
Chapter 1: The Party

In a basement room that had badly lit florescent lighting, cement floors, off white painted cement block walls, a ceiling with holes it in that had water dripping out of it, a wooden chair that wobbled, water damaged stairs that led to the 1st floor, a wooden table, and a window that was 1 foot away from the ceiling stood 4 men and 2 women. The men's names were August, Tis, Vilo, and Fili. The women's names were Zia, and Amy. The women wore black skinny jeans, short sleeve black shirts, and black boots with laces in them that stopped in the  middle of their calves. Zia had her long brown hair up in a high ponytail, and had the handles of two knives that's blades were about 10 centimeters in width sticking out of the scrunchie she used to hold the ponytail together, a cloth bag that hung on the side of her waist that had smoke bombs and knock out gas in them, and a dagger that she put in her boot. Amy had a belt of daggers that hung around her waist, she also had a cloth bag full of smoke bombs and knock out gas but it was tied to her belt, and she had two daggers (one for each boot) in her boots. All the man except for August wore black pants and black shirts that cut off at the shoulder. All the men except for August had cloth bags in their pockets full of smoke bombs and knock out gas. Tis had brass knuckles with spikes coming out of them, Vilo has bow and arrows that hung in a carrier on his back, and Fili had two axes that hug on a carrier on his back. August wore a black suit with white dress shirt underneath the suit jacket. August had daggers up his sleeve, and spikes that would stick out of the bottom of his shoes every time his toe pressed a button that was inside of his shoe. In August's pocket was a cloth and chloroform, and in his hands were masks.

Zia said "what a nice room." Amy said "I picked it out myself. I want our Princess to be comfortable." August said "this room is a last resort if the little brat causes any trouble we'll put her in here." Vilo said "awe your no fun!" Fili said "who cares about what happens to that little brat anyway?" August said "I do if anything happens to that little brat we'll never get our money!" Tis said "awe boss you said our money! I feel so special." August said "I'm gonna hit you later for that, but take your masks Rozu's party is about to start and I want to make a grand entrance." They all put their black masks on that only showed their eyes and left.

4 miles away in a bedroom in a castle that was 19 stories high and over 40,000 square feet was Princess Rozu her lady in waiting named Bloom, and a maid. Rozu wore a light green floor length ballroom gown. The gown had pockets, and was short sleeved. In Rozu's long brown hair were 4 bobby pins that held her bangs back and a flower clip that covered the bobby pins. A woman wearing a maroon floor length gown, a sliver Cross necklace, and a sliver crown with diamonds through out it entered the room. Bloom and the maid curtsied, and Bloom said "Queen Christine how are you?" Christine answered "very well thank you." Rozu stood in front of her mother, spinned around, and said "look at the beautiful dress our seamstress made for me." Christine said "its very beautiful, but where our your lace gloves?" Rozu replied "in my closet." The maid said "I'll get them, and what kind of shoes do you want me to get for you to wear Rozu?" Rozu said "the black flats." The maid said "right away madame." The maid went to get Rozu's shoes and gloves, and Christine said "now Rozu I don't want you to worry about anything tonight. Me and your father made sure that guards are protecting the castle. This is your big night, and I want you to have this." Christine took off the Cross necklace, and put it around Rozu's neck. Rozu hugged her mom, and said "thank you mama." Christine said "happy 9th birthday, now no shenanigans. I better not see one weapon on you tonight." Rozu said "but what if Disappear comes here and kidnaps me like they did to the other high class girls?" Christine said "they won't the guards will take care of them before they can even touch you. No weapons." The maid came back, and handed Rozu her gloves and shoes. Christine said "now Bloom you stay here with Rozu, and you maid come along. They need help down stairs, and Bloom see that Rozu is downstairs in the ballroom in 10 mins the party is about to start." Bloom said "I will Queen Christine." Christine and the maid left, and Bloom said "you better not bring any weapons downstairs or you'll be in a lot of trouble." Rozu put on her shoes while saying "I'll be in even more trouble if I don't. Disapper will be here tonight and I need to be ready for them." Bloom asked "how can you be so sure?" Rozu said "who wouldn't strike at the Princess' party? Its open range for criminals." Bloom said "even if they do come the guards will stop them." Rozu said "oh please! These people aren't stupid! They'll blend in. Disappear wants to make an entrance. They want everyone to know that they have the princess and won't bring me back until their demands are met, and I won't let that happen." Bloom said "but Rozu..." Rozu interrupted saying "just get me my fan from the closet and lets go." Bloom got two fans from the closet, walked back over to Rozu, and handed her one. Rozu said "now Bloom lets go to the party, it's not very lady like to keep your guest waiting."

