
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

Chapter 55. Ghoulish Wolf (2)

Grim looked around at all the rusty weapons as a growing feeling gnawed at him. Sneezing from the dust, his head jerked to the now barren crown that laid on the floor. Feeling strangely about it he put the crown on his head.... only to fail.

The crown was bigger than his head with it stopping at his wings, now stuck with a crown around his wings (one of them broken). He made for a comedic sight but an intense feeling welled up inside of Grim through the crown, a feeling of desperation and solemnity.

Eyes going completely white, Grim could now see a battlefield of soldiers fighting desperately, using all kinds of weapons.

They fought against a group of beasts that looked no different from humans then their extra sets of arms and razor sharp teeth.

One specific soldier appeared, wearing a crown just like the one around his wings like current. The soldier looked up into the sky as if seeing Grim.

"Death may come but my blade still stands." Eyes widened, Grim saw the soldiers release one last shout before going on a killing spree.

They used their weapons like an artist his paint brush. Grim felt a wave of emotions he didn't usually causing the bird confusion.

Coming back to reality the bird still had the crown stuck on him but he looked at all of the weapons differently.

The noise of dirt being treaded on and breathing caused Grim to freeze as the Ghoulish Wolf once more appeared.

"Sacrifice" The wolf's stitched skin looked especially stretched as the crown, no it's crown was on the being of a weak little creature.

The arms extending from it's back went hay wire, throwing the goblin like trash. All the wolf saw was the bird that had something that belonged to it.

An oozing blackness started to froth at it's mouth. The creature's eyes became murderous. Grim stood blank as if he was caught with his pants down, in front of a demented enemy.

Staring at the being that looked like it was ready to pounce. Grim felt the soldier's words and understood something, he would die but not without a fight. The white rhombus on his chest pulsed for a second as a sonorous caw was emitted.

The crown holding Grim hostage glowed white as all three gems slots filled in.

Grim looked at a sword nearby as a flash of white light appeared, from which a soldier appeared. He picked up the sword as more white light flashed around as soldiers came and picked up all of the weapons scattered. Atmosphere somber, all of the warriors looked at the wolf before charging.

Two extra arms bursting through it's back, the wolf snarled as it fought single handedly against an army. Biting, swinging, and clawing as an onslaught of soldiers hacked away at the creature.

Grunts of pain emitted from the wolf but he was consistently mowing down the opposition. Grim's demeanor became weak after unleashing the strange attack. Vision going in and out he passed out.

The little goblin was long awake, wincing profusely, but still kicking. His eyes wavered looking at the crown and the move Grim had used. Eyes squinting, jealousy welled while anger spewed over.

"Power, mine." Black blood spilling on the ground, the last few soldiers fought with valiance to slay the foul creature.

Hatred became a physical aura that made the wolf steadfast. However, it's wounds were more than just physical, but spiritual as well. Intelligence dropping, and spirit plummeting as well, the wolf became more rabid but less coordinated. More strikes landing on it's body than before.

The goblin had made his way over to Grim as he kicked the raven in annoyance. He ended up hurting himself more than he thought with his body still injured from the wolf's strangle. Yanking the crown from him, the goblin looked at Grim before putting it on his head.

"Power, mine," A sadistic looked filled it's face in anticipation but only the sound of the wolf battling continued.

The Ghoulish wolf killed the last soldier before stumbling, the black gem glistened more and more in the wolf's body. Fear took the goblin as it scratched and thumped on the crown before trying to leave with the crown.

A decision that would prove to be a mistake as the wolf lunged at the goblin, socking it so hard it tore through one of the display cases and collapsed in a pile of weapons. Red blood with a hint of silver pooled on the floor.

The wolf sauntered over to take it's prize. It licked the goblin's blood in relish before taking the crown wearing it on it's head.

"ITemS, i-ITems" The wolf dragged the goblin's body to Grim's before opening it's mouth wide to devour both of them. Mouth shrouded around the two, it tried to close it's mouth only for a saber to stick out of the side of the second head.

"Dumbass bird runs off for a couple of hours and nearly gets eaten. By this ugly thing nonetheless. Ain't happening patches, get the Fuck off my partner before I turn you to mince meat.