"Liu Yang get up, it's time for training"
first morning light peers through the window of a small wooden house into a small room with a boy that seemed to be around 16 with brown hair and golden eyes, sleeping soundly
the boy was named Liu Yang
As soon as I heard my dad yell to wake me up I jumped up and got ready as fast as I could last time I was late to meet him he didn't hold back at all in the sparing match and that taught me to never be late. as I made my way to the training area which was half in an empty field and half in the forest i saw my best friend Chang Min who was the same age as me with black hair and green eyes, me and chang min have grown up together so we are practically brothers.
"Good morning Chang Min" I said as I walked over to him.
"Good Morning, you heading to training"
"yea I am yesterday he told me that we were going to go hunting today so I'm exited maybe I'll catch a iron horned deer today" i said
"oh really then I guess you probably shouldn't be late then so we will Part here Good luck with the hunt" Chang min said turning around to leave only to turn back around "I forgot to mention I heard rumors of magical beasts roaming this area recently so I advise you to be careful" after saying that he then turned around and left
since there was a rumor about magical beasts I would just have to be more cautious of my surroundings and although magical beasts are really aggressive and the higher level ones are smarter than most humans they don't chase prey that has no benefit to chase so I put that at the back of my mind for now and rushed to meet my dad at the training area.
"dad I'm here"
"Good on our agenda today is a 8 kilometer jog followed by sparring with me then we will meet up with the Min family for some archery practice and a archery mock battle following that is another 8 kilometer jog and sensory training and lastly we will go on a hunt I will grade your hunt performance by what you bring back like always." my dad said explaining the training as he did everyday
"ok dad" I said. although this training might seem brutal to others I was already used to the difficulty since I've been doing this since young although the time limit to complete each task constantly changes to keep challenging me.
"let's start then run 8 kilometer in three minutes after you finish you will have 2 minutes to rest."
"yes sir" I said as I started running, the previous time limit that was placed on me was 5 minutes and I managed to make it to where I could consistently and easily do it every time and my father noticed this and gave me new restrictions to push me farther and although running 8 kilometer in three minutes is tough it isn't impossible for me so I ran with al my might leaving deep foot prints in the ground each step carrying me far until I completed it in 2 minutes 50 seconds and although I was out of breath I still had 1 minute to catch my breath which for me who recovers far faster than others was enough
"Good job now let's move on to sparring" he said handing me a wooden sword.
"yes sir" I said in response taking the wooden sword from his hand
"ok, on 1, 3...2..1 go" he said but even so he did not rush forward instead he took a paculier stance although it was paculier he had taken this stance many times before, this stances sole purpose was defence and counter but it did have a weakness it only focused on attacks coming from the front so if one could get behind the stance they could easily win
but even though I am stronger and faster than him my swordsmanship was still inferior even so my swordsmanship was by no means bad in fact it was overwhelmingly good and I just needed a hint of inspiration to overcome him. since he took the defensive I took offense and tried to make use of the one meakness I new of but even so I was blocked but in that instant I found out what happened my father in an instant shifted his body slightly to enable him to block my attack and from that I found what I needed I repurposed that sort of movement to enhance my attacks and attacked his weak point again but this time even though he shifted his body I also shifted ever so slightly to avoid being blocked and hit him directly sending my father forward a few meters and with that I won the sparring match
"I didn't expect that you would be able to land even one hit on me much less what would be considered fatal if we used real swords good job son but now that you have gotten my little trick I won't be able to teach you anymore swordsmanship and even though that trick may look small it can do wonders if used correctly. now let go to the Min family."
