
TBATE | The Prodigal son returns (COMPLETED)

Reprobate69_1 · Võ hiệp
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Beginning Of The BloodBath


As the sword started to shudder in my grasp, hungry for the souls that I was about to reap, I leapt off leaving a huge crater where I stood.

"Time to pay the devil his dues"


Arthur Leywin POV;

The world turned dark as I leapt off towards the remnants of Alacryans in the Central domain, who refused to give up and decided to side with Agrona nonetheless. The distance between me and them reduced in an instant as I was upon them in an instant. The man standing in the front was flabbergasted as he saw me teleport.

I arrived Infront of him, faster than the blink of an eye, as I planted my palm against his face and crushed it to the ground. His head splintered as I felt his skull crush under the force of my hand. Blood splattered everywhere from his crushed head as a few splinters stabbed by hand.

But this wasn't enough. The ecstasy I felt during killing him, wasn't my own. It was the death god-rune. While I had to struggle a lot with the insanity that came without a cost for free, with the destruction god-rune, the death god-rune was something else entirely. Due to my previous life of killing thousands upon thousands, it had an even worse effect on me. In short, the more deaths a person has caused, the more chances exist of the wielder going insane.

In other words I had to deal with them quickly and efficiently.

Not wanting to waste a single second, I formed an extended aetheric pathway. With my extended insight on godstep, I was now able to attach, sever and bend multiple aetheric strands, which helped me to godstep towards multiple locations in mere fractions of seconds.

*plop* *thud*

My blade which was now a blur, severed head and limbs alike. The pure aetheric sword severed the flesh, muscles, tendons and finally the bones. Nothing seemed to exist between my blade and enemies. After just a few minutes, the once massive resistance was reduced down to a single survivor.

"P-please, s-sp-spare me" the man said whimpering, as he fell on his butt and started to crawl back, to move as far away from me as possible.

"Where did your inflated pride go?" I asked catching up as I planted my foot on his netherlands. His eyes widened at the sudden realisation at what I was about to do.

"Please, no no. Anything but that!"

I scoffed at the man who a few minutes ago was acting all high and mighty and was now covered in tears and snot. "Don't worry I won't kill you. I have some other use for you."

"Y-yes, I'll do anything."

"Then go and inform Agrona of what transpired here. Don't leave a single detail out"

The man started whimpering as he just sat there, tears rolling down his dirt laden face. I stooped down as I held him firmly by his hair and shook it a few times.

"If you think I don't realise that you're buying time for Kirios to arrive here, you're gravely mistaken. Even if he arrives here, he'll die before he knows it. Won't it be better for you to relay the message? Once the fight starts, I don't think you can survive in the heat of our battle."

The man's eyes widened, as he realised that I knew what his plan was all along. He bit his lip in frustration as slight blood seeped out of it. The man pushed the ground, and bolted from there in the direction of Agrona's castle at a high speed kicking dust on the way.

Suddenly a pressure weighed on the surrounding area. The ground shook ever so slightly as a man, dressed in black armour ascended. Thick horns sprouted from the sides of his head, curving up and forward until coming to a sharp point.

The horns were adorned with golden rings of different thickness, some studded with diamonds and others inscribed with luminous runes. His golden hair was shaved close to his horns on the sides, then pulled back into a tail. His frame was clothed in gleaming red battle robes.

(A/n yeh yeh I know Kiros is Sovereign of vechor, but I don't know the name of central dominion one, so ima just make him just that.)

(E/n what a noob whoopy)

His red eyes scouted the whole area, taking in all of the destruction and blood spilled from the last of Alacryan's resistance. His face turned into a deep scowl as his gaze landed on me.

"So you're the lesser who's been causing all the commotion and was a thorn to our sides of the plan"

He asked as he descended, sickly grey fire, on par with the ones I had, flaring to life.

I didn't reply as I deactivated the godrune. My purple eyes revert back to their original golden colour with a single speck of azure.

"Mhmmm. Not that you need to know any of that. After all, none of the Vritra will be alive. I'm here to end your race of fucking snakes, DOWN TO THE VERY LAST ONE" I said my voice laced with pure venom and spite.

"Know your place lesser" Kiros spat as he dashed towards me.

3rd person POV

Kiros took out a great sword from his ring, already unsheathed. The hilt was red and black in colour, with a single ruby jewel hanging from the hilt as an ornament. He closed the distance in an instant and swung his sword from a low stance, trying to rip Arthur from bottom to top in a single slash.

Arthur turned on his heel, drawing his bare hand before moving to the slasher's side. With nothing in hand, he cast a spell on Kiros' wrist, which resulted in his bones twisting and turning with audible cracks and creaks, resulting in his bones splintering, as they jutted out of his sickly grey skin.

Kiros winced in pain but soon recomposed himself as he let soul fire spread over his dismantled hand. He created some distance between him and Arthur, but Arthur stood there, with the same aloof expression, almost as if he was bored.

The treatment was over in minutes, and he followed with an upper-grade black spikes spell. The spikes travelled towards Arthur, but an amethyst dome formed around him as all spikes broke.

"Arise, Kiros. I assume you're not yet satisfied?"

