
Teen Wolf: Fenrir

yes another teen Wolf fan fic but this has a little twist as in instead of the typical Scott being the main character. The MC to my story will be Stiles Also I'm writing this in my phone since I'm doing my internship at a hospital so I don't really have that much time on my hands ?

poeticjustice · Ti vi
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22 Chs


a few days have passed since Laura came back to life, and surprisingly Derek's attitude has changed as well. instead of his usual emo look, he began to be more talkative and he will wear less black.

while everything in Beacon Hills was slowly calming down after the Peter incident, somewhere someone is slowly getting closer to the town.

pov change:

"ugh I can't believe i have to go back to that godforsaken town. I figured that the town would have been less werewolfy with the Hales out of the picture." a women said talking to herself as she was driving with a mad face clearly in a bad mood.

"I wonder if Derek ever found out about the fire, it will be an interesting scene. to see his face all made after finding out that his ex girlfriend was the cause of his family's demise" the lady said sounding a bit lustful as even her face began to look a bit red as she licked her lips.

"ohh now thinking about it, I kinda want to get there sooner now" she said to herself. as she began to drive faster towards Beacon Hills.

pov change.

on the following day Stiles can be seen walking around the hallways looking around the school for something or someone.

"God i didn't expect her to ignore me after the party. maybe I should have stayed instead." stiles said as he finally caught a scent of Lydia. now with the fresh scent he began to follow it, after a few minutes he ends up going outside the school and headed towards the Lacrosse field.

As he got there he noticed a red headed girl sitting down in one of the benches just looking down at the grass.

this girl was obviously Lydia. ever since the party after Stiles left, she began to feel like shit, and to make it worse she thought she was the cause of Stiles leaving.

over the past few days she hardly ate and she barely paid attention to the way she dressed or looked. she even stopped wearing make up although she looked way more prettier without it, to other people she looked broken and downright depressing since she would always be looking down.

But it was different for a certain someone.

as stiles got close to her, he called out for her trying to get her attention, but it didn't seem to work so he ended getting closer and tapped her shoulder.

Lydia feeling the touch looked up and saw Stiles with a shocked face. "what do you want" she said

when stiles saw her face he couldn't help but feel shocked he was completely stunned not only did she look more prettier (guessing the make up hid her natural beauty) but she also looked like she was crying as her eyes were a bit red.

Stiles without thinking about it pulled her up for a hug and held her tightly.

Lydia feeling the hug tried to push him away, but to no prevail. after a few she began to loose strength and just held on to his shirt.

"why?" she asked

"why? what?" stiles asked

"why did you come look for me?" Lydia said

"well, it's because i hate being ignored by you, not again." stiles said as he looked at Lydia in the eyes

"so you are not mad at me?" Stiles asked

"no, why would I be? I was ignoring you cause I thought I did something wrong to you at the party. after seeing you leave after talking to me. I thought you might have had a grudge on me for practically ignoring you all freshman year. " Lydia said

"that's dumb how can I ignore the girl that I have feelings for, besides..." Stiles suddenly stopped talking as he hears foot steps coming from the woods across the field.

'what did he say? he has feelings for me!?' Lydia thought to herself as she begins to blush and was about to say something to Stiles but then stopped as he saw his face turning towards the woods and had his forehead furrowed.

"Lydia what ever happens stay behind me" stiles tells Lydia.

just as he finished telling lydia what to do, a lady pops out of the woods followed by a group of 5 men with crossbows and rifles.

"well look what we have here the big bad wolf getting ready to devour the little red Riding Hood" the lady says as she starts walking towards stiles and Lydia.

A/N: I wrote this chapter with the last bit of energy I have before going to sleep before my night shift, so I didn't recheck for error or anything I'll will update the chapter during my break at work