
Chapter 1

Meeting You.

Fifteen years ago....

An accident happened to me and my family on my birthday , all because some guy stood in the middle of the road and my dad lost the footing to his breaks. I lost my parents in that accident , no one believed me when I said I saw someone I the middle of the road. My parents died in the accident and I had to live with an abusive uncle who later threw me out to social services .

I was an orphan with no home and no where to go so I lived with it ,I made it through societies high standards and became the best .

Fifteen years later .....

"Shit.....I'm late" I cursed as I woke up ,these days I've been having wierd dreams and it made me sleep more. I ran straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower and to brush my teeth. When I came out ,I pulled out the first thing I saw in my closet. When I was done I got out of the house and headed straight to the bus station and I was off to work. I'm not usually a deep sleeper but for the past few days I've been having these vivid dreams that I couldn't interpret. I dropped from the bus and ran to work, I work at the local library here in Blue lake city and to be honest I love my job.

I had to give a gap year because I don't have the funds to pay my college fees ,I got to the library on time and began my daily duties. "Sky!..... over here I need your help"upon hearing my name being screamed by my best friend who also worked with me library. "Gema your not supposed to shout in the library, remember scilence"I said to her while hitting her arm.

"Ouch that hurts you know, anyway guess what"she said to me with a wide smile while I just rolled my eyes and continued my work."Tyler asked me out, isn't that great"she blurted out. "You mean Tyler your in and off boyfriend wow, he is only going to hurt you again and please keep it down this is a library". I said to her while earning a death stare from Gema who just walked away because she had nothing else to say.

I went on my lunch break when I bumped into this hot guy, I for one have never seen a guy attractive like him. He looked like he wasn't from this world, "I'm sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going"I said with an apologetic look on my face. "It's ok just watch were your going next time"he said to me, I raised my head to look at him getting full view of godly beauty.

He had brownish red hair with a pair of green eyes, from the way he looked, he looked rich to me, he wore a red velvet suit with a pair of black converse, could this guy get any hotter. He looked like he was in his mid twenties but most of all his voice was so familiar to me.

He walked away and left the cafe leaving me in a train of thoughts. I ordered my usually soda and a doughnut. When I came out I saw him sitting down outside the cafe scrolling through his phone. I wasn't someone who kept quiet about my thoughts, I decided to confront him. "Hi again..... sorry to disturb you but you sound familiar, do you recognize me from anywhere" I said obnoxiously as I stated into his green eyes almost getting lost in it.

"No you do seem familiar to me but I have seen many people who look like you" he said with a curious look in his eyes, he felt something different about this girl and he knew she felt the same thing too but what was it.

"I know you your Dorian King the second richest business man in the world but what's a rich guy like you doing in a small town like this, if you don't mind me asking". I said to him once again being obnoxious.

He glared at me while going back to look at his phone when he said without looking at me "alright thats enough bye, it was a very nice chat I had with you". He took his phone and stood up like he was about to leave when I blurted "your a fox aren't you".

He turned to look at me "what did you just say"he said with great annoyance in his voice. I smiled "I said your a fox, am I not right. How else will you explain your pale skin, your accent seem a bit old for a modern day person and also your too new for this town anyway. I know mostly everyone in this small town, so tell me aren't you a fox. Oh and not to forget I'm a librarian I spend my free time reading"I said with full confidence while looking him straight in the eyes.

He looked at me with no emotion and said "do you have a death wish, now if you'll excuse me I have better places to be right now" he said as he walked away. 'Did I chase that cute guy away' I said under my breath. I later that day my shift ended and I went home bored as hell, I layed down on my couch drifting further into sleep when I saw those beautiful green eyes and hearing his deep voice saying 'do you have a death wish'.