately choosing that to match her image. I let out a giggle at the thought.

"...What is it?"

"Ah, nothing. Do you often come to places like this?"

"It's normal."

"Hmm, normal huh."

I see, I see.

So this is the end of our conversation...

Fuwa doesn't say anything and continues to drink her coffee. Hey, it's not like I'm not good at conversation. If I'm together with my friends, I naturally speak a lot, you know? It's just, when it's come to Fuwa, it won't come out naturally.

But we can't stay like this. I didn't come to this cafe to act like a mannequin in the store. I decided to bring up the reason why she asked me to go with her.

"Then, what do you want to talk about?"


Hm?? She's ignoring me? Is this a joke?

"For Fuwa to have gone out of her way to invite me like this… she won't ask me to do something bad, right? In the first place, we never talk with each other. When you said that this conversation is something that can't be done in school...it already sounded so fishy, huh. Well, I already agreed to come with you anyway."

Fuwa proceeded to take her school bag and look for something. Then, she pulled an envelope out, put it on top of the counter and slid it to me. Suspicious...

"This is..."

What is this...I chose to swallow my question and slowly opened the envelope. My eyes widened, the content of this fishy envelope in full view. There's a stack of money with a [1,000,000] label inside.

"HAA!? Eh, what, what is this, some kind of party favor? Toys? Counterfeit?!"

"It's the real thing."

"That! That was the answer I least wanted to hear!"

I desperately wrap my arms around my head after I drop it on top of the counter in front of us.

"What is this!? Are you showing off your wealth in front of my poor self? What are you?! Some kind of cartoon villain?"

"As if I would do something like that..."

Fuwa stabbed me with her fed up gaze. Wait, why are you looking at me like that? That should be me. You are the one who suddenly showed me that amount of money! From the perspective of someone else in the cafe, we're two high school girls with an envelope of money, it looks super fishy! What kind of transaction scene is this? Hey, just hurry and put it back inside your bag.

"Because I have one million yen, that's why."

"It's real...This is my first time seeing one million yen in real life."

"You were talking about that, right, Sakakibara-san?"

"...What was it? Eh? About how I was strapped for cash? Haa? Does that mean you'll just give me this one million yen?"

"As if I would give it to you just like that."

I know.

Fuwa slowly tugged her bright-colored hair behind her ear. She calmly moved her cherry-colored lips toward the straw and took a sip. She's just drinking coffee, but I feel like I'm seeing a beautiful painting.

A conversation is something that has a tempo, it's her turn, so why does she drink her coffee so nonchalantly? She does everything at her own pace, so it must be natural for her to have others wait on her. This is why I'm not good with her.

After she's done with her coffee, she slowly opened her mouth again, "I heard that you would accept compensated dating for 10,000 yen/day."

"Eavesdropping, huh. That's not a good hobby, you know?"

"Girls going out with each other? No way."

"...I did say that. What's so wrong with that? Also, you suck at imitating me."

"You see, I really hate people who are judgmental. Saying 'that can't be' even though they've never tried it."


What's this? Is she looking for a fight?

"Well, it's not just me. Yume and Chisaki also said the same thing, right?"

"The one who has money trouble is Sakakibara-san, right? That's why."

Fuwa slowly swayed the envelope in front of me. Just like a skillful sales person, she smiles enticingly while unleashing a dominating aura. W-what do you want…?

"10,000 yen for each day. Do compensated dating with me, for a total of one hundred days and one million yen. I'll prove to you that your statement is wrong, by letting you experience it for yourself."

She suddenly said something unbelievable. Even with my high tolerance for weirdness, this is just so weird that I want to go home.

"What? Are you okay?"

I decided to confront her directly and speak out my mind.

"In the first place, it's weird for girls to date each other. That's not a normal thing to do."

"As far as I know, selling your body to middle aged men is not a normal thing to do either."

"I'm not selling it. It's just light flirting. I just need to smile and let them treat me to something tasty. It's simple and easy."

I feel her gaze become sharper. She really overwhelmed me with the pressuring air around her. That kind of look is the one I'm not good with.

"Do you really believe it's that simple? What if your partner is a police officer, what will you do if you get reported to our school? If that's not the case, what if your partner turned out to be a criminal? It's easy for you to get dragged into something horrible. Did you really think it through? In the first place, can you fully trust the friend that told you that?"

Her barrage of questions put me in a tight spot. Everything she said was true, I can't deny that. Fuwa is still looking at me with her fed up gaze, "I bet you didn't think about that. How much? That bag that you wanted."