Kiros, who was bounded to his feet, then moved the once-mutilated hand about,ensuring it was in full working order. Then he looked at the man before him.

"The price of your participation in that little farce was a glimpse of the real thing, wasn't it?" Kiros said, his face now serious.

"You're quick on the uptake." Arthur replied casually, shrugging his shoulders.

"So you're the real deal. That protective spell right now. It was aether right?"

"Maybe. Who knows" Arthur replied with a stoic expression. He didn't intend to hide it. But rather let them know so they could die with a fear in their hearts.

Arthur struck a mid-stance,

"Do your worst. You will not regret it."

The ferocity in his glare was a mere courtesy. But it was enough to still his opponent's trepidations. For a second time, the now terrified basilisk staked his life upon the technique he'd crafted.

"No use running" Kiros thought. His mind made up, the man heads straight for Arthur.

As they near, Arthur grins. Arthur took out his own sword from his ring, the sword he adored so much 'Dawn's Ballad'.

Sparks flew everywhere as the blades collided. Sounds of metal resounded in the atmosphere as the two started to exchange a flurry of slashes. For every one swing that Kiros did Arthur replied with five identical swings with double the power.

After all, He Was The Better Swordsman.

(E/n doesn't get old)

Arthur was enjoying this fight. He looked at Kiros, perspiring and almost out of breath. The ground trembled and sky shook as the battle raged between two titans. Some of the people who had retreated were still hiding in narrow alleys as they saw these both clash, with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. They held onto the last string of hope, which was their sovereign.

From afar it looked like both were on equal terms when it came to power. But Arthur was actually testing Kiros. Soon he would grow bored as his power was not enough to entertain him. And that is what exactly happened. Arthur let out a deep breath as his boredom reached its limits.

"Let's get this over with now. I expected so much from you, but looks like this is your limit" Arthur said as his swings got stronger. Kiros could feel it, feel it deep in his bones. Quite literally, as every strike Arthur struck carried more explosive power than before, cracking and breaking bones every time.

"Give up Kiros"


Kiros' wrist shrivelled with pain, as he felt his bone crack. Arthur wasn't using any techniques now. He didn't need to. The frenzy had crippled Kiros' thought process as he was unable to do something.

Arthur swung his sword, this time his sword flat. It felt like he was swinging a bat. Kiros tried to defend himself but his shoulder bone got dislocated. He recoiled from the blow, as he flew a few metres away. But Arthur wasn't in the mood to drag this any longer. He burst stepped towards him as he punched his face. He tried to block his strike by imbuing soulfire and mana on and in his arms, but Arthur's punch bypassed it completely, breaking the bone to pieces.

Kiros let out a gasp. No amount of soul fire could heal his body. He looked at Arthur, as he arrived just in front of him, and his world turned dark. He could see the colours fade away from the world as a warm feeling spread throughout his heart. He looked down to see Arthur's sword, which had pierced his heart. But despite that a look of satisfaction filled his face. Arthur looked at him confused, but recomposed himself as he withdrew his sword.

He didn't need to confirm his kill. When someone at the integrate stage suffers damage equivalent to breaking of the core, his own body starts to consume his existence.

He shrieked in pain but Arthur looked at him with dead eyes. His eyes devoid of any emotion, contrast to the ones around who were witnessing the battle. The battle that carried their last of hopes. The battle they thought could turn things around.

Gasps of terror escaped their throats after they saw their sovereign's limp body which twitched every now and then. Colour left their faces, as they dropped their weapons and came out of hiding. Hands up, gesturing a surrender, they came Infront of the place where Arthur hovered.

All of them got on to two knees as they lowered their heads. A scowl formed on Arthur's face.

"Arise, all of you. I'm not a God. Nor am I here to rule over you. You have your own lives to live. Your own purposes to fulfil. Prioritise your family and yourself over these fake gods who don't give a shit whether you live or not."

Murmurs resounded as Arthur kept his stoic face, waiting for the voices to die down

"I know it's a lot to take in. But if I meant some ill intent I would've razed this place down, not even leaving ashes as evidence that it once was a booming human civilization."

People shivered at his words. They wanted to deny it, deny all of his words. But they just witnessed him toying with a sovereign, who was considered to be the epitome of power. They all kneeled once again, this time on one knee, indicating a gesture more of a respect than that of worship.

"Urghhh. Well whatever, do what you want. Now excuse me for a while. I have to pay a visit to an old buddy of mine"

He said as he got-stepped away from there and arrived Infront of a huge metallic gate. The gate had many intricate runes running over it. And behind those runes stood a whole army, so many that they filled the whole humongous field between the mountain range all the way to Taegrin Caelum.

Arthur cracked his neck as he looked at four sovereigns Infront of him, who were standing in the front most line of the army.

"A good move, not letting his sovereigns stay in their dominions." Arthur cracked his fingers, as an amethyst blade shimmered to life in his right hand, cutting through space itself to make way for itself and purple black fire on his left. He brought the flames to his eye level as he muttered.

"Let the bloodbath begin"


Rusinen here, Join the cult if ur cool, or like doritos
