
The Call of the Seven Avatars

Summary:At the climax of the battle at Hogwarts, Harry summons the Seven Avatars of Sin to face the dark forces led by Voldemort. With an impressive display of magical power, the Avatars enter the scene, each contributing their unique abilities to turn the tide of battle. Meanwhile, Neville, after being injured by Nagini, bravely faces the serpent. With the support of the Avatars and the help of his loved ones, Harry casts a decisive spell that disarms Voldemort and subdues him. The battle culminates in a victory for Hogwarts, with Voldemort finally defeated and his darkness sealed..

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The final battle at Hogwarts reached its climax. The forces of light, consisting of older students, teachers, and members of the Order of the Phoenix, fought with desperation and courage against Voldemort's dark army, composed of Death Eaters and shadowy creatures. Despite being outnumbered, the defenders of Hogwarts fought with fierce determination, giving ample space to both the leaders of light and darkness.

Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort dueled in the center of the battlefield, surrounded by the chaos of war. Each spell cast by the two rivals was a demonstration of power and skill.

"Confringo!" Voldemort shouted, and a burst of blue flames shot towards Harry.

"Protego!" Harry raised a magical shield, deflecting the spell into the sky, where it dissipated into a shower of sparks.

"Glacius!" Harry countered, attempting to freeze Voldemort in place.

"Incendio!" Voldemort retaliated, melting the ice before it could take form.

"Stupefy!" Harry cast, a red bolt aimed to stun his opponent.

"Relashio!" Voldemort broke free, sending a wave of energy that made Harry stumble.

As spells flew, Voldemort, with a cruel smile, pointed his wand at the ground and muttered an incantation that caused the stones to rise, transforming into sharp spears heading towards Harry. Without wasting a second, Harry spun his wand and conjured:

"Transfiguro Solidum!"

Instantly, the stone spears transformed into a cloud of small birds, chirping and flying around Voldemort, distracting him and giving Harry the chance to reposition himself.

As the debris of battle scattered across Hogwarts' grounds, Harry spun with his battle robes flowing around him, a blur of movement and determination. With an upward motion of his wand, he touched the pieces of stone and debris, transfiguring them into a beautiful marble statue. Then, with a firm and clear voice, he declared:

"Animatus Protego!"

The marble statue, once inert, began to move smoothly, coming to life under Harry's command. It rose, imposing and majestic, assuming a guard stance before Harry, ready to defend and attack at his command. Voldemort, caught off guard by this act of advanced magic, hesitated, giving Harry the time needed to plan his next move in the epic duel.

The statue, once made of stone, came to life, turning into a marble giant that advanced towards Voldemort. The Dark Lord, surprised, had to divert his attention to deal with the new opponent, allowing Harry to prepare his next spell.

On the other side of the field, Neville Longbottom faced the terrible Nagini, one of Voldemort's last Horcruxes. With the Sword of Gryffindor in hand, Neville moved with surprising agility, each strike a declaration of courage. In a moment of distraction, Nagini attacked, her sharp fangs finding Neville's arm.

The venom began to spread, but Neville, driven by adrenaline and the need to protect his friends, ignored the searing pain. With a war cry that echoed through the walls of Hogwarts, he raised the sword and, with a powerful blow, wounded the snake, forcing it to retreat.

Harry looked around, seeing his friends and allies fighting desperately. The fallen bodies of known and unknown wizards and witches were scattered across the battlefield, and exhaustion was evident on the faces of those still standing. The older students, the teachers, and the members of the Order of the Phoenix were overwhelmed, barely able to contain the advance of the dark forces. The number of enemies seemed endless, and hope began to falter.

The sound of a desperate cry caught Harry's attention. He saw Ron and Hermione fighting together, their wands moving frantically as they were surrounded by Death Eaters. The despair in his friends' eyes mirrored his own feelings. The sight of Hagrid lying wounded in the distance, trying to get up despite his injuries, and Ginny Weasley's war cries as she dueled Bellatrix Lestrange, all made Harry realize how close they were to losing.

With a final look at Voldemort, Harry felt a growing power within him, something that went beyond ordinary magic. With a determined movement, he unleashed a powerful pulse of magic that swept through the battlefield, stunning enemies and pushing them back. This moment of respite was what they needed.

