
Finishing the Mission pt.1

It took the girls 30 mins to finish there bath and my sister made sure that they stayed up stairs and got dressed first before coming down, after they was done the boys went and took theirs but I stayed back and just used void energy to become clean something that me and Jasmine learned while training after the man in the wall turned us into void children.

After Takashi and Kohta came down after bathing we went up stairs to the master bedroom to look out the balcony, looking down we can see a few zombie's walking around, as I was about to have Volt use the MK1-Paris I heard Kohta going crazy over the guns he just found then started talking to Takashi about how to us a gun properly and which gun would fit him.

I went to the front door when I got there I saw Jasmine already there.

Jasmine: Come on everyone is already outside

Rei: and where are you guys going

Saya: If you haven't noticed there is a zombie outbreak going on right now

Anko: Is the brats worried about us

Anko jumped over both thier heads and landed next to us while Saeko opened the door from the outside showing the her and Tier and her Adjuchas standing ready to fight, Takashi and Kohta came down with Shizuka looking ready to fight.

Takashi: If your going out to clear the area then we're coming to it's better than the four of you going out alone

Jasmine: you guys will just hold us back

Dion: And Im pretty sure that there is a HUMVEE is the garage that needs to be modified

When I finished saying that Kohta ran to the garage to see if what I was saying true when got there he was going into otaku mod and started rambling off the facts and spec's of the Humvee M1025.

Dion: you guys might wanna focus on that before trying to come with us to kill zombies

Rei: And how are we going to modify that thing

Jasmine: we just cleared out an apartment building that is no longer in use, grab some stuff from that

???: Please at least let my daughter in please

door opens and knife stabbing into flesh sound and then the sound of a body falling down then a loud dog barking.

Dion: I get the girl you get the dog

Jasmine nodded at me then we ran out with Volt and Mag next to us Volt pulled out the MK1-Kuni and Mag pulled out the MK1-Furis, Mag started firing into the Zombies that was gathering around and from the sound of the gun fire and dropping bodies that fell from Furis bullets that kills 3 zombies every one bullet.

Volt started throwing his kuni and even though Volts throw is not as fast as bullets but from the speed and power from the kuni's that is being tosses at the zombies is doesn't matter at all with one kuni and killing 2 zombies each one less than Mag Furis but just as lethal, while Mag and Volt was killing Zombies left and right me and Jasmine covered our fist in Void energy we charged at the zombies we both attacked at the same time like a choreographed dance from punch's to round house kicks in a beautiful dance of death.

It only took a few seconds to get to where we need to go Jasmine jumped over the stone wall and in front of the dog while I grabbed a zombie by the back of it's head before it come and tossed it to a zombie that was coming to the house, when I got there I saw that the guy was already dead and the girl was crying over him.

Dion: It's ok little one he's in a better place and you can see him anytime when I have the power to do so

???: Really *sniff* can I really see dad again

Dion: yes you can come on be a brave girl and ill take you some place safe

Alice: Ok onii-san what's your name mine is Alice

Dion: I'm Dion and I have some friends that can help you get relaxed and have some food and a warm bed but first

I walked up to the door of the house and covered my fist in void energy and punched the door of the house and destroyed it I also destroyed the windows of the house, I picked up Alice and walked out the yard and see Mag and Volt holding off the Zombie's that was coming by throwing them at each other with Jasmine behind them.

Dion: Come on Jasmine lets go back

Jasmine: Great I got the dog and I made sure that is used the bath room already

Me and Jasmine hoped on the stone fence and started walking over to the rest of the group with Mag and Volt walking behind us but the zombies are not paying attention to us but to the people in the house screaming for help.

Jasmine: Is it ok not to help them

Dion: It's fine they are the one's the decide not to help Alice and her dad this is just the consequences of there actions, this my be a zombie apocalypse but that doesn't mean that you should just throw away your humanity, if you do that then the people that have evil intentions start to get in charge

Jasmine: Just like a lot of the apocalypse manga that we read

Dion: More like you force me to read

Jasmine: come on you know you love spending time with me

Dion: Yes I do but lets focus on getting back

It only took a minute to get back to the house and we see Saeko, and Anko waiting there while Tier and her Adjuchas are eating the zombies that we got done killing while on a rescue mission, I put Alice down and Jasmine put the dog down and asked Saeko to show Alice and the dog to there new room.

Dion: Saeko tell Kohta and Takashi to guard the girls rooms while we are out I still don't trust that group that we got from that teacher

Saeko: I though it was just me that didn't trust them but I will

after Saeko walked into the house with Alice and the dog I turned to Jasmine.

Dion: Mission complete

Jasmine: that was to easy

After I got done saying that I felt energy rushing into me and Volt I look over at Jasmine and saw that it happened to her as well.

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