

" Good or evil Hero or villian It all burns down to the power man can control." This book tells the story of Henry Blank, a human soldier sent to space to check a new planet humans on Earth named Saivas which was discovered on by a satellite. The soldier and his team reached Saivas but the whole crew was killed except for one soldier, Henry. Left stranded on a strange planet, he strives to survive in a dark world, then he luckily gained the strongest ability to ever exist. Henry protects his world and the strange world as he struggles to keep his sanity and values.

Emma08 · Võ hiệp
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Besed Jesseco

Henry opened his eyes slowly as his head ached slightly, he sat up before looking around. He saw that he was already in a different place, this place didn't look like where he passed out. He stood on his feet slowly and he saw that there was no one around him, just birds chirping.

" You are awake." Henry heard a familiar voice say behind him, Henry turned and he saw Greg walking towards him as he held a dead beast. Henry noticed that his armour looked damaged and he didn't see Greg's broadsword on Greg.

" I went to hunt for something we are going to eat." Greg said with a bright smile on his face before raising the dead beast in his hand.

" Greg… " Henry blurted out.

" What's up?" Greg asked as he stood opposite Henry.

" You saved me again." Henry said.

" Oh that." Greg said with a wry smile before walking past Henry, heading to where he placed the wood he would use to cook the meat. Greg didn't want to save Henry but when he saw that Henry had absorbed the crystal, owning a powerful ability. He couldn't let Henry leave that way, numerous powerhouses on Taintron wanted that same ability and when they see a weak man owning that power. They would just kill him and get the power so Greg planned on taking Henry to his kingdom so that they would have control over him.

They planned on controlling him while he is still weak with a tool capable of turning people into mindless slaves that obeyed every order.

" Where are your men?" Henry asked when he looked around and he noticed that Greg was the only one in his squad that he saw. When Greg heard the question, he stopped walking for a second but he continued moving without responding to Henry's questions for seconds.

" They are all dead." Greg finally responded, surprise hit Henry hard as he heard what Greg said. Dead? Those men were clearly strong and yet they were clearly killed by one man!

" How?" Henry blurted out as he walked towards Greg.

" We thought DreamFrye had the crystal but he didn't and he later realised that the crystal wasn't with him so he got angry and he destroyed my squad but I escaped." Greg explained.

" I am sorry."

" It's not your fault." Greg said with a smile as he skinned the beast he killed.

" And this brings us to the crystal… are you with it?" Greg asked as he turned to face Henry with a serious look.

" I was with it." Henry responded honestly, he noticed that Greg already knew something but he was asking for confirmation. So there was no need to lie, he knew this because he was a soldier too and body language remains the same on any planet.

" What does that mean?" Henry asked.

" The crystal joined with me." Henry responded.

" You already absorbed the crystal?" Greg asked, not acting surprised.

" Yes, I guess you know that already." Henry said.

" Hm. Do you know anything about the crystal?" Greg asked.

" No."

" Have a seat and let me tell you what you are now and what you are going to face in the future." Greg said as he found a rock that he sat on.

" The crystal you absorbed is an ability crystal, there are different types of crystals. Beast crystals, ability crystals and power crystals. Beast crystals enhance abilities and capabilities of humans and ability users and they also help create weapons and armors although they are not the major components. Ability crystals are crystals that store abilities and you just absorbed one. Power crystals are the crystals that fuel ships, machines and a lot of things.

The crystal you absorbed contained a powerful ability which is the ability to absorb other abilities. Now you tell you what you will go through after absorbing this crystal, this ability was first seen three hundred years ago. A man named Besed Jesseco owned the ability but he wasn't the only one that owned the ability, his wife also had the same ability. He ruled a city in the North belt of Drah Kingdom which is in another continent, his city was filled with bandits, criminals, assassins, bounty hunters, slavers, crazy ability users, his city was the paradise for unwanted people in other kingdoms.

The kingdoms wanted the people in his city arrested, better dead but they didn't dare to attack his city. Besed was strong, so strong and his wife was also strong but most importantly, he had the ability to control the dead. Under his city, an army of dead soldiers laid and any kingdom that fought him should be ready to face millions of zombies that couldn't die and the most annoying thing is that the more they died, the more the dead army got stronger.

So the kingdoms in the continent ignored his city but that was until Besed killed a strange man that visited his city. Just like other deaths in the city, it was ignored until days later when a strange man attacked Besed in his city. He managed to destroy half of his city but he couldn't destroy the city or kill Besed so he retreated into the ice lands and Besed chased after him. Nobody knew what happened because people as strong as them or stronger could watch them fight but few people were as strong as those two powerhouses so nobody knew what happened. But days later after an intense battle, the man that attacked Besed came out of the ice lands with a crystal that contained Besed's ability meaning he already killed Besed.

Most people were surprised, especially his wife, people thought that Besed couldn't be defeated. The man left the continent and he headed to this same continent we are standing on and everyone got to know that he is the brother of the emperor of the Navas kingdom. After delivering the crystal to his brother, nobody knew where he went till now, he is somewhere right now.

That same crystal was stolen by my kingdom a hundred years ago and the crystal was stolen by DreamFrye and I was sent with my squad to get the crystal because such power shouldn't be in the wrong hands." Greg said unhurriedly.

" Woah… I guess I am lucky and also unfortunate." Henry said after hearing what Greg said.

" You could put it that way." Henry said as he chuckled.

" So what's your plan?" Henry asked.

" Go back and tell them that I failed to get the crystal but I am with the man that absorbed the crystal." Greg said and Henry understood what he said.

" It looks like I don't have a choice but to come with you." Henry said before smiling wryly.

" You have a choice but you have to come with me because my kingdom can protect you and groom you into a powerful man like Besed Jesseco." Greg said but he felt guilty as he said this, he knew that his kingdom wouldn't do what he said, his kingdom would make Henry a slave.

" But that means I owe you something I can never repay till I die." Henry said although he didn't plan on dying on Taintron.

" Yeah. Let's leave that for now and let's get something to eat." Greg said and he stood up and he resumed skinning the beast before cooking it.

Minutes later, the meat was already cooked and they were eating the meat.

" This is so sweet… sweeter than the animals on Earth." Henry blurted out as he ate the meat.

" Earth?!" Greg repeated.

" Huh?" Henry grunted as he realised that he had said something he didn't want to say.

" It's nothing." Henry said as he smiled wryly, Greg didn't ask him again as he noticed that Henry didn't plan on saying anything. After eating, they suddenly heard a loud scream, followed by another scream then it didn't stop for minutes.