With his wand raised, Harry Potter murmured the ancestral spell, his voice resonating with the power of centuries of magic:

"Hear me, denizens of darkness, you who are born from shadow and you who give birth.
Hear me and as I command!
From the deepest abyss to the celestial heights,
I ask that you send not one, but seven of your number.
By the blood of Lilith that runs in my veins,
I summon the Seven Avatars of Sin!
May the pact that binds us be the key to
bringing your strength to this battlefield.
I invoke Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, and Lucifer!
Answer my call, cross the portals, and together,
we shall defeat those who dare threaten the blood of your sister and all that she represents in this world!"

As Harry uttered each word, the air around him vibrated with the invoked energy, and one by one, the Seven Avatars of Sin began to materialize, ready to fight alongside him in the final battle against the forces of darkness.

The symbol of the pact began to glow intensely in his hand, a golden light rivaling the full moon. The summoning seal appeared beneath his feet, an intricate circle of runes and symbols pulsating with ancient power. Energy emanated from it, rippling across the ground like the surface of a lake touched by a breeze.

The siblings began to materialize, each bringing a distinct aura of power.

A dark shadow materialized before Harry, seeming to absorb the light around it. Gradually, the darkness dissipated, revealing the imposing figure of Mammon, the Avatar of Greed.

With unmistakable malice, he swept across the battlefield as he emerged. A confident smile played on his lips, promising unimaginable triumphs. Mammon exuded an aura of determination and ambition, his sculpted features reflecting the confidence of one ready for any challenge. "Let us show them what true ambition can achieve," he replied with a tone of contempt.

Next, Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy, appeared amidst a wave of aquatic energy that made the air tremble. His serpent-like tail writhed as he rose, displaying an imposing and intimidating presence. With a disdainful glance at the battlefield, Leviathan crossed his arms in a pose of superiority, his eyes gleaming with a malicious light.

"These foolish normies will never understand the depth of our power," he responded with disdain, his voice resonating like the echo of an underground cave. His presence was a constant reminder of the envy mortals felt towards superior beings like him.

Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony, emerged with a hungry roar, baring his sharp, ominous teeth. His immense, formidable figure seemed to devour the space around him, while his hungry eyes reflected the insatiable voracity of his essence. "I hunger for power and destruction," he declared, his voice echoing like thunder over the battlefield. "Do not worry, little Harry. They shall be consumed by the very darkness they created."

Etheral laughter echoed and reverberated across the battlefield, emerging from a perfumed and brilliant cloud filled with glamour. Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust, appeared with a seductive smile, his wings unfolding gracefully. With a seductive tone, he spoke: "Hmm, my dear, what a beautiful scene you have summoned me to, a battle, how delightful." Moving his hand gracefully, he rubbed his index finger on his lips, while his eyes gleamed with a bloody lust. "Let us enchant them with the beauty of destruction."

In an explosion of Greek flames, the fearsome figure emerged, those who opposed the summoner and were near him were instantly transformed into ashes, soon the fearsome figure of Satan, the Avatar of Wrath, materialized enveloped in burning flames. "Let them feel the fury of the wronged!"

Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth, comparatively to the others he rises from the shadow materializing with a yawn, yawning lightly, clinging to his favorite pillow, although he seemed tired his eyes were focused and alert. "Let's reduce their efforts to nothing."

Finally, Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, appeared with a somber majesty. His wings unfolded like incarnated night, and he looked at Harry with determination. His eyes burned with an intensity that seemed to sear him. "They underestimated our power. Now, they will see the mistake they made."

As if it were a signal, the Avatars launched themselves against the army of dark forces. Mammon cast a spell that turned hidden treasures into lethal traps for the Death Eaters.

Leviathan created a giant wave that swept the enemies away, drowning werewolves in pure magic. Satan cast fireballs that exploded amidst the army, causing chaos and destruction wherever they passed.

Asmodeus used his magic to confuse and disorient the enemies, vampires thirsty for blood threw themselves on their unsuspecting allies, making them fight amongst themselves.

Beelzebub summoned swarms of voracious creatures that devoured everything in their path, while devouring the dementors, winning them in their little predatory competition.

Belphegor cast a spell that drained the energy of the opponents, leaving them exhausted and defenseless, knocking giants from their own heights.

Lucifer, with a grand gesture, summoned a lightning storm that pulverized the enemies, witches and beasts alike, leaving a trail of destruction.

While the Avatars devastated the dark forces, Harry felt hope rekindle within him. The battlefield, once dominated by despair, was now illuminated by the power of the seven avatars. The enemies, stunned and panicked, began to retreat before the relentless assault.
Harry, at the center, felt like a maestro, coordinating the symphony of light and darkness.

