
Take my hand!!

Midoriya izuku kidnapped at a young age and forced into villainy at the hands of the LOV. Taken advantage of for the quirk he had gotten. Trapped in darkness in hopes someone will reach out a hand and bring him to the light. Bakugo Katsuki has been a hero for a year and has been barreling through life full force since the disappearance of his childhood friend.

Rory_Belladonna · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Exit music

"Just pray that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life, and take a swan-dive off the roof! That would make everyone feel better wouldn't it?"

Standing up on the roof with his childhood friend as his eerie voice sings with a tattered heart from the world's mistreatment of him for something out of his control. And the most villainous of them all is Katsuki himself. The green haired boy's voice was loud as he stood a few feet from the edge.

So don't tell me when it's over

I don't wanna know

I'm done carrying the weight of the world

So heavy on my shoulders

I just wanna feel this love

Even if it's only when I'm

Tripping, I see your face

I ain't doing no one a favor

While I'm sober for the moment

I can only hope it's lust

'Cause when the high stops, then I know that you're gone

Over and over all the words he's ever said like knives piercing the innocent boy in front of him.

He's not worth anything! He's a deku! A defect, defenseless, worthless! Can't believe he's still alive! The insults over the years carved into his body dehumanizing him. Shackles dimming the brilliance of the freckled green eyed teen.

Katsuki reaches his trembling hand up to stop the poison from spewing but nothing is working. Every curse and insult causes his childhood friend to step back more and more until he's at the ledge. Katsuki lurches forward to stop him but instead his body pushes the boy off the roof.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Katsuki screams with his hand outstretched to the ceiling.

His body covered in a cold sweat, chest heaving for air as if he ran a marathon. God damn this fucking dream why wont it ever stop. Rolling to his side he sees the time on his alarm clock and gets up to shower and get ready for work.

Katsuki's life as he got older on the road to his dream has had its ups and downs. The life of a hero should be fulfilling to Katsuki, right? But no one told him the road to success could be so lonely. Sometimes he would hear phantom calls of "Kacchan wait for me." But when he would turn there was no one there. An empty space that will never be filled. Then there were some days that were exactly like what he had dreamt of back when he had been a brat. From saving people to kicking ass and becoming a child's hero.

It's only been 2 years since his graduation from UA. Things should have been going well but ever since his childhood friend Izuku Midoriya went missing things have just seemed broken. So Katsuki has spent the last 7 years trying to make up for the one life he could not save.

That morning had been like any other and it had started off normal, he had done his morning routine and headed off to work. An uneasy feeling started to take form in his gut. His squad of idiots call it his bakusense. And thanks to that damn nightmare he just couldn't shake the ugly feeling that had taken root in his heart. Always the same thing on a loop, the haunting truth of his last time seeing Izuku Midoriya. Just never ending torment meant to haunt Katsuki for the rest of his life.

The walk to Hawks agency had been quite peaceful. Children were running on the sidewalks to school. People going on their way to their normal jobs. An almost picture perfect setting that seemed too perfect. If not for the bad feeling he had telling him shit was about to go to hell and real quick.

His thoughts came to a halt as the sounds of explosions rang overhead. Pieces of the building started to crumble and fall. Katsukis feet move at a sprint he jumps off the Ground and releases his quirk propelling himself into the air. Barreling towards the burning building to help evacuate civilians. Screams and shouts of help echoing through the chaos. In his peripherals he caught sight of a piece of rubble about to fall on a young girl.

"Fucking hell!" He yelled.

Katsuki pushes himself as hard as he could, willing his body to surpass his limit without his gear. Swooping in, grabbing a hold of the child and rolling along the pavement carefully not to cause injury to the kid. Other heros finally began to pour in and take a handle on the scene. Taking the young girl to the medics where she could be checked for injury.

The scent of smoke and dust was heavy on Katsuki's clothing as if he was wrapped in a blanket of destruction. The smell overwhelmed his senses causing his stomach to turn. Which most would find strange since he was a guy who had grown up with the smell of nitroglycerin and debris sticking to his clothes because of his explosive quirk. He's just glad that other heros from his generation were always quick to take action unlike the heros from when Katsuki had been attacked by the sludge villain. Heros standing on the sidelines as he suffocated all because the situation was incompatible with their quirks. He would never be a hero like that.

Katsuki hadn't become one of the top 30 heroes by standing on the side and not moving his ass. He would always jump into action, even if it had left him with some serious road rash and his wrists aching from not using proper gear. At Least it would heal without scarring and some soreness to his body. What couldn't be healed was losing a life and he would do everything in his power to save everyone like his childhood friend would have if he were still alive. What he needs at the moment is a hot shower and to get ready for patrol.

