
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

Chapter 41. New Techniques

Ash had gained two new techniques, albeit kinda lame ones. [Blood burst] was the move one of the guys from the Blood Seeking Sect used to try and get away from the watchling.

The other technique was considered trash but to Ash it was the best thing he could get right about now, a defensive technique by the name [Bone shell]. It could grow a bone like casing a part of the body. It was hard to manipulate, slow, and it took a long time to advance the technique. It was all Ash had and he decided he was going to make it work.

In their camp, Ash decided to at least get familiar with these techniques to increase their survivability. Ash recalled the [blood burst] technique and got ready to use it.

"[Blood Burst]"

Immediately the young man went rushing forward in a red flash that lasted about fifteen seconds. He was twice as fast as his top speed, it was a great improvement that would help with escaping. However, the technique wasn't considered trash for no reason.

'Man I feel like vomiting, my whole body is shaking just from using that technique. I think I can use it once more before I drop.'

The problem was that the technique used too much blood in order to fuel it. Taking a breath, Ash did the technique once more.

He ran about as he tore forward in a bloody haze. After the technique wore off Ash plopped to the ground. His face became pale as a result. A quick spew of vomit escaped his mouth before he washed his mouth out, disgust evident in his eyes. 

"Hey buddy can you grab us some food real quick?'

Grim cawed and flew off returning in a couple of minutes with some dust furred rabbits.

After a good meal, Ash sat cross legged and focused on recovering his vitality. It took a good portion of the day but he was back to his peak state.

Deciding to try his second technique, Ash used [Bone shell]. A bone like casing appeared on his hand. It looked bulky and kind of shallow but it was a start.

"Attack my hand."

Grim did as told and flew at Ash using [claw swipe] at his partner's hand. A dull scrape was heard and Ash checked his hand.

'Nice, it defended but I need to push some more to see how much damage it can take.'

Signaling to Grim once more, this time Grim used piercing ray. The full powered attack broke the armor leaving a small blood wound.

Ash was sweating because the shell like bone casing cost a lot of qi to maintain but at least he had some defensive capabilities now.

Forming a casing on his chest, Ash had Grim attack full power with claw swipe and blood let. The attack didn't break the shell but it was close. Unfortunately the technique didn't do anything about the force behind the attack.

Lying flat on his back, Ash groaned a bit but then got up with a smile.

" Thanks bud, that'll at least save my life from being shredded into pieces."

Grim squawked and observed Ash as he trained, he watched his tamer using both technique as contemplation flashed in his eyes.

The next four days, the two of them just trained their techniques before deciding to hunt zombies once more.


Name: Ash

Level. 4

Age: 11

Occupations: Tamer/ Apprentice hunter/Apprentice herbalist

Status: Healthy

Innate skills: Nurture- Beasts grow stronger under your care. Increased link benefits.

Advanced Comprehension: Learn skills and techniques faster with a beast than by yourself.

Skills: [crescent slash- familiar] [flash point-familiar] [Berserk- intro] [blood flash- intro] [bone shell-intro]

{Str: 2.9 Sta: 2.7 Agi: 2.5 Vit: 2.3 Int: 5.0 Spi: 4.9}

Beast: Grim (f rank)

Attributes: Death/Blood


Innate skill:

Battle Fanatic: Fighting becomes unconsciously easier.

Skills: [blood let- accomplished] [claw swipe-accomplished] [piercing ray- accomplished] [Necrotic shard- familiar] [Berserk- intro]

{Str: 2.5 Sta: 2.1 Agi: 3.4 Vit: 2.0 Int: 3.0 Spi: 5.2}


The two of them trained like mad men for hours everyday. Ash had his two new skills trained to the introduction level while Grim's two claw skills reached accomplished. Necrotic shard had been trained to the familiar level as well.

They ate good meat from a variety of rabbits and nourishing vegetables that Ash scavenged. An overall satisfying training session.

Once more the two went out, at night this time. Unfortunately they wouldn't get a chance to come back.