Why would she ask something like that.

"It's around 30,000 yen, why?"

Fuwa took three bills of 10,000 from the envelope and swayed them in front of my eyes.

"Just with this you can buy that bag, and the rest will be yours, just from being my compensated dating partner."

What's with this witch-like woman and her temptation. Somehow I can see a pair of horns and tail on her, damn, it suits her.

"No, but that's..."

Like a cat watching a ball of yarn, my eyes sway back and forth, following the 30,000 yen.

"For me to sell my body to Fuwa...It can't be."

"At least you won't be in danger if your partner is someone like me."

Well, that might be true but...

"If someone found out about this, that would be the end of my life."

"You just need to accompany me after school. The place will be my house, so no one will see anything. You don't need to worry. I also don't really want to be known as someone who won over Sakakibara-san with money, you know?"

Fuwa just keeps giving me reasons why I shouldn't be afraid of this deal. She cleverly worked to keep my interest, and keep my interest she did. The greedy Marika inside my head who yearns for the one million already accepted Fuwa's condition.

No. This is Fuwa Aya. This must be a trap.

...But, because it's Fuwa Aya, I'm certain that this is not some kind of joke.

"I get it, you still can't decide. Let's make a deal then. A wager, if you will."

Fuwa put the bills back into the envelope and secured it inside her bag.

"For the next 100 days, if by any means you change your opinion about 'two girls can't date each other', it means I win. I'll keep the one million. But if I fail to change your mind, the one million is yours, in addition to the 10,000 per day. How about that?"


What does that mean...?

"Is there any point to this condition? I mean, it's not like I would change my mind. Girls can't date each other."

"If that's what you think in the end, then that's okay."

Fuwa takes a sip of her black coffee again while I try to resupply my brain with sugar by drinking my latte. Let's calm down and think this through.

Fuwa is rich, so one million yen might mean nothing to her. It's on par with a commoner like me using their money to buy juice from a vending machine. Maybe that's why she looks very composed right now.


I observe Fuwa thoroughly. Her appearance is top notch, but what's going inside her head is a mystery as usual. I've felt the gazes of people around us since I sat down and it seems like their attention is split 30% on me and 70% on Fuwa. I fully realize that even though my appearance is cute, it's something that can be found easily, unlike Fuwa's beauty. Fuwa is so pretty that people find it hard to talk with her.

As if challenging me, she tilted her neck while pointing her gaze, somehow looking enticing. It's like she's saying, are you afraid? Or something like that.

I decided to fight Fuwa's gaze with my own. That's right, let's just do this. I will win this bet and I will take that one million yen. The result of this match is already certain from the beginning, I'm guaranteed to win. I have nothing to lose here, let's do this.

"Okay, I accept that condition of yours. Let's do it."

"Hmm, I like your spirit."

Fuwa looked at me like she found something interesting. At that moment, her face was certainly not the face of the Fuwa Aya who always looks bored in our class. It's a gorgeous smile that's appealing and full of charm.

Nope, that's not my personal preferences speaking. It's something like a general opinion. Right, the opinion of a cold, neutral third party.

"In exchange, can I ask you something, Fuwa?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Are you a lesbian?"

Fuwa puts her empty cup back onto the table. She tugs her strands of hair to the back of her ear. And, just like a witch enticing her victim, she looks at me sharply.

"Marika will also become one soon. I will definitely make you fall in love with me."


Even though we're inside a Cafe, I couldn't help but shout. Right now, I feel goose bumps on my whole body.


High school girls are beings naturally filled with greed. We have a lot of things we want. That instinct completely outweighed my feeling of discomfort toward Fuwa. It's the main reason I got cajoled into something unexpected like this.

But it's not like I'll change my mind. Because girls can't date each other. That's a given.

Fuwa is also like that. There might be numerous girls who fell for her erotic gaze and beautiful face before, but she's completely wrong if she thinks I'll act like those girls. This Sakakibara Marika won't fall for a girl who only knows how to use her appearance.

The next day, Yume and Chisaki asked me about my outing with Fuwa. They looked worried, so I gave them a nonchalant reply that everything went well. I discreetly glanced at Fuwa, who's sitting on her desk serenely looking at the outside scenery. As usual, I have no idea what she's thinking, reminding me of the reason I can't stand her.

That feeling won't change even after the battle has ended. I guarantee that nothing, absolutely nothing will change. I'm doing this for the sake of the one million yen. I really should start to plan out what I'll do with the prize.

In short, I will win this 100 day match. And thus, the curtain to my glorious victory opens.