"Great job out there Bakubro." Kirishima said as he entered the locker room with Katsuki. Things have been tense as of late with all the dead bodies of low level thugs popping up and heroes going missing. His mentor Muriko being one that's been MIA for several months. Staples of the league are still lurking out there. Everything involving the organization had quieted down after All For One's death. But all the disappearances scream LOV.

"Yeah, whatever." Katsuki didn't have the energy to build up anymore than that in a response. It was almost polite for how he usually talked. "Fuck" he says while stretching his arms out he lets out a hiss of pain.

"Yo bakubro let me help." Kirishima reaches his hand out grabbing his hand and needing his fingers into his forearm in small circles.

"Hey i dont need any fucking help." He tries to pull out of his grip."and how the hell do you know how to do that?"

"Sorry man, I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable. I just happened to see some notebooks in your office game night when everyone passed out drunk. So I kinda read a few and one had talked about messaging your arms after overusing your quirk without your gear." He quickly explained while avoiding eye contact. " To be honest I was a little surprised that you were into analyzing heros."

"I'm not, damn it they were his.." He mumbles off " Fucking forget about it and dont go through my office." He says wrenching his arm out of Kirishima's grasp and turning away.

"Yeah man, sorry for invading your privacy. I'm gonna take off." Katsuki can hear the saddened voice escape him as he leaves the locker room.

He knows he went too far with his attitude just now. It's not that Katsuki hates his friends, it's that he feels like he doesnt deserve them after all the stuff he had done when he was young. And shitty hair hadn't annoyed the shit out of him yet today, keyword yet so he should have been able to be civil. But those notebooks are a taboo in katsukis life. Midoriya Inko had brought them to the bakugou residence. And with a somber smile she handed them to Katsuki saying "He would have wanted you to have them."

At the time however he didn't take the time to really read them over and see the overwhelming talent of a small child until his mentor got ahold of Them and read them when he was moving. Muriko was a hard ass but was damn good at being a hero and she was the first one to ever hear of his past and about the green eyed boy who had stolen his heart that he had underappreciated.

Trying to expel all thoughts from his head that didn't involve his job he went to the locker, stripping off all his civilian clothes to head into the shower. Turning the faucet on and slipping his back directly under the spray, wincing only a bit at the sting from the hot water hitting his open wounds. Then he relaxed as he let the water wash away some of the grimy scent before he began to actually clean himself.

As he began to feel a little normal when he returned to his locker with a towel around his waist. He dumped his soiled clothing and grabbed his hero gear from his locker. As he was finished suiting up for patrol, he heard a ding that alerted him to his work phone letting him know he had gotten a text. It was a sound he had become familiar with throughout his first year of pro hero work.

The text was from hawks letting him know to meet in conference room 3. He had been slightly briefed over the phone about a possible undercover mission he would go on. So he was prepared to just quickly scan the report and get mission details. Of course he didn't let it show that he was more than a little irked at having to suddenly drop everything to be told to go undercover like some underground extra, but there was no arguing on the path to being the number one hero. Even if it wasn't spotlight work doesn't make it any less valuable as hero work.

It was irritating as all hell! There had been so few arrests over the last couple years that could lead to a possible connection of the LOV. Unfortunately for us we would never know if they were league members or not because these thugs were extremely loyal to their leader, so incredibly loyal that they would rather die fighting or commit suicide before ever getting a chance to interrogate them.


"Now that you're all here, let's get started shall we." Hawks states.

Katsuki glances around the room seeing cheeks and mindfuck sitting in the room with their old teacher Aizawa Sensei and All Might.

"If you open to the second page of your folders you will see a series of photos of Cirque Du Mal, the underground club in the red light district." Hawks said, gesturing at the photos up on the overhead.

"We have been informed that it's run by Shigaraki Tomura, leader of the LOV."

"What informant lead you to believe that the LOV was running that shit?" Katsuki questioned.

"Yes, the information we have received is reliable. The two who have stepped forward happen to be members of LOV and have been for a while."

" How the fuck do you know this isnt some kind of trap? Could be hand job trying to pick us off in smaller groups at a time! This shit has gotten too out of hand with how many heroes have come up missing." Katsuki seethes remembering his own mentor who has been missing for 8 months.

"Ground Zero, if you would allow me to continue I can answer all questions when I'm finished. I understand that everyone has been tense since the missing heroes case that is ongoing. But maybe this can shed some light onto where they are or what happened to them." Hawks shakes his head, ridding himself of his sadness of his missing friends and colleagues. " As I was saying We've had two members come forward with information on Shigaraki and the other members. When asked why they were being so compliant and helping they both said the same thing."

