
Technomancy: Rise of the Empires

In a realm where science and magic collide, "Technomancy: Rise of the Empires" takes readers on a thrilling journey of discovery, ambition, and treachery. Set in a land teetering on the brink of a new era, powerful empires vie for supremacy using a unique blend of technological marvels and ancient sorcery. At the heart of the story is Danish, a young and unsuspecting villager from the coastal haven of Saltmarsh. When a mysterious gate to another world opens, unleashing unparalleled magical energies, Danish and his four diverse friends find themselves thrust into a realm of incredible possibilities and unimaginable dangers. As Danish delves deeper into the secrets of technomancy, a rare fusion of science and arcane arts, he uncovers a hidden truth: the empires that dominate the land are engaged in a relentless race to harness this newfound power. Guided by his intelligence and innate abilities, Danish becomes an unexpected force in the struggle for dominance. Amidst the backdrop of ever-escalating conflicts, the novel unveils the intricate dance of empire building, where strategic alliances are forged and shattered, and treachery lurks in every shadowed corner. Kingdoms rise and fall as ambitious rulers employ their technomancers to construct awe-inspiring war machines and unleash devastating spells upon their foes. As Danish and his friends navigate this tumultuous landscape, they find themselves entangled in a web of political intrigue, personal vendettas, and battles of epic proportions. The story highlights the human cost of ambition and the choices one must make in a world where power is coveted above all else. "Technomancy: Rise of the Empires" is a sweeping tale that blends the excitement of high-stakes battles, the allure of magical wonders, and the complexities of empire building. It explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the consequences of wielding immense power. Prepare to embark on a journey where technology and magic converge, and where the fate of empires hangs in the balance.

LordGold556 · Khoa huyễn
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50 Chs

A Transaction

Large, colossal walls stood around Blue Hill City, shielding it from any dangers that lurked in the wilderness. The grandeur structure rose to a height of thirty meters and was ten meters in width, exuded might and strength. The sheer resilience of the structure spoke of long history and dangers that lurked beyond the great walls.

The streets were bustling with activity despite being late hours. The luxurious carts cruised the road, carrying nobility and elites, along the road. The city was illuminated by a multitude of colorful lanterns, lights, and glimmering gems.

The air was full of tantalizing aromas of numerous delicacies that wafted in the atmosphere. The scent of sizzling grilled meat, vegetables, and fruits permeated the air, intoxicating anyone who breathed it.

Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a dusky street, two people were conversing in hushed voices.

A frail figure, in a black cloak, handed a small pouch to a man with a large black serpent tattoo on the back of his cloak. Once the tattooed man checked the contents of the pouch, he nodded lightly.

"The targets shall be eliminated in the daytime inside the city," the frail man grated while passing a small notebook to the other man.

It was a small meeting between the two. Once the transactions were completed, both parties departed in the darkness of the night.


A large number of carts, carrying loads of food and other items, traveled the route to the nearby villages. Dust rose as the caravan moved down the road. It was early in the morning yet the roads bustled with activities.

These carts traveled from the small temporary harbor built away from the village. The elder overseeing the activity was strictly instructed to increase trading with the neighboring villages, satisfying the urgent need for funds. 

Similarly, the village, despite the early hours, was bustling with activities. The market was enshrouded by shouts, urgencies, tradings, and transactions. 

On the outskirts of the village, a large number of trees fell to the ground, logging crew was in full swing.

The village had begun to take a different shape. Their Chief, a week ago, had passed orders that the village needed to expand its activities, for this, he had specifically prepared a plan that was to be followed, to ensure this, he introduced a new system that paid generously for the hard work.

As per the plan, the village began to clear the nearby forest to make up space for the needed expansion, new foundations were laid down for the required buildings that were to be constructed, and trade activities boomed, arranging the required funds.

A meeting was taking place in the newly constructed administration block of the Saltmarsh.

A few people sat around a round table, conversing with Chief Kamal Khan. "The reports have arrived from all the elders," said Elder Majid, father of Malik, who was the adviser to the chief, "I have gone through it. Things are going the way you have instructed," he stopped to take a sip from the cup.

