
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

Chapter 54. Ghoulish Wolf

The two eventually reached deep unground a few feet from the creek. A particular opening came into view as the goblin removed the dirt. .

Putting his eye against the opening the goblin laughed its nasally laugh before looking triumphantly at Grim who in turn did a spin and a happy caw.

"You, break" Grim abided by releasing a barrage of claw swipes at the weakened wall that was exposed. As the dust settles, an opening big enough for the two appeared.

The two entered the hole with both of them picking up a metallic smell while feeling a chill go down their spines. Grim and the goblin looked at one another before continuing forward with the goblin taking lead.

Weapons lined up row after row as the two made their way around the room. Looking around the goblin's tongue flickered before he felt something. Moving like a moth to a flame, the goblin was drawn to a certain crown like object. Grim, noticing the goblin's strange attraction, moved with him only to stop.

'MMMMMMhhhhhh' Grim felt something, it was ominous, dangerous, and present. The little raven's head moved to and fro in hopes of finding that feeling until he once more laid eyes on the goblin.

The goblin had laid it's hands on a crown with three different colored gems and was now visibly salivating as it looked intently at one of the gems, or more specifically the grey gem.

'Good, found.' It pressed it's hand to the grey gem as a light erupted along with a growl. The stand the crown sat on opened up like a door in a hurricane. Darkness lying beyond the space inside the stand until a blue light rushed out heading directly to the goblin.

Still dazed, the goblin to no avail tried to yank the gem from the crown only to have a blue figure smash into him. 

Grim rushed to the goblin the moment the figure appeared. Snatching the airborne goblin, Grim set him down gently while looking at the figure radiating that same ominous feeling only intensified.

The figure was blurry in Grim's eyes but the little raven geared himself up for a fight. The figure bathed in silence charged at Grim with speed faster than himself. Using claw swipe his claw went through the figure but the figure still slammed into him sending him reeling.

Wasting no time, Grim used piercing ray twice but the beams passed right through the enemy. Unnoticed to Grim, the bloody goblin was still prying at the grey gem until he succeeded. A hiss of pleasure as he popped the gem into his mouth.

A chain reaction taking place immediately. Expression filled with excitement, the goblin reveled in his gain. A greedy bastard indeed.

The figure broke it's silence for the first time and howled. It was so loud that Grim was sent to the ground from his shaking eardrums. The goblin shook as it's scaly skin fell out, replaced with a now, metallic decorated skin.

It's eyes flashed with power as it's four clawed fingers got sharper. Finished with it's power up, it looked at the figure charging to it and then at Grim before throwing Grim the crown. A laugh of mischief as he moved to escape, his partner still left in the lurch.

 The figure now more corporal than before growled and bound after the crown; a tall wolf with a ghoulish appearance. Grim got it first, catching it by reflex. A snicker echoed from the goblin as it ran towards the hole they created.

Now left alone, Grim held the crown in one claw as he zipped and weaved around the armory with the wolf following close behind.

Grim continued to loop around steadily growing tired. His small body acted as an advantage to the large wolf but it was dwindling underneath superior stats. It snapped and snarled behind him but only maintained chasing.

Taking a quick glance at what was in his hand, Grim grew confused at what it was but vaguely felt something. One of the gems was pure white while the other pitch black. The pitch black one felt foreign but the white one had the vaguest positive feeling to it.

While maneuvering like wild, Grim would pinch at the white gem. After a couple of minutes of getting nowhere and growing exhausted, Grim used piercing ray on it. The gem broke into tiny pieces as a white light shined on Grim illuminating him.

That did not however stop the wolf who'd finally caught up. Grim grew still in the air as his eyes turned pure white. The black gem now glistening and the wolf growing into something... more.

It thrashed around, it's eyes encompassed by the black gem. Greed and fury leaked more than the ethereal drool it dripped. The wolf jumped appearing above Grim.

It slammed a paw down so hard he rocked into a collection of weapons, breaking the stand, dust and broken wood flying everywhere. The bird bleeding and damaged was still unresponsive.

A ring sounded out as the crown dropped to the floor. The wolf now over it. It touched it's head to the dark stone and chaos unleashed.

It writhed as another head grew, the body became corporeal enough to confuse someone that it was actually alive. It had a mixture of fur and skin that seemed to be sown together, black stiches weaved along holding together the different patches of skin.

On it's back were two arms that didn't even match; one arm girthy and the other arm skinny. The wolf laughed, it laughed and laughed to itself before turning to Grim. It's eyes seemed to roll repeatedly as it snickered. Still immobile it looked at the Raven before turning to where the goblin ran to.


It moved with incredible speed as it sniffed after the goblin. "What is Mine"

The wolf moved in a blur of black as it only took minutes to find the same goblin not too far looking at a certain fruit in a tree.

It had already made it's escape holes and was waiting for the Three fanged poison snake to fall asleep. It's next victim in escapades for more treasure.

A chill rose from it's spine as it tried to hop into an escape hole only to be grabbed by a girthy arm.

"What is Mine."

Taking the goblin by hand he squeezed so hard a crack could be heard from the goblin's spine. The goblin hissed as fear overwhelmed it for it hadn't thought that it would end up being caught by an abomination.

Passing out from the pain the goblin laid bare in the wolf's arm as it dragged him back to the armory.

Grim groggily came to feeling changed. His previously underdeveloped crown was growing. Another power radiated in him that was difficult to understand.

Bone started to appear externally that had complex lines across it, creating 1/5 of the figure of a crown. White lines extended from the white rhombus and started to branch from it. Nevertheless, his body had not recovered from the hit taken from the wolf.

The bleeding had stopped but pieces of wood needed to be picked out, while one of his wings was broken. With a mixed feeling of refreshment and pain, Grim slowly made his way out of the wreck that was a weapon stand.

Looking at a dropped sword, Grim looked enamored, turning his head he looked some more at other weapons: halberds, scythes, bows, hammers, etc. Something appealed to him about weapons in that moment that Grim couldn't put a talon on.