
The Boy and His Former Clan

A chilling scene unfolded in a dimly lit room in a nearby town.

A man with really long hair tied back was sitting in the middle of a room. It was a chilling scene as at least twenty people around him looked like they had been hurt or killed violently.

Right in front of the man was an individual on his knees, and his clothes were all covered in red stains.

"Didn't I warn you, Blanco? I told you that failing to meet my orders would lead to consequences," the man said, examining his arms adorned with menacing black metallic fist weapons.

"We starved them for days to make them weak. We intended to transform all of them into demon beasts, hoping to obtain a demon core. We've followed every step the teacher from the capital told us. But instead, they became stronger! One of them managed to break the steel cage and set others free. It possessed some kind of intelligence. I never expected it would attack the young masters and mistress in its escape." a guy named Blanco said, sounding scared and sorry.

"Leader, I'm sorry. I don't get it myself, but those wolves we caught up in the mountains unexpectedly became stronger. It must have possessed a demon core beforehand! We have been tracking it for months. I assure you, we will find them and give the demon core to you. I won't fail next time, please! My family has nothing to do with this," Blanco pleaded, desperate.

"Next time? I warned you there won't be a next time. Your failures have reached their limit," the man replied coldly.

He stood up from his seat and signaled to his henchmen, pointing at a woman and a young girl huddled in a corner of the room. 

"Take them to our headquarters' dungeon. They'll stay there until I decide what to do with them. I need to go back to Toadcreek. I need to return to Toadcreek immediately. I've received news that Nora's son is back, and he's unharmed. I believe he may know where the wolves went. We can't afford to lose a demon core, especially with the Red-Rose Battalion demanding as many as possible. Also, a stranger had crippled Boder, and it appears the town has forgotten about me after just a month of absence."

"No!" Blanco cried out, tears streaming down his face. "Please, anything but that. Just take me instead. Please, don't hurt them!"

"It's too late for that," the man stated, dismissing Blanco's plea. "You brought this upon yourself." With that, he departed, leaving Blanco and the others behind.

The man was Berg, the leader of the notorious Heavy-Fist Clan.

The young girl and her mother continued to sob as they were forcibly taken from the room. The remaining individuals in the room watched in silence, their expressions a mixture of fear and resignation.

One man stepped forward, gripping the hilt of his sword. "Blanco, you knew the consequences of failing the leader," he remarked, his voice devoid of emotion.

"You were given multiple chances to correct your mistakes but chose to disappoint us repeatedly. Your death will be a warning to anyone who dares to slow down our goal of dominating this region."

With a swift motion, the man unsheathed his sword and swiftly ended Blanco's life, the sound of flesh and bone being severed filling the room.

His lifeless body crumpled to the ground, blood pooling around him, and the man left without a second glance.

In the present day, the Heavy-Fist Clan had established its base in the slums of the town.

The clan's headquarters was a hub for all their illegal activities in the region. It had tall stone walls and a big open area in front of it.

This base was a gathering place for the clan's members, who were deeply connected to the group's activities. 

Even though the neighborhood around it was run-down, the base was completely different. It was neat, well-organized, and clean, reflecting the character of their leader.

Within a lavishly decorated room adorned with lavish furniture and weapons displayed on the walls.

Berg, the leader of the Heavy-Fist Clan, sat on a large wooden chair, imposing a shadow over those kneeling before him.

He was a figure of fear and authority. By his side stood his two children, Van and Emi.

They knew their father was a tyrant, capable of unspeakable cruel acts. His children and all his followers trembled in his presence.

At his feet, there was Boder, all wrapped up in bandages.

"I had just returned from the capital, and this is what happened? Who was responsible for Boder's condition?" he asked, his gaze piercing into their souls.

"Fathe... Leader, it was because of that stranger," Van stuttered in fear.

"We went to the guild to get Mik, but the stranger stopped us. I asked Boder to bring Mik back to the clan, but he attacked him unexpectedly. He must have used some tricks on Boder so he could not fight back."

Berg listened and asked, "I remember you saying the wolves had eaten Nora's son. Were you lying to me? Son, you know I hate liars the most."

"No, Leader. I would never lie to you! It was the wolves, I swear! I was as surprised as anyone to see that he was alive," Van, who was on the verge of tears, knew he needed to add more lies to save himself. 

After a moment, Berg accepted Van's explanation. He turned his attention to Emi, demanding information about the stranger and Mik's current whereabouts.


She provided a detailed account of their location, explaining that they were staying at an inn in the business market and had left town that morning.

Berg nodded in acknowledgment and issued a command.

"Send our people to track this stranger and Nora's son. We must make it clear that the Heavy-Fist Clan reigns supreme in Toadcreek. No one should tarnish our reputation, especially now that the Red-Rose Battalion from the capital has extended its support. We shall establish ourselves as the overlord in this region, and no one will dare challenge us. Our rule will be absolute!" His words reverberate throughout the base. 


The night in Toadcreek, they were settled into a peaceful calm. Mik lay in his small room, the flickering lamp casting long shadows on the walls.

As he closed his eyes, his thoughts turned to his mother, who had been his guiding light through the darkest times of his life.

He and his mother worked as servants for the clan. A strict rule was that servants could not touch the books in the clan's library.

However, his mother, determined to give her son a better future, broke this rule and secretly stole books for him.

During these reading sessions, she shared her knowledge and experience beyond Toadcreek, opening him to a world of awe and wonder.

Because of her demeanor and personality, some people thought she might have come from a more privileged background.

Her appearance set her apart from the other servants.

She had long, silver hair and striking blue eyes, which was quite a contrast to the others doing tasks like cleaning toilets and sweeping floors in a clan located in a remote area. 

He cherished the memories of his mother's love above all else. She had protected him from the constant bullying of Van and Emi over the years, as the twins found joy in making his life miserable. 

His mother had always protected him, even if it meant enduring their harsh treatment. She had stood by his side through all the pain.

He had been fortunate to have her by his side, but fate turned cruelly.

Less than six months ago, while he was busy with chores outside the clan, his mother had passed away under mysterious circumstances.

The news struck him like a heavy blow like the entire world had crumbled. His life had centered around his mother, and now she was gone.

He couldn't see her kind smile, feel her loving hug, or hear her cheerful laughter anymore.

It felt like his heart had shattered into countless pieces. Grief overwhelmed him, leaving him in the dark about the circumstances of her death and a painful emptiness in his heart.

He didn't have the chance to mourn his mother properly because the clan didn't care about her.

Despite serving them for years, they buried her in a remote spot outside of town, almost as if they wanted to forget her existence. 

He couldn't shake the feeling that they had more information about his mother's death than they were willing to admit.

With her gone, the twins, who had always tormented him, saw a chance to step up their cruelty. Eventually, he became their courier and began embarking into the forest.

Let's ramp up the story! (1/2) for today.

Creation is hard. Cheer me up!

AdmiralBayabascreators' thoughts
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