They left Rozu's room and began to walk down a hallway to Rozu's party. The hallway had hardwood flooring cream color walls with gold trim, pictures of Crosses and Rozu's family, and small tables with vases full of flowers and different plants. As they were walking a vase fell over. They quickly turned around to see a kitten circling around a broken vase. Bloom said "awe," ran over to the kitten, and began petting her. Rozu ran over to Bloom and said "we need to get out of here we're in danger!" Bloom said "awe come on Princess Rozu! It was just this baby kitten." Rozu grabbed Bloom's arm, and said "that's the thing we can't have cats my mother is allergic to them." They heard laughing and turned around to see Zia and Tis. Rozu let go of Bloom's hand as they both backed up and gasped. They turned around to see Amy, Vilo, and Fili standing there. Bloom and Rozu gasped, and a voice said "don't be scared Princess Rozu." Bloom and Rozu turned around to see August standing there with his hand behind his back. Rozu said "your Disappear aren't you?" August bowed while saying "that would be correct Princess." Rozu put her fan in her pocket and asked "so what now, you're just gonna kidnap me and Bloom using that thing behind your back?" August said "no, no, no madam,"August removed his hand behind his back revealing a cloth, held the cloth against Rozu's face while she tried fighting him off until she collapsed, and said "just you." Bloom cried "Rozu!" Bloom began to run while August shouted get her. Zia grabbed her, August walked over to them, and asked "where do you think your going?" Bloom cried "let me go." August held the cloth to Bloom's face until she fell asleep, and he said "finally some peace and quiet." Fili said "nice going boss now what?" August said "Fili go get a blanket from Rozu's room. Tis go take our guest back to head quarters, and Zia go play with the lights." They replied "right away boss," and Vilo asked "what is the blanket for boss?" August smiled and said "I think our inconvenience made this job a lot easier than expected."

In the ballroom was Rozu's parents, family members, child princesses and princes, servers, and guards guarding the entrances. Christine said "ugh where is our daughter Timothy? I told her 10 mins Bloom should've made sure that Rozu was down here." Timothy said "well you know Bloom and Rozu like to wonder just give them some time they'll be here." Christine said "but it's not like our daughter to come late to her own birthday party. Something's not right." The lights began to flicker and everyone in the room gasped. Smoke bombs began to go off, the lights went out and all the guests began cough, allot of them screamed, and many ran around in a panic. The smoke cleared and a spotlight was on August who was standing in the center of the room. All the guest backed away from him, and he said "hello my dear fellow guest." The guards circled August with the swords drawn, and the Christine and Timothy walked over to him. Timothy asked "what are you doing here at my daughter's birthday party?" August said "I just wanted to pay you all a visit. How rude would it have been if I didn't come to the biggest event in town and leave my little present?" Christine shouted "we don't want any of your presents now take you and your group and leave before our guards attack you!" August said "awe that's too bad. Know Rozu just loved the gift we gave." The guards began to close in on him, and August said "not so fast!" August clapped his hands and more smoke bombs went of. The guest and the guards began to cough and the guest ran around in a panic trying to escape but the doors were locked. The smoke cleared and Zia, Amy, Fili, and Vilo appeared in the center. Zia, Amy, Fili, and Vilo had the weapons drawn, and August had his foot on top of a body that was wrapped in a white blanket. Christine screamed "my baby, he has my baby!" The guards closed up on them and August said "call off the guards or she dies!" Timothy shouted "guards drop your weapons!" The guards dropped they're weapons and August said "now all the guards can back up!" Timothy said "do what he says," and the guards backed away from August and his group. August said "now that's better! I don't work well under pressure," he leaned down to the body, and said "right Rozu... You have nothing to say?" Fili chuckled and said "probably because shes under a lot of chloroform." Christine cried "my baby, my poor baby." Timothy said "if its money you want August then it's money you'll get! Just leave Rozu alone!" August said "that's more like it!" Timothy said "just say the number and I'll get you your money." August said "no money I want... Your crown." All the guest spoke among themselves in amazement. Timothy shouted "quiet," the room went silent, and Timothy said "deal." August said "Zia would you kindly get the king's crown please, and thank you." Zia said "no problem boss," and walked over to Timothy while August said "be gentle." Zia said "hand over the crown now!" Timothy handed over the crown, Zia kicked him in the face, he fell to the ground while Disappear laughed, Zia walked back to August, and gave August the crown while saying "here you go boss." August took the crown while Christine helped Timothy up. Christine shouted "you monsters got what you wanted now give us back Rozu." August chuckled and said "I'm not finished yet." Christine asked "what more could you want?!" August chuckled and said "I want your crown too." Christine took off her crown, looked at it, and said "take it! Just give us back Rozu." August said "Amy go and get that." Amy walked over to Christine, snatched the crown out of Christine's hands, and walked back over to August. Timothy shouted "now return Rozu!" August smiled, said "with pleasure my king Timothy, and kicked the body covered in a sheet over to the king and queen. The king and queen dropped to their knees and uncovered the body too see Bloom. Christine gasped and cried "Bloom it's Bloom!" Timothy picked up Bloom and shouted "where's Rozu?!" August laughed and said "she's in my custody. You didn't think getting your dear princess was just gonna cost you two crowns! We're the group Disappear! Masters at kidnapping! Why to think things would be this easy is a real insult, and that raises ransom!" Timothy shouted "guards get him!" August smiled and said "our birds will come by and give you a price for your daughter until then its so long!" The guards charged at August and his group, August said "now," and the smoke bombs full of sleep gas went off." Everyone in the room except for Disappear fell to the floor drifting away in a deep sleep. Timothy slowly drifted away, but before he could August walked over to him, crouched down, said "have a nice rest," the king fell asleep, and Disappear left back to headquarters.