Kamal Khan nodded and replied, "Brief me on where have the elders reached so far."

"Sure!" with a wide grin Elder Majid shuffled through the file in front of him. "Starting from Elder Abdul, the trading activity is in full swing. We have accumulated so far a very good amount." Elder Majid took a pause and then added, " Abdul is a very skilled trader, Kamal. It is our good luck that he took sanctuary at our village."

Kamal Khan agreed with Majid, he nodded lightly.

"As for Elder Zhong, he is an incredible engineer, his learning from the city has honed his skills to another level. If not for his liking for simple village life, he would have made big in any city." Elder Majid took another pause to munch on a cookie.

"Are you done eating?" Kamal Khan responded with some irritation.

'Hahaha...,' laughed Elder Majid.

"Elder Ravi and Elder Jerameh are also busy with training the troops. As for Elder Amina, her management of the Commerce Directorate is smooth. Everything is in place." Elder Majid gave a quick detail and began to munch on the refreshments.

"Alright, that is good news," responded Chief Kamal Khan with some relief. "And what about the boys, how are they doing," he added further.

A little away from the hustle and bustle of the island, in a small cottage the four friends were observing Kaito as he was sitting in the formation, sweat rolling down his forehead onto the bridge of his nose and then falling in his lap. His clothes were wet from place to place.

"It has been eight minutes," said Malik.

Awe appeared on their faces as they kept observing him. "Even Turan could only stay in there for three minutes," added Malik.

When the clock ticked past nine minutes, Kaito woke up from a dazed stance and began to gasp for breath. He climbed out of the formation, sweat falling down his face in droplets. Malik and Danish rushed to support him. 

"You idiot!" Danish exclaimed with concern. "who told you to go this far."

The friends had been using the training formation over the week. The first stage was physical combat, Which they struggled with, barely standing against it for four minutes.

The training was extensive, such that they saw visible transformations in their bodies. Though the consumption of the essence was very taxing, the results were outstanding too.


Captain Darius had returned back to the fourth supply depot, and his face was very grim. His last confrontation with the sea beasts had cost him an entire ship and a lot of his men. 'They better pay the right price for my men, or else,' he grumbled to himself.

The sea Kraken had appeared out of nowhere. The large tentacles relentlessly attacked one of the ships at the forefront. Despite unleashing all their acid and arrows at it, the best with little damage escaped, wrecking a ship in the wake.

The small fleet had to retreat for a new strategy and supply back to the fourth depot. As they were busy planning their next course of action.

A dozen Darkpaws wild cats had appeared from the forest and two of Captian Darius' men had become their victims. These beasts were fast and precise in their action. They had a frail figure and could run two hundred kilometers per hour. Their fur was peach in color with different patterns drawn all over it. Their paws were black, being their identity as Blackpaw cats.

With lightning-fast, swift action, Captain Darius unsheathed the sward, laying dormant in its sheath forever, and rushed to face the cats.

"What are you guys making a fuss of," angrily shouted Caprian at his men. "They are just small punny, little cats," his sword came down on one of the beasts, slashing through flesh and bones like a hot knife through the butter. His momentum continued, and with a thrust, cutting the wind, his great sword came down upon another cat, beheading it on the spot.

Seeing that their captain was on a killing spree, his men came out of the sudden confusion and joined the slaughter. In a moment, nine cats were put to death, some beheaded, and others badly mutilated. 

The Darkpaws, finding themselves at a disadvantage, fled back into the forest.

Seeing their captain in a bad mood, the soldiers did not celebrate their small victory. With hushed voices, they began to clean up the mess.

The sunset cast an orange glint over the forest, as beasts returned to their abodes, and as the soldiers prepared different delicacies for the night.

Smoke rose along with a tantalizing aroma from the fire lit at the center of the camp, the cats' meat sizzled as the red flaming tongues cooked it. 

The tranquil forest was shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze, or some beasts that hurped and chooed.