"yes father" I said even though I was surprised that he had nothing left to teach me after a little thought it made sense after all even though I was inferior to him in swordsmanship it wasn't by much it was just that he could make more abnormal movements while keeping the original power. we walked some ways until we arrived at another house about our houses size, on the side of the house was a small shooting range that seemed to be used often, after we got there we knocked on the door and a man about the age of my dad answered this man of course was Mr.Min who had agreed to do a mock battle between me and chang min
"Good morning Min" my dad greeted Mr.Min politely
"good morning Yang how have you been" Mr.Min replied politely as he started a small conversation and about 10 minutes later they finished the small talk and started to get more serious
"Chang Min get out here its time for archery practice"
Mr.Min shouted
"ok, old man I heard you so quit your yelling"
Chang Min responded, Chang Min even though he talked like that had a good relationship with his father and this was just casual banter
"brat get your but out here and stop calling me old man, I am still in my prime" Mr.Min said
"sure you are, old man" Chang said before noticing us, he greeted my father with a small bow before turning to me
"hey Liu done with your run and sparring already it hasn't even been 20 minutes" he said genuinely curious since my spar usually takes about an hour
"yea I finished not too long ago, I finally beat my father and I even learned a new move" I said
"that's cool you'll have to show me later but now are you ready for target practice i bet ill get more bullseye's than you" he said confidently and this confidence is not misplaced since he has a 95 percent bullseye rate meaning out of 100 arrows he hits 95 bullseye and the remaining 5 are not far off I on the other hand only have a 70 percent bullseye rate and some of the remaining shots land far from the bullseye
"I'm read, though I'm not taking that bet since it is garenteed that you will hit more bullseye than me with your superior eye sight and all" I said. even though Chang min was inferior to me in strength speed and sense he was far superior in his sight and accuracy and no one could rival his eye sight unless they are a cultivator.
"whatever you say Liu" he said
after we finished talking we headed to the side of the house with the targets there were 20 targets in total so we decided that we will get 10 targets each and shoot 10 arrows at each target aiming for bullseye, Chang Min only missed bullseye 2 times while I missed is 20 times but that was still an improvement from my 70 percent accuracy and Chang Min had an accuracy of 98 percent which is far, far above average. after a few rounds of this I saw that I could now consistently have an 80 percent accuracy and Chang min best in these few rounds was 100 percent accurate and that could be considered world class even in cultivator terms where supposedly most bow cultivators only have a 90 percent accuracy rate.
after we finished with archery training we got ready for the mock battle and went to our starting position our starting positions were in the forest so it would be trickier to hit eachother we decided for this mock battle there would be 10 rounds if you get hit by an arrow once that round goes to the shooter, of course I wasn't expecting to win many rounds but even so I would try my hardest the 1st round started any time the first person was ready so that it could mimic an actual combat scenario and it actually worked quite well and since I was ready almost as soon as I arrived at my area I initiated the battle and since I knew the rough location of where he was I was easily able to get the first point by shooting him before he could even notice, but that was the only easy point I got and at the end of the battle I had 2 points Chang had 8 so in the end Chang was the Victor after the battle I ran another 8 kilometers within 3 minutes and for sensory training I was trying my sixth sense so my sense of smell, sight, taste, and hearing were blocked and I had to rely on my feeling and gut to dodge my father's attacks and I managed to dodge all of his attacks which tells me that I greatly improved on sensing things, after about an hour of sensory training I was getting ready for my hunt when my father interrupted me
"there have been rumors of magical beasts roaming this area so I want you to be especially careful this time around and if you happen to run into one run your life is much more important to me than anything else so don't face it and just run" my father said with a serious face and commanding tone.
I don't know why but I feel as if I could face a grade 1 magical beast it was just an instinct but my instinct were never usually wrong so I usually went with my instincts but this time I will heed my father's wishes and not try to face one
"ok father" I said in response
"Good boy, when you come back from your hunt let's grill your prey and eat together" he said in a much better mood now, and with my dad in a happy mood my mood also improved.
