
Chapter 1: Kyle's Home

"As a parent I am really disappointed at this,and this is not the first time he is doing it, how does he expect our children to act when he can't control himself.You can't be able to control two teenagers when you can't even act like a grown up with responsibilities".

" Its very difficult to agree with your own decisions when you are a teenager. Teens know obviously fire burns but would want to touch it countless times and still get burnt only to end up treating the injuries.

Pay attention to your teenagers, a lot of depression cases, PTSD and many more starts from this age.

Some teenagers make mistakes that hunt them their whole life. Most teenagers are forced to get involved with unexpected happenings"

"If we as the parents cant be there for them I don't know who will ".

"Thank you mam", the police man said as he pulled Kyle's step-dad into custody.

Apparently Kyle's mom has been crying seriously while saying these words. She took kath and injured Kyle into the car and the drove off.


Let me take you few months back.

Kyle was just 16 and already a very handsome looking young man.

Kyle's mom Eunice, was a beautiful woman as well.

The folks kept moving from one place to another after her divorce.

She had two kids with her ex-husband, but they decided to take one each after the divorce.

So Kyle being the younger one left with his mom, it wasn't his choice though. But like I said the younger one. I guess he wasn't even given the opportunity to choose.

Kyle and his mom just moved to a new location (north Carolina) and as the other times nothing changed.

Same old low standard apartment, same old suffering.

And as usual kyle has to adapt to the new environment as always, making new friends and trying to fit in.


Early Monday morning he was enrolled in New school(HARVY high school) and that was an instruction given by the dad.

"Even though we didn't work out as partners that dosent mean it should affect our sons future", those were his exact words.

His mom quickly dropped him off the next day and rushed to work as usual she has already found a new housekeeping job.

Harvy high school is not much of a big school or popular school. It partake in neighborhood competitions like other schools although they have really terrible results.

But they have got some bright students and some good sport personnel's.

Kyle walked calmly towards his locker and tried to check for his classes.

Unfortunately he arrived at the class few minutes late,and had to meet miss Lizzy.

"introductions have already been made and here comes the young man, you were exactly on time for the show", Mr lizzy said as she points fingers towards an empty sit.

Kyle simply walked towards the sit and sat down.

When miss lizzy said he was right in time.

She was referring to the test she has already started and she gave Kyle his questions.

'I hope you were taught properly at your old school', she said, as she walked back to her sit.

Kyle starred at this questions for minutes not knowing What to do.

But someone was touching Kyle from behind and it was becoming too often, because he has been ignoring.

Kyle finally looked behind and saw a boy with glasses, with bunch of little acnes at the side of his face, it was Trevor .

Trevor: my name is Trevor.

Kyle: nice to meet you ,I am Kyle .

Kyle quickly went back to his test and tried to concentrate but he got nothing.

Few minutes later Trevor stood up and walked towards miss Lizzy, but on his way there he dropped a piece of paper on Kyle's desk.

Kyle quickly took the paper and behold it was the answers.

He wrote all that was given and waited for others to submit before he submitted so miss lizzy won't suspect, his thoughts though.

Kyle went outside and started searching for trevor but couldn't find him.

He searched various places and asked some familiar faces but still couldn't find him.

After much search he just went to the field and sat down watching the boys train.

While he was there a young man went close to him and offered him an handshake. it was coach Mike the football coach of the school team.

Coach mike: Hi,I am mike.

Kyle: I am Kyle,nice to meet you.

Coach mike: Do you play ?

Kyle : yeah, I did but got a minor ankle injury so I took a break.

Coach Mike : if you want to take a break from football you try other less strenuous sports or indoor games, we have all available.

Kyle: nah, I will pass, football is what I love I can't see myself doing something else.

Coach Mike : OK whenever you are ready, the team is open.

Kyle : OK sir

Kyle quickly stood up and walked towards the entrance of the school. He was about getting ready for his next period and this time didn't want to get late so he asked for the location before time and went into the class.

Few minutes later the class was filled up.

Apparently the students loved history class.

After the class Kyle went out to get lunch at the Cafe.

He just didn't know where to sit because it was all filled up.

There was a vacant sit at the end but the table was occupied by girls expect that sit.

Kyle just walked toward it at sat down quietly. With shock the whole place was quiet for at least few seconds. Even the girls at the table couldn't say a thing because it was surprising.

The three girls that sat there were Anna, Linda and Tracy.

Anna: wow young man you have got some balls in you.

Linda : please can you look for another sit.

Tracy : no he shouldn't, I want to see how this ends (she chuckles).

Kyle: I am sorry if I am intruding but I have no where else to go.

Tracy : so you choose death, (laughing).

Kyle : I don't understand.

While this was Going on a huge fella walked in looking so scary and so big.

It was Linda's boyfriend Bryan, and that was suppose to be his sit.

Kyle quickly stood up and was about walking away when Bryan held him back.

Bryan: come have lunch with us boy (holding Kyle's bag pack).

Kyle: no I will pass.

Bryan : I said sit down!!.

Linda : let him go, he is not Worth it.

Kyle : yes, yes please I am not worth it.

Bryan : next time I see you close to my girl, then you will be worth it.

Kyle : you won't I promise you .

Bryan : get out of here boy.

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