After a minute or so, Katsuki breaks the silence " Are you gonna finish telling us or keep us waiting all day?" He says through clenched teeth becoming more annoyed with his boss.

" The condition that has been laid out is to save a few that are being held hostage by the league." He finishes.

"How much do we know about their involvement with the league? Even if they were forced to hurt people can they really be pardoned of their crimes?" Uravity asks but continues " I'm not saying they can't be forgiven but how do we know if any of this is true and not a ploy to plant people on our side. I just think this might be too risky."

"Well to answer your questions I actually have one of the informants and you all know of her as well." Gesturing towards the door in walks one of the top ten most sought after villains Blood Maiden. She stands at 5'2 with shoulder length wavy red hair put in a ponytail. She's vicious not only for her combat skills while fighting quirkless but her defense is off the charts. She's one of the league's top gunners.

"Hello there heroes. I appreciate you allowing me to come here to ask for your assistance even though I'd much rather not be associated with you at all." She clenches her teeth and looks away. "I need to save them before the worst happens."

"The worst happens?" Uravity asks.

"A few nights ago Shiggy was talking with Kurogiri and told him he wanted to kill two of our people in front of Maestro to cause him to have a breakdown and a surge in his power. You see I know I'm not a good person but Maestro is someone with a genuine heart. A kind soul that has been dealt a nasty fate. The worst part is no matter what happens to the rest of us he is their key to winning the war between heroes and villains. Truthfully I don't want to see him being destroyed." She looked away with her brows pinched.

"Can you give us more information on the ones you want rescued? Names? Ages? How did they become affiliated with the league?" Shinsou's voice came in almost a little too bored.

" I will not reveal Maestro's name, that's something I'll leave up to him. He is 20 years old and was kidnapped by all for one when he was a child. Next is Kota Izumi. He's 6 years old and was brought to Shiggy after miscular killed his parents and aunt. Maestro's been protecting him since he was brought in. He's his only weakness and the bastard shigaraki knows it." Theres a slight pause before she continues showing her determination. " And before you get mad the last person is.. Toga Himiko."

Uravity jumps up in protest, "Now that is ridiculous after everything Toga has done you're telling us she needs to be helped? Her actions didn't seem that of someone who needs saving."

"Iz- Err no i mean Maestro is basically her little brother she's been being manipulated by other members of the league. What you might not know is with Togas quirk she needs blood to survive. She's a living vampire with the added ability of transforming. When Toga makes a mistake she is put in a room and starved. Her blood thirst causes her to lose control and go on a rampage." Clicks her tongue looking away.

Frustration leaking into the room from the mixed opinions. Katsuki cant help but wonder why this woman would put herself in a situation of being captured. His thoughts are interrupted by a loud throat clearing.

" Young Blood maiden if you don't mind me asking what made you become a villain? Also what helped you change and ask for help?" Yagi Toshinori asked with a smile on his face.

Taken aback by the question she began to flounder, opening and closing her mouth. Wringing her fingers together and avoiding eye contact. Blood maiden is usually pretty good about schooling her emotions and avoiding certain topics. But she knew she needed to do this for them.

"You know, ever since I was young I wanted to live a quiet life. One where I could live freely without prejudice. But the one thing that stopped that was getting a quirk others saw as terrifying or villainous." Her voice is a little shaky making eye contact with all the heroes in the room. "Growing up we were taught to look up to heroes and that they will keep us safe. Only the reality of it is we are nothing but games for them to show off and be superior. When I was twelve I used my quirk to stop classmates of mine from getting hurt inx a villain attack… but when the heroes showed up all they saw was a strange girl using her quirk with a bunch of villains."

The memories of that day caused her anger to flare up. "So instead of finding out what happened and apprehending the villains. They instead attacked a twelve year old girl because she had a villainous quirk."

Uravity let out a loud gasp as the villain told them about her past. Mind hack and Eraserheads anger is evident on their faces. All might and Ground zero looking away with faces full of guilt.

"When I needed someone most, the only ones who were there were people like me. Cast aside or forgotten. But then someone reached a hand out and they shone so brightly I wished I had a pair of sunglasses."

She remembered the exact moment when she saw Izuku. It had been a day like any other shiggy had been sending his members out to recruit stronger villains for the army he wanted to build. Blood maiden had been gone for two years and when she returned nothing had really changed except now there was a child with eyes that shone like emeralds. Looking around like a deer in headlights. Clear eyes pleading for an escape or someone to help him. That's when she saw what was terrifying the boy so much. Shiggy moved swiftly, hands splayed out searching to make contact with their prey.

