
An Unfounded Power


everything was going bad once again, first the servants, the scythes and now eijah, we had radically lost this battle, but what really disappointed me was that no matter how hard I tried, there was always a gap, a weakness in front of me.

these thoughts of fear and doubt rushed through my mind like a flood, and before I could understand what had hit me, I was biting my lips and scratching my palm, the weapon that Wren had given me when I was in the asura country was still inactive, and I cursed myself the most when I needed it

suddenly silvanin's voice and emotions separated me from my thoughts, the seeds of fear, excitement and doubt in me were scattered, replaced by an anger that could swallow up everything, like summer on a scorching afternoon

The warm breeze of the Realmheartin allowed me to touch it, the lightning crackling fiercely around me, switching between black and purple, those runes that I could never Decipher, shining like daylight. My eyes had gone from deep ocean blue to an unusual purple color, my hair had changed to snow white, reflecting all colors. This was different from the realm heart I had always passed through, it was a calm but otherworldly image that I was next to lord indrath and silva, but that would overwhelm everything

before I was overwhelmed by the splendor of asura's power overflowing in my veins, Silvie's voice interrupted me to stop. Stop.kk told me to stop, but his voice suddenly stopped, I knew that my body completely belonged to silva right now, his power and captive ached as if my body was being rebuilt, but I needed him, that power was mine now

I turned my gaze to Elijah or the person standing in the sky and looking at me with great anger suddenly hot black flames appeared on his hand, I raised my hand in the air without giving him a chance to throw it at me, and a shocked expression appeared on his face, and suddenly I appeared behind eijah

before I could react, the spiritual lightning in my hand threw him to where the other alacrys were, and hit me with the consciousness that the movement I had just made was different from the explosion, no, rather it was my perception, the soldiers, the burnt earth, the snow falling from the sky, everything belonged to my perception slowly and clearly

I did the same thing again, I was suspended in the air in one step, and the etheric lightning that formed around me shattered Alacryan's armor and bodies, it was a pool of blood, the Alacryan wizards, who were also aware of this, began to press with their own power, but it was insignificant, I ignored them all, along with my inability to gently shake my hand, cold pieces of ice and lightning ate them all

As Agron also said, do you feel sorry for the ants you stepped on no, he was right, I had to do this to realize ourselves or our ideas that we were unaware of, it was a war, and I had to win no matter what, even if I had to kill them all, it had to be

but how long would this situation last now that I was still surrounded by battalions who looked at me like a god, and suddenly my body was surrounded by black and purple ethereal lightning that enveloped everything again, like a black hole protecting me from the yellowish and dark red flames coming from the opposite side

as I moved my arm forward, frozen white flames intertwined with ether engulfed everything, all spells sizzled and disappeared, even Elijah's black flames disappeared with the movement of my wrist, the white ethereal flames made way for me to pass, and when I hit him, a crater covered with powder smoke formed.

the dust smoke in the middle began to disappear, and gradually Elijah began to enter my field of vision, his clothes were filled with smoke, his face and body were covered with bruises and cuts, clear black flames surrounding his body were trying to heal him, he moved his body slowly, looked frowning, the show he had just shown should have ended in a fiasco for him

  something had changed inside me, this anger that wanted to destroy and destroy everything had been replaced by a veil of indifference, as if I was dealing with insignificant people who were not even worthy to see me here, at the same time I wanted more of this power that made me drunk, I pumped more, so I started to feel silva's words and feelings more, this is me. It took me to different memories like a thread from the memories I had when I was king grey, especially the memories I had with silva, which aroused a deep sense of anger to destroy everything!

''Arth... please stop R..

he didn't understand me, he didn't understand the situation we were in, this concept of power, this promise I made to Silva, to you and to others, and now I couldn't go back, I had to move forward

I disconnected the communication between me and silvie and paid attention to the purple particles in front of me, whatever my perception was looking at, my eyes were changing color between purple grains, every time I looked at them they evoked the same fascination and mystery, they all moved in harmony around me as if the ether was waiting for me to give him orders

then I turned my attention to Elijah, his mind was not here, as if he was thinking of something to get out of this situation, I took this opportunity, slightly raised my arm, the ether particles slightly dispersed, he fulfilled my command, and Elijah threw a wind spear

elijah, wounded by my previous attacks, chose to defend my attack, the black spikes coming out of the environment tried to block him, but it was all in vain, the spear moving in harmony with the ether cut them all like butter, he could not save himself much from that situation, his arm was completely cut off and angrily bit his tooth 

I stepped forward, opened my arms to both sides, went to where I wanted the ether to take me "I said from the very beginning that it would make more sense if everything was like this" At that moment Elijah was shocked to see me. she was shocked before she could react, the ether adjusted to my will again, and the now-healed arm wrapped around her, suddenly causing her to scream in pain.

I broke into a fit of laughter and asked her where did you just go, O mighty human?