after about 10 minutes of getting ready I finally was good to go so I headed to the forest it was around 10 in the morning so I had a lot of time since I planned on coming back at around 8 so I still had 10 hours of Hunting, although it was 10 the forest was was still somewhat dark since not much lite was able to get through to thick canopy but even so there was enough light for me to be able to see clearly and I could see some animals such as a rabbit in a bush and a turtle near a not so far away pond but I was going for bigger prey so I didn't bother hunting them but after wandering for about an hour I didn't come across any big prey but instead of prey in a hole under a big tree there was a soft glow that didn't seem to be natural but it didn't seem to be dangerous so I went towards it and what I saw surprised me and scared me what I saw was a human skeleton wearing a kimono of sorts the faint glow seemed to have been coming from this skeleton and upon closer inspection there seemed to be something inside a pocket on the upper part of the kimono my curiosity of the item overcame all my hesitations so I went close and took out what was in the pocket it looked to be a book but this book was strange it seemed to Give off an oppressive aura the book had a leather cover and golden words written on its surface, reading "Godly Acension Technique" and even though it gave off a domineering and oppressive aura it felt as if the book was calling me but before I could fully grasp the situation I heard what seemed to be an earth shattering roar, a roar I had never heard of before and it was close it by instinct I new that it was a magical beast but for some reason I wasn't scared.
I was more concerned since it came from the direction I came from and I wasn't exactly sure how far away it was currently but even if it was close I couldn't risk it going to the village so with the sword and bow that I packed I ran towards the roar, to intercept the beast and even though I promised dad I wouldn't I decided that I would defeat it and bring it back as my spoils. It took me around 30 minutes to reach the beast as it was walking towards the village but wasn't quite there yet but when I saw it I was surprised it was a wolf type beast it was 2 meters tall and 3 meters long it was bigger than your average human and seemed much stronger than a grand Master and for the first time in a long time I didn't feel like I needed to hold back so with all my strength and speed I attacked but even though I was aiming for its head it managed to sense my killing intent at the last second and barely managed to dodge the lethal blow but even though it dodged death it didn't manage to dodge injury as my sword hit its leg cutting down to bone rendering that leg useless, greatly reducing the wolf's motility.
Even though the wolf's leg was disabled the wolf was still quite fast and it's strength without question matched mine but even so I had the advantage in speed and in technique as I am a master of swordsmanship.
the wolf surprised by my attack was stuned but quickly snapped out of it with a fit of rage it couldn't imagine getting injure by a race that it thought of as inferior it couldn't accept it and went into an unrelenting rage as it started to destroy anything and everything around it hoping it would kill me in the process but instead the random attacks just exposed more weak points that I took advantage of but even with that it was still holding on as it's vitality was monstrous and the fight continued like this for an hour and after that hour the wolf finally fell with countless cuts all over it's body it could no longer move so I made the final blow piercing it's skull destroying its brain after the fight although I had minor bruises and scratches it was nothing major but if I didn't injure it at the start I have a feeling I would have been more seriously hurt and if the wolf had continued to struggle I would have collapsed from exhaustion and would have died.
I took a rest after winning my first battle with a magical beast and after a while, I was good enough to get up and drag the corpse back to town to show my achievements and to possibly get scolded by my father.
after about 15 minutes I got back to town with the corpse right behind me and right as I entered a commotion started to form around me as the people stared at what I brought back from my hunt everyone was in awe that I had been able to defeat it after all not even 10 grandmasters were able to take down a single 1st grade magic beast but I did it on my own without any sort of help and what's more is that I was relatively un-harmed and in this small village the news spreads like wild fire taking less than an hour to spread to almost the entire town.
Ignoring the stares and chatter I walked my way to my house to show my dad and pray he doesn't get mad but those prayers went unanswered as when my father saw what I was carrying behind me you could see steam coming from his ears
"Hey dad" I said awkwardly
he said nothing while walking towards me although he was angry he didn't do anything right away he instead checked my body to see if I was okay and applied ointment to my smaller wounds after confirming I was okay, he started to scold the soul out of my body and all I could do was sit there and listen with my head down, this continued for 1 hour.
"until further notice you are not to leave your room and you are to think about what you did wrong and to contemplate why I'm punishing you" he said bringing me inside the house
"yes sir" is all I could say to this punishment since I had no right to refute after disobeying my father.
So I went to my room closing the door behind me while my dad brought in the wolf skinning it dismantling it and keeping its mana stone which can sell for quite a lot and then using its meat for dinner.