The boy barely rolled away. Feet skittering across the ground to stand up as fast as possible. Body swaying from over exertion. His eye trained to the ground almost to hide his tears.

"Use your quirk, you low level npc!! Stop pretending to be weak when the master has trained you himself!" Shigaraki bellowed. "Show me that fancy quirk of yours before I show your momma my quirk."

The boy clenched his fist and grit his teeth lifting his head. Piercing emerald eyes With a fury and determination trained only on Shigaraki. Watching him like a predator ready to pounce on its prey. Blood maiden was baffled, the change in the room was stifling. A small child causing an immense amount of pressure causing unease to the crowd. But only Shigaraki stood tall like nothing had happened.

Then they moved. Their bodies blurred by the fast movements. Shigaraki would throw a fist and the boy would block blow for blow. Speeding up faster and faster it felt like her head was spinning. Until a soft voice said "freeze."

The shocking truth of why this kid was being kept there was revealed. Shigaraki's body froze allowing no movements. And the boy walked up to him slowly with a grin stretched across his face.

"You would be dead if this were a real fight." The boy said.

The look in Shigaraki's eyes could kill.

"Unfreeze" the boy said as he walked away heading towards the back rooms where everyone slept. Shigaraki's body slumped to the floor then he gave a vicious growl as he jumped to his feet.

"Get Back here you useless brat. You only won that because you're a cheating npc that no one cares about." Shigaraki bellowed.

A few hours have passed since the training session. Blood Maiden walks up the stairs that lead to the rooftop. She needed some fresh air with some peace and quiet. And this time of night was the best to gaze at the stars. As she rounded the last set of stairs she heard what sounded like the soft strumming of a guitar and humming. The door to the roof was ajar so she peeked through To see who the sound was coming from. Then a voice started singing low, sweet, and sad.

Wake from your sleep

The drying of your tears

Today, we escape, we escape

Pack and get dressed

Before your father hears us

Before all hell breaks loose

Breathe, keep breathing

Don't lose your nerve

Breathe, keep breathing

I can't do this alone

Sing us a song

A song to keep us warm

There's such a chill, such a chill

And you can laugh

A spineless laugh

We hope your rules and wisdom choke you

Now we are one in everlasting peace

We hope that you choke, that you choke

We hope that you choke, that you choke

We hope that you choke, that you choke

Towards the end of the song the boy was freely letting tears fall down his face. Beautiful emerald eyes shone brightly as moonlight encased his body in an almost ethereal way. Her feet moved before her mind could stop herself from coming out and being seen.

The small boy turned his head and jumped a little at the sudden audience. He stood abruptly dropping his guitar to the ground and placed himself in a half bow.

"H-hello I-i am s-orry for the noise. I-its r-really late and I m-must have d-disturbed your rest. W-whenever I f-feel anxious I t-try singing t-to calm down. I p-promise not t-o do this again. S-sorry really I'm s.."

"Hey kid. Chill out I'm not upset I actually couldn't even hear you until I was almost to the rooftop." She bends down and grabs the guitar by the neck and lifts it gently off the ground."Here's your guitar back but in the future don't treat it so roughly scared or not. You're a musician aren't ya?"

The boy looks at her with wide eyes, confusion written all over his face. Then his face turns bright red embarrassment overcoming him. As he reaches for the guitar he begins stammering out word vomit at a fast pace.

"Oh thank you very much. And I promise not to do that again. But no I'm not a musician I just like to sing it always feels like a release. I'm not good enough to be considered a musician, I just like music. And I really shouldn't have been playing up here so late… "

"Ok OK I get it, kid calm down I'm not mad it was just some advice. Jeez, are all kids like this nowadays" she's rubbing the side of her head. "What's your name kid?"

He looks up and a pure smile breaks out on his face. With gleaming green eyes.

" Hello my name is Izuku Midoriya. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Excuse me Miss maiden? Are you OK? You kind of spaced out." Uravity said, pulling the woman out of her thoughts.

"Yeah sorry about that it's almost time for us to open the club so I need to leave but please help me get those kids out. I don't care if I'm arrested and sent to prison, I just want them to live a normal life." She says as she's bowed down to them.

"Fine! Even if these extras won't go. I will! That's what heroes are for." Ground Zero says.

"Well that is why we became heroes so might as well do our job." Mind hacks monotone voice says.

"Alright let's do it and save some kids!" Uravity cheers loudly.

"If everyone is in agreement to the mission then here's the plan." Says hawks