''you haven't really changed, huh! gray, you've always been the same cruel, callous person

I looked at him with a slight disinterest, but my curiosity grew. How did he know me?I thought of the greatest scale and must have been the agrona that brought me into this world

but these thoughts were insignificant because the situation and circumstances would not change anything, we used to be friends, and agrona brainwashed him, it would be better for all of us to get rid of him now, I raised my hand to kill him

at that moment, my true heart sharpened and I reacted at the same time as silvie shouted at me, I got out of the way, but even that seemed futile, even in such a situation, the black scorching flames were burning me, but it was insignificant because the man I saw in front of me was the same person who separated me from Silva and even killed him, Cadell, when I saw him, I smiled like a maniac

I watched him carefully as he floated down from the sky, the purple ethereal flames that were currently eating Elijah's arm, the black flames that were shining a powerful vitality on it , made it feel more burning and destructive than before , and then cadell turned his disinterested gaze to me

the black flames that cadellin had shot at me had been destroyed and regenerated by my purple flames. I grinned and took a step forward. I opened my arms to both sides welcome to the party! I said.

I said this because I believed this time it would be different from the one in the castle, now I would win

Cadell glided me in and out, then grinned, "Do you really believe that it would be different from the castle to think that less would go so far?" then he turned his gaze to Elijah. "you said you would win against your dear friend, but I was disappointed, I think lord agrona expected a lot from you."

''Elijah grimaced, shouting, "I was beating him before that damn power came out.

"I don't believe that's an excuse," Cadell told Nico.

i didn't have time to listen to their empty talk I raised my arms once again and let the ether carry me wherever I wanted

I stepped between them and struck the scythe with a fierce ethereal fist, his armor shattered and he swayed backward, turned his gaze to me, grinning, "I won't hold myself back, lesser don't die right now, " he said Decently. " I laughed and said, We'll''see.

Cadell slightly raised his hand in the air, forming a long and large sword covered with black flames. he moved his other wrist and black nails began to appear around me instantly I appeared behind cadellin the purple lightning and cold white flames spreading from my body met his black flames they ate each other

the stray cadell quickly shook his wrist and made a horizontal cut with his long sword, I immediately left, he was about to try again but I was ready for it, I created a sword covered with white dull flames in my left hand the black and white flames got into each other, we were constantly shopping with each other, I shook my right wrist and ice spikes moving in harmony with the wind quickly moved towards cadelle, but suddenly he disappeared in the smoke and appeared next to me, I was surprised, before I could react, his fist covered with black flames sent me to the foot of the mountain

black flames were starting to spread from my abdominal area, directing ether there to cut it off, I watched my wounds slowly closing, then silvie's voice brought me to myself, "Arthur elijah is here after Tessia," I cursed myself, I succumbed to my anger with cadelle, I was so focused on him that I couldn't see elijah flying to tessia and the others, suddenly I had a feeling of nausea and fear in my stomach

but I had to calm down, I had great control over the realmheart right now, and even though I didn't fully understand the ether, it was bending to my will and helping, so I had to make it, there's no room for failure anymore

i closed my eyes and concentrated i released myself into the calm warm texture of the realmheart when i opened my eyes my perception was everywhere tessia silvie elijah madam astera i could feel where they were all

suddenly, I stepped to where elijah and the others were, quickly stretched my right arm, landed a hard blow on elijah's ribs, ricocheted in the air, fell to the ground, and a large crater formed, then I felt a huge surge of mana behind me, immediately performed a backward maneuver, I should have thanked the Cordry for this, I've always practiced martial arts since my past life, but learning from an asura was really a big win, his information was years ahead of us, but it wasn't the time or place to think about it, I should have looked ahead

I could barely jump as the huge destructive flames zigzagged like snakes through the air. The mana from Silvie's long neck had repulsed the black flames. then, leaving my thoughts aside, I trusted silvie and landed next to madame astera and the others who were fighting with tess

i could see that there was a big navy ahead of the troops that nyphia and madame astera were fighting, I raised my hand in the air, I froze half of the navy, shaking my other wrist, I hit the other half with lightning covered with purple flames, they were all screaming in pain, but there were troops coming in the back, they ignored it, and I decided to leave it to madame astera

I immediately went to Tessia, she was shocked to see me, I quickly hugged her waist and went to the portal, punched the wall covered with black nails, and then I felt surges of pain in my mind silvie, she was in a difficult situation, but she told me to keep going

I was close to the portal, and I would yell to the others to "Get into the portal in a hurry," my realmheartin-influenced voice sounded quite loud. i heard a big scream behind me elijah was "you can't do this to me greyy not now" I still couldn't understand what elijah was talking about and why he looked so familiar agrona what did he do to him

he threw a black spear towards the portal, I immediately raised my hand, my ether command acted on me and blocked the attack, stumbling to the ground, elijah was tired, which gave me the opportunity, I immediately squeezed his neck with my hand, lifted him into the air, and then fried him with purple flames, even his black flames could not completely heal him, I asked him in a thundering voice, who are you and what do you want?

he grinned at me and laughed a little "don't you really know your bastard best friend grey, especially after he killed cecil in front of me" my eyes opened in shock and my breathing started to get irregular I questioned whether this could be real and then a single word came out of my mouth Nico