He knew that the battle was not yet won, but with the Seven Avatars by his side, victory was within his grasp. The unity of their forces proved that even in the darkest of depths, light could prevail.

Voldemort, seeing his army in disarray and his plans crumbling, grew even more furious. His red eyes narrowed, and he focused all his rage on Harry.

"Do you think with the help of these dark creatures you can stop me, Potter?" Voldemort shouted, his voice reverberating across the battlefield. "I am the Immortal. I am the greatest dark wizard to ever exist!"

Harry, maintaining his firm posture, responded with equal determination. "It's not just about power, Voldemort. It's about courage, friendship, and the sacrifice of those we love."

With a determined gesture, Harry raised his wand and cast a powerful spell: "Expulso!"
The force of the spell collided with Voldemort's, creating an explosion of energy that illuminated the battlefield. Meanwhile, the Seven Avatars redoubled their efforts against the remnants of the dark army, each using their unique abilities to dismantle the enemy's resistance.

Mammon, with a radiant spell, conjured golden spirals that ensnared the Death Eaters, imprisoning them in shining chains. Leviathan summoned a giant aquatic serpent that swept enemies away with its powerful undulations. Satan, with a blast of intense fire, incinerated anyone who tried to approach.

Asmodeus enchanted the adversaries, causing them to turn against each other in a frenzy of confusion. Beelzebub, with a horde of voracious creatures, devoured the remnants of the enemy forces while devouring the dementors, winning them in their little predatory competition. Belphegor cast a spell that drained the energy of the opponents, leaving them exhausted and defenseless, knocking giants from their own heights.

Lucifer, with a grand gesture, summoned a lightning storm that pulverized the enemies, witches and beasts alike, leaving a trail of destruction.

While the Avatars unleashed their fury, Neville, wounded and weakened, fought bravely against the dark forces. With each movement, he drew dangerously close to Nagini, Voldemort's last Horcrux. With a herculean effort, Neville managed to get close enough to deliver a decisive blow, destroying the snake and thus eliminating the last protection of the Dark Lord. Relief mixed with a new wave of determination swept through Hogwarts as the news of the destruction of the Horcrux spread.
The fighters of light felt a new breath of life, while Voldemort, realizing that his last line of defense had fallen, unleashed his final spell with a mixture of anger and desperation.

"Avada Kedavra!" The killing curse flew towards Harry, in a last desperate act by the Dark Lord to avoid his imminent defeat.

Before the curse could reach him, the Seven Avatars moved in unison, forming a combined shield of energy that blocked and dissipated Voldemort's curse in an explosion of light. At this crucial moment, a familiar and comforting presence appeared by Harry's side: his parents, James and Lily Potter, and Lilith, his ancestor. With renewed determination and the support of his loved ones, Harry channeled his energy to cast a powerful spell.

"Expelliarmus!" The spell echoed across the battlefield, connecting his wand with Voldemort's death magic. Both spells fought against each other, but in an aura of intense light Lilith raised her hand, strengthening Harry's spell with her own celestial magic, even weakened, it was more than enough to win the power struggle. The elder wand was ripped from Voldemort's hand, flying through the air and falling out of his reach. Disarmed and surrounded, he realized that his reign of terror was coming to an end. The Seven Avatars positioned themselves around Harry, creating a circle of protection.

Harry stepped forward, facing Voldemort firmly. "Your time is up. Hogwarts will never fall as long as there are those willing to fight for the light."

With a cry of fury and despair, Voldemort was enveloped by a magical seal created by the Avatar of Wrath, which trapped and destroyed his weakened soul. Unable to escape, Voldemort was finally defeated by the combined forces of Hogwarts and the Seven Avatars, sealing the dark fate he represented.

The battle was won. Harry, surrounded by the Avatars, looked around and saw his friends and allies rising, helping the wounded and celebrating victory. Hope had prevailed, and darkness had been defeated, at least for now.
With a gesture of gratitude, Harry bid farewell to the Seven Avatars, who dissipated in a soft glow, their missions fulfilled. He knew that as long as courage and unity existed, the light would always find a way to shine, even in the darkest nights

Hey guys, angels in the area, how are you? This single chapter was created based on an idea I had posted on tumblr, @anjels001, the idea was basically what the battle of Hogwarts would be like if Harry Potter was the MC of Obey-me?.

Well here's the chapter with the development of the idea, comment on the chapter and tell me what you think, if you liked this then gift this author with a power stone!!kisses and see you laterLike it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Angellunnarescreators' thoughts