

" Good or evil Hero or villian It all burns down to the power man can control." This book tells the story of Henry Blank, a human soldier sent to space to check a new planet humans on Earth named Saivas which was discovered on by a satellite. The soldier and his team reached Saivas but the whole crew was killed except for one soldier, Henry. Left stranded on a strange planet, he strives to survive in a dark world, then he luckily gained the strongest ability to ever exist. Henry protects his world and the strange world as he struggles to keep his sanity and values.

Emma08 · Võ hiệp
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Level systems

Before I start this chapter, I will introduce the levelling system on Taintron to you so that you will understand. You will meet a lot of levels as this story progresses.

Weapons level systems;

Basic Tier - Level 1- 10

Advanced Tier - Level 11- 20

King tier - Level 20- 30

Legendary tier - Level 31- 40

Heaven Tier - Level 41- 45

Extraordinary or divine tier- Level 46- 50

Beasts level systems;

Basic Tier- Level 1- 10

Advanced Tier- Level 11- 20

King Tier - Level 21- 30

Legendary Tier- Level 31- 40

Heaven Tier- Level 41- 50

Note: Extraordinary beasts can not be levelled because when a beast on Taintron evolves from Heaven Tier to the next stage, it becomes a guardian.

On Taintron, not all humans have abilities but the humans without abilities are still capable of rivalling the ones with abilities. When the humans without abilities absorb beast crystals, go through training or they enhance their skills, they advance the levels. Although they have no abilities, they are capable of reaching the Heaven rank but they can't be extraordinary creatures because only ability users and beasts can become extraordinary creatures, Guardians and gods.

Human Level systems;

Apprentice rank- Level 1- 10

Advanced rank- Level 11- 20

King rank- Level 21- 30

Legendary rank- Level 31- 40

Heaven rank- Level 41- 50

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" Get ready, we will be landing in a few minutes." A man announced loudly on the ship that Greg and Henry were kept.

" He is just a rank below me, a level 17 human." Greg whispered.

" Seriously? These guys are really strong." Henry muttered with his voice laced with surprise.

" It's a very lucrative business so the ones involved have the resources and experience to grow stronger." Greg explained.

" But how are you able to sense their levels?" Henry asked.

" You will be able to sense the levels of those in the same rank as you and the ones in the next rank. But you wouldn't be able to know the ones in the other ranks because they are stronger. If you are stronger, you can sense the ones below you easily." Greg responded.

" Huh." Henry grunted as he thought about what Greg said.

" But that's not all, some magic tools are created with the sole purpose to sense levels and ranks and these tools are capable of sensing all the levels, even the ones above. But it is very expensive, there is also another tool that conceals levels." Greg added.

" Why would you conceal your level if you are strong?"

" For the element of surprise and other reasons I don't know off." Greg responded and Henry quickly understood what he said.

" Do I have a Level already?" Henry asked Greg and he turned to look at Henry.

" No, you are still ordinary." Greg responded after staring intently at Henry.

" But I have an ability." Henry grumbled.

" Don't talk about that, your ability is more important than you realise." Greg cut Henry short sharply.

" I will have to get you a tool that will conceal your level and the fact that you have an ability." Greg said.

Minutes later, the ship landed outside the canyon and they took all the slaves out of the ship. Some slavers including the mysterious leader of the slavers, escorted the slaves into the canyon, taking them to their buyers. As they moved, Greg and Henry talked about a lot things like the food that existed on Taintron before someone interrupted.

" Greg." A man called from behind Greg, Henry and Greg turned to look at who called Greg.

" What are you doing here?" Greg asked the man with annoyance all over his face.

" Is this how you greet an old friend?" The man asked with an amused laugh.

" You are not my friend again." Greg responded.

" You are really popular." Henry muttered but he was heard.

" Who's this kid?" The man named Kai asked Greg.

" A student." Greg said.

" A student? He is not even a level one." Kai sneered.

" He just started a few days ago."

" So what are you doing here?" Kai asked Greg.

" Job." Greg responded quickly.

" You?" Greg added.

" I was on a mission to find someone that will help me with my experiments but that person is stronger than I thought." Kai responded unhurriedly.

" Kai, you are yet to stop your crazy experiments." Greg said with slight irritation.

" You shouldn't call it crazy, it's noble. The cause I have dedicated my life to will ensure our survivability. With the experiments we are carrying out, any human can become a god and our race will be superior." Kia said dreamily with a dedicated smile on his face.

" We can finally rule the void, take control… " Kai raved on but he was cut short by Greg.

" Stop it, just stop. I have heard this a million times and I am already sick of it." Greg snapped and he walked faster, creating a large space between him and Kai.

" Who is he?" Henry asked Greg after he caught up to Greg.

" He is just a crazy zealot." Greg retorted.

" Why did you say that?" Henry asked, confused.

" He believes in breeding humans with beasts."

" Huh? How is that even possible?" Henry was befuddled after hearing what Greg said.

" Only his organisation knows that. They have created dozens of successful breeds and they are strong, stronger than normal humans. Their evolution process is faster and they have the abilities of the beasts they have bred with but there are so many cons. Only one out of ten survive the experiments and the successful ones are always crazy and irrational, like beasts." Greg explained slowly.

" Is Kai a successful product?" Henry asked.

" Yes." Greg responded.

" Do you know his level?"

" Not right now, he seems to be concealing it. But the last time I checked, he was a legendary rank. He is level 33." Greg said.

" But that doesn't matter, I have a hunch that these slavers will be attacked." Greg added.

" Huh?" Henry grunted.

" His friends wouldn't let someone this strong get captured by slavers so they will try to save him. It will happen soon." Greg said.

" You are right." Kai added, surprising Greg and Henry. They didn't know that he was hearing what they were saying, they didn't even notice him get behind them.

" You are right Greg, they will come save me soon. Do you really think these lowly slavers can sell me?" Kai said with a confident smile on his face.

" Whatever." Greg said with an annoyed tone.

" Don't worry, every slave would be saved and chaos will ensue." Kai said before chuckling crazily and the way he laughed made Henry shudder. Suddenly a loud bang was heard and a slaver head rolled through the long line of the chained slaves.

" And so it starts." Kai said before laughing loudly. Dozens of men dressed in blue armour covered with blue robes appeared and they started attacking the slavers.

" Kai release us now!" Greg shouted at Kai that was still laughing, Henry was confused with what Greg just said. They were all chained but how would Kai release him?

" How is he going to do that?" Henry shouted amidst the chaos. More men in blue armors were appearing and they were crazily attacking the slavers.

" Just watch." Greg shouted back.

" Does this scene look familiar? It sure does." Kai said to Greg before breaking the restraints on his wrists with brute force. Henry was surprised that he broke the restraints easily, he could have done this but why is he just doing this.

" I can finally take who I came here for." Kai said as he released Greg and Henry from their restraints. He came to the desert to capture a man that has a rare and strange ability, the ability to create illusions and the man is the mysterious leader of the slavers. When he realised that he couldn't capture the man alone, he surrendered himself to the slavers after telling them to attack the leader with him.

" Thank you." Greg said after his restraints were already taken off before Henry was released.

" Kai, the leader is who you came for right?" Greg asked.

" Yes." Kai said.

" Be careful, he is strong." Greg said before running away with Henry.

" It seems that he still cares for me." Kai said as he smiled.

" Now let's just capture this man." Kai said as he dashed forward.