"What, grey, you look shocked, why are you so surprised, if you've been reincarnated, why can't it be me

not a single word came out of my mouth my mind was racing with each other like a flood I tried to convince myself to think it was a lie but no it was real in front of me Nico was real "Art"I was cut off from my thoughts by tessia yelling at me from behind

due to my carelessness, black nails pierced my shoulder, which would normally be a problem, but when I was on reamlheart and my command over ether was quickly closing this opening

"Art," Tessia called again.I shouted with all my might, "Focus on the door"

nico quickly flew towards the portal, so I stood in front of the portal, there was some distance between us, nico called without waiting with the portal, he sent a wave of black flames, I created a wind but the acid on the flames was burning my arm, I ignored the pain. And he's trying to destroy the portal, I said, run away quickly

suddenly I felt a sense of urgency in my mind, "arthur cadell is coming there, I'm on my way, he said." i snapped my tongue out of boredom and immediately considered the possibilities in my head, but none of them involved fighting with a scythe and a force that would soon

  watched the scythe quickly land next to nikon, his facial expression was the same as before, as if he was looking at insignificant insects, empty and boring, "that's enough games, lance, if you hand over the ship to us, I offer the rest of you a painless death," I ignored his offer and asked him what do you mean by the ship,

Nico snarled without leaving the answer to the scythe, "the two of us serve as anchors for the inheritance. we will reincarnate into the body of the elf next to you" my body trembled could such a thing really happen, but if it was provided by agrona for us to reincarnate, it could also be true " you owe me this, grey, you ruined my life, if it wasn't for you, cecil and I wouldn't have ended up in this situation

Fuck Nico I won't let it

while my mind was wondering how we can get out of this situation, blood started coming from my nose tess approached my face anxiously, "art," she shouted, your nose is bleeding, " I'll be fine, tess, don't worry, " Cadell grinned, your body is falling apart, great Lance, "ha.. no, he's lying, isn't he, art, I couldn't answer, and then he asked silvie, but she turned her eyes to me

Then she gave a dry laugh and started to step forward with tears in her eyes. I quickly grabbed Tess's arm and made her look at me, "Tess, you're out of my mind" do you think I'd feel good if you died for me? ' she asked, and she let go of my arm and continued walking.

now I understand everything, tess was going to be an intermediary for Cecilia, and we were anchors for her transition, but these were insignificant, as a result, if the legacy was born in this world, we were all in danger

sylvia, you know what happens if we let them take tessia, I said we should stop it

sylvia shook her head and hugged my chest with her tiny hands " I know Arthur, we're going to get stronger, but I need you, so please understand this"

but I didn't listen to her, I was tired even when my physique was in the real heart state, my gaze was going back and forth with tessia and the others, my breathing was shallow, sweat was constantly flowing from my body, my perception was slowly Decaying, but awareness suddenly caught my eye my mind, rinia's drawing spiritual runes on the doors and those complex symbols I saw while meditating, came together in my mind like a jigsaw puzzle

a sudden wave of meaning spread through the atmosphere sylvie, who felt the change in the air, asked me what I was doing with a feeling of panic

ignoring him and the metallic taste of blood coming out of my mouth, I reached for the prisoner and raised my arm in the air, pointing at both tessia, madame astera and nyphia at the same time, and we were no longer in the space we were in, no, this was different and heavenly

we were in a different dimension right now, or rather we were on top of the universe, the stars surrounding us were guiding us, these planets that seemed to be next to us were shining in a different color and contrast, and when I turned around , a black hole enveloping an entire galaxy completed this infinite universe, it was impossible not to admire here, but I had to focus, and we had to get out of this pocket dimensio

immediately, without wasting any time, I took out the medallion and created a teleportation portal, while holding it steady, I shouted get inside immediately

madame astera and nyphia entered the portal without wasting any time, followed by Tessia, and then tears and blood suddenly began to come from my eyes and cover the whole face, silvie told me anxiously, " a.. Arthur said you won't make it, please

silvie, stop, my time is up, please forget about me and get in, I said I can't keep it open anymore, and more blood started coming out of my mouth

suddenly, a wave of pain spread through my body, and golden and purple particles began to come out of my body, had the same effect on the portal, and began to become irregular

I tried to prepare myself for my death in my mind, but the dragon in front of me prevented it, my eyes opened with fear " sylvie.. you.. The moment I tried to figure out what he was doing, I reached out to stop him, but it was too late, my body was disintegrating into golden and purple particles like the majestic dragon in front of me

when he turned his head to me, his face was wrinkled with pain, but even at that moment he said with a happy grin, "We'll see each other again one day, please take care of yourself."

i tried to scream, but even my voice could not reach her, the dragon in front of me, my bond, the gold and lavender colored particles on my surrogate daughter had left her and were starting to cling to the last pieces of my body

my body and mind had been stunned by this unimaginable pain, my body had started to hurt even more than when I was using realmheartin, it was as if my body was really rebuilding

The last thing I saw was her pushing me into the portal with a mischievous grin.

-my idea after this is, I hope you liked my point of view, I'm writing this for the first time, so I'm sorry if it was bad, especially English is not my native language, I'll try to improve myself, so don't hesitate to criticize me, Sayonara :)

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